Which way would most women go and why if visited by the “Weight Fairy”?
Tonight if the “Weight Fairy” visited 20 women across the US from the west coast to the east coast. These women visited were 165lb-180lb. The Weight Fairy tells them the have a choice, they can go to 230lb+ with three stomachs, double chin, chicken flap back arms, tankles, and double saddlebags on the side, or they can go to 123lb toned legs, firm perky breast, flat stomach, tight buns. If they did not pick anything they would get the former by default. Out of the 20 women how many do you honestly believe will pick the former over the latter and why, or do you believe they would pick the latter (lighter) over the former?
Asked because Future waited so long to see a question of this magnitude. :-P
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72 Answers
I can’t see why they would pick anything other than the lighter version.
^^ They might think being slender is somehow less healthy? ^^
No woman wants to be overweight, so of course they’re going to choose the “light” option.
Can you imagine? Please weight fairy, make me weight 230 lbs so I can be stared at and made fun of by shallow minded people with no manners.
Dude, where do you come up with this stuff?
I’d certainly pick the 123 lb option. I think most women would.
Exactly, no woman wants to be fat. We spend our life being on a diet or in the gym.
@Headhurts Indeed, I’m sure no person wants to be fat. Why @Hypocrisy_Central has limited his question to women is unclear. Perhaps he will explain.
I’m trying to figure out if this is a trick question. Why would anyone want to purposely get fatter (in the blink of an eye) with all of the unflattering features that you listed, as opposed to becoming somewhat thinner and having the flattering features, and healthfulness (because our thin lady sounds fit, not anorexic).
I’m trying to figure out if you meant to ask if the fairy came along and offered that you could be really fat or anorexic, which would we pick. In that case, I’d rather be fat. I think an anorexic person would be more likely to die than just a run of the mill fat lady. Plus, the idea of giving up food (I’m assuming that if I was to be an anorexic that would be part of the deal too) is un-thinkable.
Another version of the question is would you rather become bigger and heavier, but still very fit, like a weight lifter or shotputter, or would you rather become very unfit and anorexic.
The other thing that strikes me as odd about this question, and maybe you just weren’t being clear, I’m thinking that the height of the woman in question might matter. Because a woman who’s 5 ft. 8 inches or taller, but gained the extra weight (but was still fit, without all of the ugly features that you mentioned) would be a better fit than if that same woman shrunk down to 123 lbs. because that woman would truly fit the definition of an anorexic.
Maybe you could come back an clarify why you chose only these 2 seemingly un-related choices.
@glacial Perhaps he will explain.
When it comes to body size (or obsession) women are more visceral and public about it than men. Most Facebook personalities that would take their own picture in a mirror (usually in clothes they feel makes them sexy) are females. Ad people and the public in general makes less of a deal if a man is 30–55lbs overweight (many pro football players are and hardly get a “oh hum”). Men don’t usually care, much less comment on if their buddies are 50lb overweight. In short (from my experience) men care very little about the weight of other men, whether they know them or not. Many guys can get a way with wearing baggy clothes even to the point it looks ridiculous—it is seen as fashion. Women can’t do it without comment. Slender does more for a woman than it will ever do for a man.
@Kardamom Plus, the idea of giving up food (I’m assuming that if I was to be an anorexic that would be part of the deal too) is un-thinkable. Starving yourself to keep the weight off is not part of the deal. You can eat normal just your metabolism would change to not retain the fat to make you overweight.
Because a woman who’s 5 ft. 8 inches or taller, but gained the extra weight (but was still fit, without all of the ugly features that you mentioned) would be a better fit than if that same woman shrunk down to 123 lbs. because that woman would truly fit the definition of an anorexic. I was using the standard height of women I see about town here, which is an average height of 5ft 6½in (I did not have a tape measure to measure them more accurately by).
The way the question is currently worded seems kind of like this (non) comparison.
Would you men, if visited by the hair fairy, rather have a great big, lumpy bald head, or would you rather be blessed with nice thick head of hair? I think most men would pick the thick head of hair.
But if the question was worded like this, “Would you men, if visited by the hair fairy rather be bald like Patrick Stewart, or would you rather have a full set of hair like This Gentleman But in the way that this similar question is worded, I imagine that most men would choose the bald head.
But if you are keen on keeping the original wording of the question, I can’t fathom why anyone, male or female would want to get bigger and take on the un-attractive features like the saddle bags and double chin. If we could be thinner, but not be anorexic, I think everyone would choose that. I can’t think of a reason they would not, unless their mate was a chubby chaser.
