Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Do you check yourself out when you pass a mirror?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11178points) June 16th, 2013

I asked this a while back

Inquiring minds want to know.

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36 Answers

Blueroses's avatar

I avoid mirrors (except in the morning), cameras and everything that doesn’t really represent the “me” I feel.

I have a phobia of reflected images. I know that’s odd in this world of “look at me!”, but to me, they seem surreal and creepy.

Sunny2's avatar

If there’s a mirror in an elevator and I’m alone, I do. Nothing else to do.
Otherwise I don’t bother. It is what it is.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Never. I know what I look like. It’s been a pretty standard picture for 35+ years.

ucme's avatar

Sometimes, I like the view see.

RockerChick14's avatar

Only a quick check before I leave to go somewhere.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Yes, but not in a “check me out” sort of way. More of a “make sure I don’t have eyeliner in the corner of my eye, something in my teeth, or hair that’s flat and/or frizzy” sort of thing.

I don’t know why, but I can’t look at myself in a mirror when someone is with me – like in a public restroom. I wash my hands and get out of there. If I’m alone, though, I’ll re-situate my hair/clothes before walking out.

Argonon's avatar

Maybe if no one else is around…I feel embarrassed if people see me inspecting my reflection. I don’t really “check myself out” but I check to make sure I don’t look like a mess or anything.

Bellatrix's avatar

I might glance but more often no. Why are so many lifts mirrored?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Yup. Every time. Sometimes I walk in and check.

Fat kid growing up. I go to the gym 5 times a week. Women tell me I look fine, I think they are just being polite.

Blueroses's avatar

I agree with @livelaughlove21 and @Argonon but does that mean we are secure or insecure?

The other night at a crowded bar, I had to literally shove off Paris Hilton’s clone from the sink in the restroom. She was talking on the phone and checking out her belly piercing. I wanted to wash my hands.

Pandora's avatar

Nope. I have a bigggggg mirror in the living room that I pass every day, and yet when I need to check on my hair or make-up, I always forget and go to the bathroom or my dresser or vanity mirror. Then I walk right pass the big mirror again and remember it’s there and go DoH! I forget mirrors are around until I need one.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Blueroses I’m constantly held up in campus restrooms by girls fixing their hair or makeup and admiring themselves in the mirror. I just want to say, “You’re at school, not a nightclub. Who the hell are you trying to impress?”

Then again, I’m married, so impressing college boys isn’t one of my priorities when I go to class. I’m more interested in my soon-to-be degree than if the guy next to me thinks I look cute today.

Blackberry's avatar

Yes. I always have time to admire my chiseled jawline and mesmorizing smile.

AshLeigh's avatar

Every time. I think I look pretty good.

bookish1's avatar

Most of the time. It’s nice to like the way I look, after having tried to avoid mirrors since adolescence.

mangeons's avatar

Pretty much every time I pass a mirror… I get teased constantly by my family/friends about it, haha. I don’t think it’s bad to want to know how I look, especially when I’m out in public!

Katniss's avatar

Only to check my hair and makeup. :0)

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t stop and look, but I do glance if I see my reflection. It’s cool to be able to do so. I guess I’m still a kid at heart.

Plucky's avatar

Not usually. I check a mirror before I go out, to make sure there is nothing in my teeth (or something foreign growing on my face). Other than that, nope.

ETpro's avatar

No. I make a pass at myself when I see myself in a mirror. And I usually succeed in seducing myself. But the rest is NSFW.

Blueroses's avatar

Yeah @ETpro, that’s probably what I’m afraid of. I’ll look so hot and then I’ll have to reject myself… so awkward.

Paradox25's avatar

Yes, all of the time. I’ll even check out my reflection in windows.

ETpro's avatar

@Blueroses & @Paradox25 I hate me when I reject myself, and I always get even with me for the slight.

Paradox25's avatar

@ETpro You’re not that bad looking for a guy of 50.

ETpro's avatar

@Paradox25 Make that 50 + 20. But so long as I can manage to seduce myself, life goes on.

Unbroken's avatar

I go through phases.

But generally always true: I am too tired and asleep in the morning to notice me even as I blowdry my hair and brush my teeth or put mascara on.

When bored and driving I always catch my eyes watching my from the rear view mirror or as a passenger and taking breaks from conversation I will study myself in the side mirror.

Sometimes I wonder if I am connected to my body. If this body is actually me. How does it represent me. When I do go through phases in the mirror. Sometimes I am surprised by how different I look. Esp if its been awhile. Do I really look like that. But people say I look the same as I did years ago. Everyone recognizes me. So weird…

But if I am going out and am excited or nervous I check myself from head to toe… Odd that I feel better looking when I randomly see myself with no preparation.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, but my reflection never appears. :/

shego's avatar

Unfortunately, yes. I have to look in the mirror everyday to make sure that my makeup is on really good to cover up some brutal scars on my face from an accident. Before the accident, I wouldn’t give a second thought about how I looked.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline I nearly went there, but left it free knowing the likelihood of you claiming it was quite high.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Thanks bro, appreciated lol. :D

ucme's avatar

Least I could do :)

Headhurts's avatar

No. The only time I look is when I am doing hair and make up, and I tend to only look at the job at hand.

tups's avatar

If I am alone and there is a mirror, yes, I almost always do. You have to look yourself in the eyes sometimes.

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