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talljasperman's avatar

Can we add antimatter to the list from "What the Earth is Worth" (Spoiler Alert)

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 16th, 2013

On H2 channel lists the value for the Earth at 6.5 quadrillion US dollars… can we add antimatter creation in the future?

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4 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I wonder whose arse they pulled that number out of.

talljasperman's avatar

from the top of my head:

1.2 quadrillion dollars timber, fossils fuels, food, precious stones, precious metals
1 quadrillion rare earth elements
4.5 quadrillion water
6.5 quadrillion total

Its on H2 network right now (2 hour specials) and on again in a hour…

talljasperman's avatar

@Talljasperman note to self buy Rare Earths (molycorp) stocks, 110 million tons 25 million… argrgh I can’t type that fast… You will have to buy the episode.

Lightlyseared's avatar

We are already creating and using antimatter in a very limited way (PET scans for example) so it’s no stretch to think we’ll be producing it on mass in the future.

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