I’m 5’7 and weight 120–125 depending on the time of the month. lol
I’m not anorexic, I eat quite a bit. But, I have, in the past, starved myself. I don’t think that I was anorexic then either, but I did have a fear of food. I would literally freak out at the thought of putting food in my mouth. I got down to just over 100 lbs. My doctor told me that if I didn’t start eating he was going to put me in the hospital because my stomach was trying to eat itself or something like that. The pains were excruciating.
Ok, so maybe I was anorexic, now that I’m thinking about it while I’m typing this. :0/
Being overweight is not a choice most consciously would make, it’s sneaky. Are you a chubby chaser? lol
I’m totally a “chubby chaser”. lol I love big teddy bear type guys.
@Katniss Part of the insidiousness of anorexia is that people who have it, almost never believe that they have it. Fear of food and starving one’s self are hallmarks of anorexia. Here is a height to weight ratio Chart. You are definitely on the very low end of the healthy weight spectrum, so at 100 lbs. you were definitely not healthy.
@Katniss You need to come over to the dark side with me and become a Food Enthusiast. I’m not fat, I am average weight for my height, but I love to eat and cook and share meals and recipes with people. As long as people eat healthy foods and maintain fitness levels, they’ll be fine.
@Kardamom Thanks for the chart. :0)
I guess, if nothing else, I’m at least closer to a decent weight now.
It’s really strange for me because my fiancé encourages me to eat and has mention that it wouldn’t hurt to gain a few pounds. My ex would tell me pretty much daily how fat and ugly I was.
I do love to eat, but I feel guilty when I eat something that is full of fat and calories. lol
Old habits die hard I guess.
Thank you for the encouragement!
@Katniss All it takes is one horrible comment from someone to drive people towards anorexia. In your case, the ex-boyfriend, was probably just one culprit, the media is another huge culprit.
Be thankful that you have a boyfriend that encourages you to eat and gain a few pounds. He sounds like a keeper. Maybe you and he could take a healthy cooking class together. Don’t feel guilty about craving (and sometimes eating) fat and calorie laden food, we all have that problem. LOL.
But there is a whole big world of yummy (and healthy) foods out there. We just gotta help you find them. Learning how to cook, and learning different methods for preparing food, is the most useful way to eat well and stay healthy. Don’t be afraid to try new foods and new methods of preparing food. Ask all of your friends and relatives and co-workers what their favorite healthy recipe is, then start trying them out.
Also food is one of the most sensual ways to express your love for your boyfriend. Feeding each other can be really fun, wink wink!
Try this recipe for Pasta Primavera
Or this one for Fruit Salad
I find this question insulting and demeaning rather then light hearted and fun.
@glacial and @Kardamom pointed out the illogic of this question. They did not touch on the sexism involved.
I am not so polite. By asking this question you are in effect strengthening the conditioning of women. The lack of a purpose beyond weight. That many of us would choose 123 lbs proves in your mind and in ours that we as women are vain.
But consider the unhealthiness we would feel. The additional burden of carrying this weight around, that many of us would have a hard time performing our duties. Or that we would be less successful in society today.
(Side note reminds me of this book where this man was cursed to waste away despite constant eating. He was dieing and consumed by his constant hunger yet no amount of eating would save him.)
It seems it would be easier to carry around a lesser bulk even if we were weaker by virtue of having no muscle or on the verge if not aneorixic.
This whole question is subversive. Is it that you prefer or find it less threatening to deal with women imprisoned by their vanity and physically weaker then you @Hypocrisy_Central?
Why would 230 lbs necessarily come with all of those ‘features’? By wording the question the way you have, you’re essentially asking “Would you rather be good looking or ugly?”, which is an entirely different question.
At nearly 5’ 8”, neither weight you’ve listed would be my ideal. I’d look and feel best at around 145 to 155 lbs.
For the record, this is me, at my current weight: 210 to 215 lbs. I don’t have “three stomachs, chicken flap back arms, tankles, and double saddlebags on the side” – though I do have a bit of a double chin.
I agree with auggie. ^ :)
Also a woman who is 230lbs can be just as healthy as a woman who is 123lbs. The only difference is body shape. That’s what I believe.
The important thing is not the weight, it’s whether or not you’re happy with your body.
I would love to be one of those people. Unfortunately I’m the person who looks in the mirror and see’s only flaws.
