Technology snobbery which end do you find yourself on the most?
If you were driving a vehicle that did not have GPS, automatic windshield wipers, or other driver assistance, a “dumb phone” that just calls, texts but can’t get on the Web, and has buttons instead of a touch-screen, or an older computer with a “squarish” screen, that doesn’t have enough MB of ram to choke a T-Rex, or a CPU that hits warp 10 on boot up, do you find yourself being looked at by them as if to say, “Modernize, dump those dinosaurs”, or are you the one people usually say that while they look sideways at their gear?
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15 Answers
I’m proud to still have my first cell phone for 7 years… I’ve lost it countless times, and found it again, I’ve dropped in the toilet and bath tub… and only recently stopped using it because I just moved to a new city and need to find a Petro Canada gas station in Red Deer, Alberta to buy a pay as you go phone time.
I only have one vehicle with GPS, and when driving long distances, even if I am in the GPS vehicle, I still make sure I have a paper map. I have a smartphone, but would not freak out if I went back to a regular phone, although I do want a keyboard on it for texting. Square screen does not bother me for a second. I still have TV’s with square screens. My internet is a little slow anyway, we have the cheapest of the cable connections which means it is slow relative to their more expensive choices. If I worked from home I would want it faster.
I don’t see the need to buy much-hyped items that are designed to become out of date and end up in a land fill in six months…My devices do what I need them to do, and I take good care of them and hold onto them as long as possible.
So, yeah. Most people my age probably think I’m a tool. But we already knew that.
No. What are these automatic windscreen wipers you speak of? I don’t know that I even notice. It’s not something I think about. As long as it works – why change it. I do like gadgets myself though. I still don’t judge others for not buying ‘stuff’.
I have a dumb cell phone, it makes phone calls, it’s a pre-paid service that I only use for emergencies. We mostly rely on our land line phones at home. I still use the Yellow Pages to look up stuff. I would not know how to operate a smart phone. We still have 3 functioning VCR’s at our house and not one DVR recorder. My computer is about 5 years old. I still play CD’s and don’t own an ipod or MP3 player. I have a Thomas Bros. map book in the trunk of my car. I don’t even have a food processor, I have a blender and a potato masher and a lot of forks. I still wear a watch, and everybody is always asking me what time it is.
I am a certified, card carrying member of the If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It club.
I drive a 97 Tracer and I use a flip phone. I have no need for instant access to the internet in my pocket. I check the weather before I leave the house and look at a map if I need directions. I can wait to tell everyone on Facebook about my long wait in line at the DMV or show them a pic of what I’m eating at Buffalo Wild Wings.
I’m 21 and I keep up with all the latest gadgets and technologies, but I don’t look down on those who don’t.
I love my smartphone, not going to lie. I’m not a technology snob though. I leave that title to my son. lol He has a better phone, a newer computer, etc.
I drive an ‘86 Corolla; carburetor instead of injectors, three pedals, and manual everything. However, my electronic tech is generally 3 years old or less; Core i3 computer, Droid Razr HD (which has a dock so I can use it as a GPS in my car), 32” flatscreen monitor etcetera.
It really depends, but generally I am a bit of a snob about electronics and retro elsewhere. However, I believe in value and bang-for-the buck as well, and find a $400 with decent specs more impressive than a $4,000 one with awesome specs.
More importantly, I will keep my opinion to myself unless/until I feel I am being belittled for having a dissenting view. You hate smartphones? Fine, stay with a flip. Make fun of me because I like mine? Not fine. Drive a new car? Good for you! Make fun of my old car? Piss off!
I get what I can afford. Make sure to research before I buy. And if I break a phone. I go back to my old one.
I see benefits to both. Am adaptable. I am not owned my technology but appreciate what I have and admire others. The ones I admire repeatedly and view as a contribution to my life I save for and buy when I can esp if there is drop in price or can get it on ebay and I the first big bugs are worked through.
I get what I need and there are often features included that I ignore because it is hard to get a plain phone.or plain anything. Or easier to get what is in style, more like it. Just because there are bells and whistles is by no means a requirement to use them. My last phone was 30 bucks and there is more crap on there than I will ever get curious enough to fool with. The trick is to find one big enough because they sure have the small part of phones down pat.
My main obstacle to attaining all the latest gadgets is lack of funds.
I have a phone with a keyboard, but it’s not a smart phone.
I don’t own a car, but if I did I don’t think I’d have GPS in it. I know my town well enough.
My box style television is about 12 years old, purchased for about $600 when flat screen tv’s averaged in the thousands. It has a 32 inch screen, so it was the shit when I got it.
I do have nice big flat screen for my desktop computer, which unfortunately sees almost no use since I started using laptops about 2 years ago (on my 2nd laptop now, first one died after only one stinking year of use).
I have a few mid range mp3 players, one of which is touch screen.
I own no tablets.
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