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KNOWITALL's avatar

Who will watch Big Brother and Under the Dome?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29915points) June 17th, 2013

Just curious since I’m not into tv a lot, but these two look good. Who’s in?

Big Brother is a game show basically, everyone lives in the same ‘house’ on camera 24/7, for a million dollars.

Under the Dome is based on the Stephen King novel:
At 11:44 AM on Saturday October 21 of an unspecified year after 2012 (evident by mention of a faded bumper sticker for Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign[3][4]), the small Maine town of Chester’s Mill is abruptly and gruesomely separated from the outside world by an invisible, semipermeable barrier of unknown origin. The immediate appearance of the barrier causes a number of injuries and fatalities, and traps former Army Captain Dale “Barbie” Barbara—who is trying to leave Chester’s Mill because of a local dispute—inside the town.

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28 Answers

Seek's avatar

I’ll probably read Under the Dome at some point. It’s there on the King shelf. Might take me a while. It’s a looooooong novel, and I tend to prefer the Bachman works.

Big Brother is a waste of time.

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t watch Big Brother. I will watch Under the Dome after I finish reading the book. I started reading it when it first came out, but I never finished it. I refuse to watch it on television before reading the book. I’m so happy I have DVR

KNOWITALL's avatar

Unlike you two, I think I’ll watch the show first, the shows are almost always a disappointment after you’ve read the book.

jonsblond's avatar

My husband was very disappointed with the ending of the book. That’s why I haven’t picked it up again. I put it back on my nightstand when I heard it was being made for tv.

Seek's avatar

That reminds me, I need to read The Regulators…

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

I love the trashy, brainless, guilty-pleasure known as “Big Brother,” so I’m sure I’ll watch it. I’m just hoping that there won’t be any houseguests named Hantz.

As for “Under the Dome,” I don’t know. The previews look a bit silly and uninteresting.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul Yeah, my hubs like’s BB, so I’ll end up watching, too. I think he watches it for the boobies – lol

The previews suck, I agree, but if you read the link above, it actually sounds good. Kind of.

rockfan's avatar

I dislike reality shows with a passion. As for Under the Dome, the show looks predictably lame.

woodcutter's avatar

“The Simpsons” did this one haven’t they?

Seek's avatar

They did “The Mist”, @woodcutter

KNOWITALL's avatar

@woodcutter Oh yeah, in the Simpson’s movie, and Homer and Bart saved the day, I remember that! lol

woodcutter's avatar

Homer to Bart….“You get to hold the bomb”

Bart…“What can I say, the man knows me”

YARNLADY's avatar

I have no intention of watching Big Brother, but after I read Under the Dome, I might watch it.

Plucky's avatar

No to Big Brother, but I’ll be watching Under the Dome.

augustlan's avatar

I’m not into BB, but will probably watch Under the Dome. I read the book and enjoyed it (even though the ending was a little too pat.)

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

I am watching under the dome right now :)

I watched the first episode of BB and I’m not too interested. But did you know on season 12 there was a guest who called herself a “jelly”. The first time I heard I wondered if she was referring to Fluther. Anyway if you look up on twitter @Annie_BB12 you will see that even under her description she calls herself a jelly. :) Maybe she is somewhere in our sea of jellies.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@nofurbelowsbatgirl Yeah, BB is starting off slow. In past seasons it made it a little more interesting because they brought back people like Evil Dick and the cute Doctor.

On Dome, I thought it was kind of cool that they discovered the government wasn’t behind the Dome, so that makes it a terrorist attack or aliens maybe? If you have time, PM me your theories~! :) Also, what do you think the paper was that the guy burned and what the heck is going on with the cute guy wandering around, the blond?

YARNLADY's avatar

Since I read the synopsis of the book, I have decided to pass. I hate watching a show that I know
Spoiler Alert

Only 26 people from the entire town will survive and several will die just before they are rescued.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

^ Books and movies are not always the same, ever read “The Scarlet Letter” and then watch the movie? Or “Fever Pitch”?
Also not always does Stephen King have the same ending as what is in the book, that is seen in a couple of his movies specifically one called “Secret Window”:

This quote is from wikipedia.

“A film adaptation called “Secret Window” was made, starring Johnny Depp, John Turturro, Maria Bello and Timothy Hutton. The storyline of the movie differs from that of the novel, most notably in their respective endings. In the movie Mort kills his wife and her lover, while in the novel he is killed before he has a chance to do so. In the movie, after months it is shown that Mort grew corn in his wife’s garden, where it is implied that he buried her and her lover. Another difference is the titles of the short stories: in the movie, Mort Rainey wrote a story called “Secret Window” and John Shooter wrote “Sowing Season”. The story in the movie version is set in upstate New York instead of Maine.”

augustlan's avatar

Cujo is another of his book/movies that are vastly different. I almost always like the book better, though.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

I also think the book and the movie “It” are different but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the movie and read the book.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@nofurbelowsbatgirl That movie traumatized me, I will never look at a sink drain the same again – lol

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

@KNOWITALL lol I think that movie traumatized a lot of people :/ I on the other hand was traumatized by poltergeist. I thought as an 8 year old instead of watching early morning cartoons while everyone was sleeping I’d watch that good choice since parental locks didn’t exist lol. I didn’t sleep for weeks after that! Since I was sure I was going to get stuck in the tv lol.

jonsblond's avatar

I still haven’t read Under The Dome but I have been recording it on the DVR and I was still hoping to watch it after I read it. I heard that it was picked up for a second season? Is the series anything like the book? How can it be if it was picked up for a second season?

Sorry for all the question but I’m really curious. Also, my daughter accidentally deleted all the episodes today. :(

augustlan's avatar

I have it on my DVR, but haven’t watched it yet, @jonsblond, so I still don’t know how close to the book it is. I could see some of the characters continuing on into a different story, but it would be kind of odd to have a second season. I’d be so bummed if my recordings got deleted!

jonsblond's avatar

She felt so bad, I couldn’t be angry with her.

A deletion of Breaking Bad would be a different story. ;)

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