123lbs would make me underweight. I think the lowest recommended weight for my height and frame is like 145lbs. So I have to choose between being underweight or obese? And the obese option comes with unrealistic physical features? Trick question. I’ll take the healthiest option of 165–180lbs.
I suppose the logical thing to do would be to choose the underweight option and then be pretty lax on the diet front until back to a healthy weight.
@SavoirFaire I thought of the same thing but in his reply to @Kardamom he said that adjusting diet to then compensate should you pick the fat would not change anything the bodies metabolism would adjust to compensate accordingly. I presume that would also be true for the anorexic.
I want 4 stomachs, a triple chin and a side of chicken flap back arms. To go, please.
@augustlan I had to do a triple take there, you look just like my mum about 20 year ago.
For me, at 5 foot 9, 230 is too heavy (but not horrifying) and 120 is too thin. I was 230 not that long ago (I had weight loss surgery and lost major weight within a short period of time). I can tell you that at 230 I did not have two chins and three stomachs. I can also tell you that at 120 lbs, I would probably look saggy and really bad. I can tell you that at 230, guys would look at me, talk to me, smile at me. I am not sure if they would at 120, because with all of the expected wrinkles I’d have, I’d probably look really old and unhealthy.
I am like Augie – my ideal weight is around 150–170. I would not want to be 230 again but I would not want to be 120 either.
This question perplexes me. Given the descriptions, most women would choose to be attractive and perky rather than fat with the physical features given (chicken flaps, three stomachs), but the reality is not like the descriptions. The weights in the descriptions are specific, but in real life, things are not so “black and white.”
123 is an awfully specific number. Any reason for that? Why not 120 or 125?
@Unbroken Probably, but that just adds to the illogic of the question. Being completely illogical is basically @Hypocrisy_Central‘s modus operandi. That and misogyny.
This woman would choose the 230lb option. I’d choose the lighter option without question.
@Unbroken Is it that you prefer or find it less threatening to deal with women imprisoned by their vanity and physically weaker then you @Hypocrisy_Central?
Curious, I never thought about any danger, threat, or hostility that might come from women (or women supporting men), it was based off what I have seen; most women fuss over what they look like than most men I have known. I know there are Metrosexuals who fuss over their appearance as much as women, I just don’t know any.
@augustlan By wording the question the way you have, you’re essentially asking “Would you rather be good looking or ugly?” I don’t believe I made any reference to which was more or less attractive than the other. I know there are a good many people who find rolls of fat not only attractive and pretty but showing healthiness. To me, it reminds me of Cpt. Ahab going after Moby Dick, but to another she might rival Raquel Welch in her fur bikini in “One Million Years BC”.
^ ^ “I don’t believe I made any reference to which was more or less attractive than the other.”
From the original question:
”...three stomachs, double chin, chicken flap back arms, tankles, and double saddlebags on the side”
”...toned legs, firm perky breast, flat stomach, tight buns”
Oh, no, you’re not suggesting one is more attractive than the other at all! ~
I’m pretty sure no man that is attracted to big women would describe one of them in the way that you did. You made it very clear in your wording what the most attractive choice would be.
^^ “Toned legs” could be more on the muscular side. “Flat stomach” could lean more to a “six pack” (which would be less becoming on a woman to me). “Double saddlebags” on the side is no more or less a description like red hair (which some people find very unattractive, same as freckles). How people see those descriptions would be filtered on if they believe them to flatter more or less, or not at all. ^^
Oh, yeah, I can hear it now. A guy describing his girlfriend, the woman he finds incredibly beautiful, using the terms “saddlebags” and “chicken flap.”
You have got to be kidding me.
There’s a difference between saying “she has red hair” and saying “she has double saddle bags”.
The former is a statement, the latter is rude, mean, and insulting.
@Hypocrisy_Central I’m really happy you have returned. Your questions are always entertaining. :)
@livelaughlove21 My lady, she has lovely chicken flap that I can hear chafing in the moonlight. She has saddlebags that carry the contents of my heart. I love to graze upon the love bumps that are my lover’s cellulite.
All of this said with a French accent of course ~
@jca @Hypocrisy_Central: Oh, come on. Seriously? As three heart attacks plus one.
@Katniss There’s a difference between saying “she has red hair” and saying “she has double saddle bags”.
The former is a statement, the latter is rude, mean, and insulting.
