General Question

talljasperman's avatar

What will the next operating system be after windows 8?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 16th, 2013

Will the next one be called windows 9 or something cooler, and what features will the new OS (Operating system ) have?

Also what would you like changed in windows?

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10 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

It’s way too early to tell. There are still a load of things coming for windows 8 I’m sure.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Maybe they will go for Windows One, and try tie in all their products together.

There have been so many versions of Windows, that personally I think they should go for some cliche name like they do in the movies, so here are some suggestions:

- Windows H2O.

- Windows Resurrection.

- Windows Forever.

- Windows, The Prequel.

- Windows, A Clip Show.

jerv's avatar

After Windows 8? Linux!

Windows 8.1 will have a semi-return of the Start menu, but most importantly will allow the option to boot directly to the desktop instead of having to put up with the uber-bullshit “tile” interface that they thought was a good idea. Microsoft’s inability to recognize the different needs between tablets (which they have little market penetration with) and desktop PCs will/has lead to people staying/returning to Win7, or jumping ship to Linux.

What would I like changed? Better security, more stability, better compatibility with non-Windows stuff (OS X and Linux are both Unix-oid operating systems; Windows is the odd one out), better backwards compatibility with previous versions of Windows, and to remove that tile interface and shove it so far up their ass that it tickles their brain. I’m not normally that crude, but I _really_hate that UI!

Blueroses's avatar

I think Windows OS upgrades are the opposite of Star Trek movies.

In Windows, the even numbers suck.

The next version will be “Windows Mulligan: back to XP”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Window 8.2 with a more patches

Blueroses's avatar

@Brian1946 go flog yourself NOW! For even thinking such impure thoughts.

rexacoracofalipitorius's avatar

@jerv Finally, a use case for running Wine in Windows!

ETpro's avatar

The user base is demanding Windows GR8, as in Get Real, 8. Give me back my start menu. But every indication is it will be Windows EL-GR8, as in even less great than 8.

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