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XOIIO's avatar

Do you get nauseated when you get cut?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) June 17th, 2013

I just gashed my thumb open really badly with a knife, it was pretty deep, and bleeding a crapload. (I think it actually spurted blood once), and, nothing about the sight of blood bothers me that I know of, but I got really nauseated, almost not able to control the urge to vomit. Is this normal?

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12 Answers

Headhurts's avatar

No. If its a deep accidental cut then I might go a little faint.

Bellatrix's avatar

I would say it was a reaction to the shock of cutting yourself. You cut yourself, your body released adrenalin as part of the fight/flight mechanism. One of the reactions your body has when it goes into this response mode is to shut down your digestive system, which could lead to nausea.

It doesn’t have to be a huge cut to cause this. I remember my ex cutting his thumb and almost passing out. He wrapped it up but then felt sick and shaky and the next thing, he was on the floor. We took him to the ambo centre and the man unwrapped it and said “oh I was expecting something much worse than this!” :D So, you don’t need to just about chop your hand off for your body to react.

hearkat's avatar

I’ve gone into shock a couple times after minor injury or medical procedures. It’s an involuntary reaction that causes a drop in blood pressure which can make you feel lightheaded and nauseous.

In the event this happens, one should put their head about level with their heart to try to prevent passing out – lie down or put your head between your knees if sitting.

JLeslie's avatar


It isn’t uncommon to get nauseas from pain. It also is not uncommon to feel nauseas if you get lightheaded from loss of blood or lowering of blood pressure if you bled a lot that might happen or the shock of what happened could do it.

Remember always keep your hand above your heart if you cut it. Fingers bleed like crazy, it’s important to keep it up, if it is hard to keep it up a long time until it stops bleeding, you can lie down and rest it on your chest.

dxs's avatar

The only time I can think of that I had a serious injury involving blood is when my head got attacked by a dog. I only saw blood coming down from my head so that may be why I didn’t feel sick or go into shock. I didn’t faint, either (at first).

bookish1's avatar

No, only when I let my imagination run wild and thought about gangrene…
Hope you heal quickly and feel better soon.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Not really, no, and I’ve had some pretty bad ones.

Berserker's avatar

@Bellatrix I’m not entirely sure on this, but say you get an adrenaline rush from an injury, when it starts to die down and your body regulates itself, that can also cause nausea. I once played guinea pig to a girl who wanted to do piercings for a living. I let her pierce my eyebrow, and I guess while it was happening my body got filled with adrenaline. After it was done I felt fine, but about five minutes later, I seriously thought I was going to throw up, and I sat right in the middle of the living room floor lol. Everyone was all, dude wtf?
Maybe she pierced me wrong, as my body rejected the piercing within a few months so now I have nothing to show for it.

XOIIO's avatar

@bookish1 Yeah I heal fairly fast, although the last time I got cut (across my index finger knuckle) still hasn’t disappeared yet.

I really gotta stop using knives when I’m tired.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Nope and I’ve cut my finger tip off on a food slicer and cut down to the bone a couple times (feeling a serrated knife jump across your bone is a chilling experience to say the least).

It’s honestly a wonder I still have all my fingers….

Bellatrix's avatar

@Symbeline I’m quite sure the reaction can be delayed. My husband crushed his hand in a press and I mean serious crush. He was stuck there on his own and nobody could hear him calling. Thankfully he had his mobile phone on him and the presence of mind to call the ambos. He knew he had to remain conscious to tell them how to release his hand because he knew the process the machine went through.

When he was in the ambulance, the ambos told him they were waiting for him to have a heart attack because he’d had a crush injury and that was a common reaction to the adrenalin that’s released. I’m not a doctor so I have no idea if this is the correct information or not.

Plucky's avatar

If it is a deep, gushing, flesh-hanging-off cut… yes, I get very ill. Last summer I almost cut my pointer finger off on my left hand, while chopping kindling for a fire. I had to sit down because the cut was oozing and I could see under my skin. It probably needed stitches but I just cleaned it and put antiseptic band-aids on it (it pussed up a bit but healed up). It still gets itchy sometimes though. Any ways, yes, I feel like I’m turning green with sickness when I see a big/deep cut.

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