It would be if the person is thin skinned and allow it to bother them or be insulting to them. A person who hates their red hair can find it insulting to be called a redhead.
@jonsblond @Hypocrisy_Central I’m really happy you have returned. Your questions are always entertaining. :) Does make one think, doesn’t it? :-P
@Hypocrisy_Central But it’s much easier to dye your hair if you don’t like it. All I’m trying to say is that when somebody makes snarky remarks about your appearance, especially when it’s something not so easily changed, like weight, it hurts. I don’t care how thick or thin skinned you are. People are mean sometimes.
@Hypocrisy_Central I back up @jca @livelaughlove21 and @Kardamom. But since it would be presumptuous to doubt your assertions on what you find attractive. Since it is also not importent to the content of the question let’s use real world examples.
Hollywood, Blockbuster movies, marketing campaigns for alcohol, cigerettes, makeup clothes, cars, etc, fashion models, Sarah Palin as opposed to Hillary Clinton. That doesn’t even touch on physicallity of blue collar jobs or image projection of white collar ones, or airplane seats, cars, toilet seats, of health related problems of obesity, having to keep up with children and pets.
Of males sight based attraction. Of the joy of being able to run without chafing or to be involved in sports. Fitting in boats, kayaks and bicycles or motorcycles. The release o endorphins while exerting oneself, of fitting in mri machines or ultrasounds and wheelchairs elevators hospital beds. And on.
So the only reason I can think of you not unerstanding it is by not wanting to.
But @jonsblond is right there is delight in controversy.
I myself am all for girl power but honestly “The former is a statement, the latter is rude, mean, and insulting.” It kind of doesn’t really apply here because @Hypocrisy_Central isn’t introducing a lover, also its not an explanation of how you look now but a description of what you could look like. Its only a scenario anyway.
Who in their right mind is going to wake up and be visited by a fairy who says would you like to be ugly or skinny?
I think maybe some people are getting a little too sensitive I’m thinking you jellies could give @Hypocrisy_Central more credit than that. :/
Reread the question. And try not to take it so personal, its not a question about reality. @Hypocrisy_Central is emphasizing key points and being negative and positive for a reason. If you want to get upset get upset at the fairy who gives you the choice between being flab or toned.
” If you want to get upset get upset at the fairy who gives you the choice between being flab or toned.”
@nofurbelowsbatgirl I just busted out laughing at your last sentence. Too funny!!
@nofurbelowsbatgirl Lmao “be mad at the fairy who gives you the choice between being flab or toned”
Sorry hun but the fairy is created by HC so why be mad at a nonexistent fairy who is only performing it’s created duty instead of at the creator and user of the puppet.
BTW I don’t think any of us are mad. I am certainly not. More entertained as well as trying to obtain enough info to see the purpose of question and if HC is really interested in know what he claims he doesn’t know.
But that does remind me what does HC mean by ”(women supporting men)”??? There is nothing before or after that seems to give context to this statement.
@Katniss lol well its true. I mean if I was one these women who was already slightly overweight and this “fairy” came to me and said “be more fat and misshapen” or “skinny and toned” yeah I’d be pissed. But of course I’m going to choose to be more skinny, but if I’m already happy I’d be more mad cuz “fairy” is fcuking with ma juju! So ya, be mad at the fairy! I’d punch the fcuker out. LmFATao. :)
I have red hair. I was bullied, pretty badly, over it at school. I hated it. Through my adult life! I was never short of boyfriends, but I still hated my hair. When I met the love of my life 6 years ago, I thought he would never want it to be anything more than sex, because red hair equals ugly. So I dyed it, well, I had blonde highlights. Even my hairdresser asked why I was doing it. She said I would never get it back. My boyfriend was too pleased either, he said if red hair was ugly, he wouldnt wanted to have sex with me. I never have got my original colour back. Even though the highlights have long gone, I’m left with a, well, I don’t know wjhat colour it is.
I’ll go skinny, and I would be pretty skinny at that weight for my height, but not skeletal, not anorexic looking, but some more of my wrinkles would be showing and my face would be a little thinner than I like it. I am 5’6”, taller than the average woman, so the majority of women are shorter than me and 123 lb’s is right around their ideal weight.
You don’t give any negatives in your choice, I thought for sure the low weight was going to include you die ten years younger or some sort of big negative. That would have been interesting, how many women will die young to be thin? The stats are actually the opposite though, being overweight endangers people’s health more.
