Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

How are the children of teenage parents doing as adults?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 16th, 2013

I consider 13 – 19 as teenagers…

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6 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Married no kids, work a lot, no police record, and a clean driving record. Psychologically maybe scarred up.

Judi's avatar

I was 19 when I had my daughter. She is working on her masters, is married with 4 beautiful children and has investment properties. She volunteers for Warm Line (a hotline for stressed parents) and seems to be pretty happy and functional.
My sister was born when my mom was 17. She’s a hospital administrator.

Blueroses's avatar

I volunteer in the foster system and in tutoring teens who live in group homes.

I know my geographic area isn’t typical of the nation. It is in no way urban, nor does it have the problems that urbanization brings. However; I don’t see a blanket of blame falling on young parents.

I see young parents having to grow up with their children and they do quite well. What I see, almost universally, is people who deny their poverty by escaping into drugs and sadly, choosing that escape over their children.

The majority of kids I work with have older parents.

Inspired_2write's avatar

No different than children of adult age.
One cannot assume that just because someone had a child at a younger age that they would do worse or better.
It all depends on the maturity level in responsibility that these teenage parents undertake to parent there children the best way possible,usually though tougher obstacles.
Some are quite good parents, while others had not reached a maturity level of acceptance of there situation, thereby becomming better parents.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Some of the worst children I’ve seen, behavior-wise, come from two parent homes that are strict. The kids just want to bust loose and cause mayhem.

Plucky's avatar

My mother had us (3 kids) from 15 to 20 years old. She had my brother just before she turned 16, me just before she turned 18 and my sister just after she turned 20.

We ended up in foster care for just over 2 years when my parents divorced (I think I was 4 or 5). The foster family was extremely religious and strict. My dad got custody… and so on.

Presently, I have a nice stack of mental disorders. My brother is a selfish a-hole with raging tempers and my sister has control/anger issues. Other than all that… we are generally good people (well, my brother can be some times but my sister and I are pretty decent). My sister and I have no police records but my brother does. My brother is single (for the moment) has 3 kids from different women. My sister is engaged and they’ve been trying to get pregnant for the last few years. I am common-law with my partner of 12 years and we have no children.

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