@Katniss All I’m trying to say is that when somebody makes snarky remarks about your appearance, especially when it’s something not so easily changed, like weight, it hurts. I don’t care how thick or thin skinned you are. People are mean sometimes.
I suppose I could have worded it differently, like saying “rolls of fat that hangs off their side”, “a stomach that folds over three times”, etc. I believe it would be snarky if I said it to a person and further qualified it as “the nasty, hideous, blubber you have clogging up your middle”, that would be snarky. To simply describe the condition of fat they have is just that, to some whom we call “chubby chasers”, it might sound like a woman from heaven. The only ones that actually came out and said the fat was ugly was the responders, never me. I said to me I did not find it attractive, but that is me, someone else she might be as stunning as a Victoria Secret model.
@Unbroken @Hypocrisy_Central what was the purpose of your creation and the question?
The reason for any question is to glean information, or support or confirm an idea. I had a curiosity of which people thought were more attractive by their actions (which is usually way more telling then what they say). True to form, more would have wanted to go skinnier even when they in their mind, not what o told them, that eating diseases, etc. would come with it. Whether most people believe slender women are more attractive and sexier is do to the fact that they are, or because society and the media drummed it into women, most think fat is ugly, and so voiced it. As I said, some people love women that fat and see only beauty and not grotesque ugliness
@Hypocrisy_Central I’d love to know what size you consider fat. Where’s the line between attractive and “grotesque ugliness?”
@livelaughlove21 I’d love to know what size you consider fat. That, I cannot tell you. I can say what it looks like. Some women who are tall can carry 150lb and still look hot as oppose to their 5’4” counterpart. To me, and I said “to me” if she has toned legs, no or very, very little cellulite, flat stomach (ghost of a six-pack OK), firm natural breast between an A cup to a DD B cup, full round bum, slight “hip horns”, no sag to the back arms or about the neck. I have seen tall women who were said to be 165–170 that were still balanced like a bikini model only in king size. I generally am attracted to women 4’10”—5’5”.
@Hypocrisy_Central you worded your question in such a way to prompt the response you got.
But since you already knew the answer there is no convincing you of that.
In your mind you will always be right. It is true we should value our own opinion over others. But when it is completely closed off the new information and completely unwilling to adjust you seize to learn.
@Unbroken But since you already knew the answer there is no convincing you of that.
I had a hunch what would be the way most women would go, but it was no slam-dunk. There might have been many who would believe they would find chubby chaser men, therefore, still being happy.
It is true we should value our own opinion over others. But when it is completely closed off the new information and completely unwilling to adjust you seize to learn. I am always willing to look at what someone else has to say, I just expect them to bring the logic, if not the facts. This issue here I am not closed off. Beauty or ugliness found it it would be according to the individual.
@Hypocrisy_Central: Your description of the heavy woman in your question imply a negative- all negative descriptions, whereas the thinner version has complimentary wording. For the heavy version to be objective, it would be worded “large hips, stomach,” etc.
@Hypocrisy_Central I’m 5’5” and 145 lbs. I guess my grotesquely fat body doesn’t come anywhere near your standards. So sad. I’ll be glad to let my husband know that he’s a “chubby chaser.” Soon he’ll be lovingly describing my three stomachs, saddlebags, and cellulite via original poetry.
@Hypocrisy_Central I am curious as to how other’s would physically describe you. Down to package size abs shaping of your thighs and biceps and whether you have recessive chin and ears or very dominant one’s, Whether you have full head of hair. Etc
I don’t really want an answer. It is none of business. If I did get one there is no way of knowing whether it is accurate. But just to in order to turn the table on you, why not think about it. If you are happy with your body image you like to excessively fat or excessively thin.
Gee(sus)...thanks Hypo for suggesting I had something to do with the creation of this wacky question!! ;)
edit: Musta been ‘cause I PM’d you awhile back “when are you going to ask another question about women’s bodies?” We all know it’s your favorite topic.
@livelaughlove21 Damn girl! You are a cutie! And this is coming from a heterosexual female. But don’t be upset when you get a bit older like me and get a few jowls and a slightly bigger tummy, it’s all good. I still don’t disgust myself, although I would like to be a bit younger and have a bit more energy.
Anyway, off to watch :Zachary Quinto again! (He always makes me feel better and want to….bleeeeeeeeeeeep!)
@Hypocrisy_Central Your ideal woman sounds a little unrealistic. Ghost of a sixpack? How many women that are not athletes can realistically attain that?
Of all my past girlfriends, the one with the best body was 5’7” and about 170. I described her (to her dislike, unfortunately) as solid. Anything less than 150–160 and I feel like I have to be delicate, like I can’t hug her hard or pound her hard for fear of breaking her. Who needs that?
You are perpetuating ridiculously rigid stereotypes of beauty with this question. You can do better.
Of all my past girlfriends, the one with the best body was 5’7” and about 170. I described her (to her dislike, unfortunately) as solid. Anything less than 150–160 and I feel like I have to be delicate, like I can’t hug her hard or pound her hard for fear of breaking her.
I pretty much have the same taste in what I find physically attractive.
My ex-wife was 5’91/2” and about 190: she was a good athlete and she was yummy!
@jca @Hypocrisy_Central: Your description of the heavy woman in your question imply a negative- all negative descriptions, whereas the thinner version has complimentary wording
I think if the words were more or less flattering for one woman over the next it has more to do with how an individual perceives it. I could have said something generic like “big boned”, even though no one has larger bones than another. Saying “big stomach” could speak differently to many people; some might see it as a size 13 others might see it as a size 32.
@Unbroken @Hypocrisy_Central I am curious as to how other’s would physically describe you. Down to package size abs shaping of your thighs and biceps and whether you have recessive chin and ears or very dominant one’s, Whether you have full head of hair. Etc To show I am not afraid to speak of me, and that I know I am no GQ model to many women (and that is OK), many say I am thin or skinny. They have not seen me at the pool or stepping out the shower, or they would see a mini keg (at least that is what I call it). When I look down I think my gut is too big. Apparently I am not so disgusted with it that I starve myself, or become a gym rat. My feet are too big and flat for my liking. I sport a med Afro at the moment that everyone says is dated; that I should go low fade or buzz with waves if I don’t dread it up. Average arms And legs, but still smaller than I like and not as ripped, but I guess with age you have to expect some softness in appearance. A long time I was not happy with my dumbstick because I comparing it to those of porn stars; most who had the opportunity to ride it or give it lips service told me I was larger than most they have had, even with that I want a half an inch more. As long as I can still get a guttural grunt from them vaginally and scare them anally….I will live with that.
@FutureMemory edit: Musta been ‘cause I PM’d you awhile back “when are you going to ask another question about women’s bodies?” We all know it’s your favorite topic.
What I really would talk about most here do not care to venture. We all have our niches, some it is trivia, others it is kinky sex, others it is sappy relationship thing.
You are perpetuating ridiculously rigid stereotypes of beauty with this question. You can do better. I am not doing it. I said nothing about “would a woman choose to be a beautiful thin woman, or some lousy gross-looking fat skank?”, if people perceive the adjectives I used as bad or good that is on them. Popular media may have influenced them to rank which is better or worse, and they do it daily selling you stuff; they don’t need my help in the slightest.
@Hypocrisy_Central I have suddenly been enlightened by your last question or the one previous to it.
You want women to admit they are shallow. I will admit I am shallow just as you are.
Appearance, mine and potential lovers, I also check guys out. The difference being if he didn’t have good qualities or was brainless or an ass he wouldn’t make the cut and would be of little enjoyment besides eye candy.
Your question is off though because 140 for me is perfect weight I am about 5 to 10 lbs over what I want. But I still look good. I have a lot of muscle. I can easily leg lift 270 and do weight resistant crunches. Between 45 or 80 depending on which muscle group and how hard I push myself. I probably shouldn’t but a strong core is important to me.
As far as my upper body well that is variable on muscle group and how hard I push myself but my upper body is and calves are the most toned and skin and least amount of fat.
To be 123 would be sickly on me and mean all my muscle was lost. I like being strong. I like how smoothly my body functions while running twisting and performing physical acts.
As to your comments referring to the only thing that mattered to us in terms of our weight is our ability to draw in males or find a mate. Way off. There are a plethora of other reasons. And I have turned down and discouraged enough marriage talks. I am currently single and aside from the distraction it involves as far as funny stories etc am happy being so. I seek no males other then the slight validation that I still got it, from compliments and flirty gestures that are polite and not obnoxious.
I of course am speaking for myself in this regard. Women feel free to disagree.
@jca I’ve noticed that as well. He even managed to work fat people into a question about mastectomies. For someone that quite obviously doesn’t like fat people, he sure talks about them more than most.
123 is a bit light for me although I’ve been there many times. Make it 135 and toned and I’m in!
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