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bookish1's avatar

Which stalwart Jelly just strode into the mansion?

Asked by bookish1 (13161points) June 17th, 2013

It’s Plucky! Let’s give her a round of applause and prepare the festivities!

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66 Answers

shego's avatar

Hooray!!! Yay for 10k congrats Plucky!!!

syz's avatar


augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, Plucky! You’re a terrific jelly. :)

Unbroken's avatar

Rar Rar Plucky! Whose got pluck who has got spirit? Go Plucky!

Not intended to be mockery.. The name is just so cheerworthy as she is.

Judi's avatar

Woo hoo! Lets go find some chickens and have a plucky party!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations to a fellow dog lover!

cookieman's avatar

That is Pluck-Tastic!!

glacial's avatar

Congratulations, @Plucky! Still getting used to the low dog:background ratio in your new avatar. :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats Plucky. You’re a great jelly and a tough cookie. Nicely done.:)

Sunny2's avatar

Good work and fast too. You may choose the first animal to live in the mini zoo on the mansion grounds. Of course you’ll be expected to care for it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Sunny2 She also has to clean up after it. I’m not playing volleyball on a lawn covered with poo.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar


—`ღ´ – Let’s start the lurve wave!—`ღ´—


Now jump in jelly ><((((’> pool and PARRRRTAAYYY, nekkid, of course.

janbb's avatar

Love you and the little dogs too!

Mazel Tov on the 10K!

Plucky's avatar

Oooo a party!

filmfann's avatar

Congo Rats! Well Done!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulations and welcome to the mansion!

Plucky's avatar

(walks into the fantabulous mansion doors) Omg! They have a chocolate fountain!

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

@Plucky is it milk chocolate? :/

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS * * * GOOD WORK * * * Y * A * Y * *

AmWiser's avatar

Welcome to the 10K Mansion. Congratulations!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar


marinelife's avatar

Congratulations, @Plucky!

Bellatrix's avatar

Congratulations @Plucky! Well done on your 10K. So glad you are here.

Plucky's avatar

I’m making veggie tacos…so I’m in and out. I’ll try to make enough for everyone!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Let’s PLUCK those banjo chords and play some fun, festive music! Well done dear fellow jello!

bookish1's avatar

@Plucky: I have some chicken flavored seitan….Better than the real thing! Let’s do it up.

And amazing chili powder!!!

ETpro's avatar

@Plucky Wonderful news. Congratulations. Thanks for all the knowledge and life wisdom you share here. I’d double-d delighted you’re in the Mansion. Do enjoy the chocolate fountain.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

save some for me..well forget it fresh would probably be better by the time I get to the Mansion, I’m still on the road, texting and driving is dangerous…weeeee so enjoy the veggie fest without me.

9doomedtodie's avatar

Congo on 10K. Cheers!!!

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

Oh btw, I am seriously addicted to vegetarian california sushi rolls…just saying, so I’m bringing them to the partaay.

Plucky's avatar

Where is @Kardamom with all her veggie foods?! I’m going to start knocking on doors around here soon….

Oh, and I hope no one minds… I skinny-dipped in the chocolate fountain.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

^ lol! Party hard!

Plucky's avatar

And Piper pooped outside someone’s room… where’s the maid?

talljasperman's avatar

Happy 10K fellow Albertan.

jca's avatar

Plucky! Congrats and welcome to the Mansion! Very pluckish! now, did someone say something about a chocolate fountain?

wilma's avatar


picante's avatar

Pluckin’ fantastic! Congrats to you, Plucky. I shall sip champagne while you frolic in the chocolate fountain.

downtide's avatar

Congrats Plucky! Do have some cake. Or pie.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

^^ Or both. It’s your party and you can binge if you want to, binge if you want to, binge if you want to!

Plucky's avatar

I shall have cake and pie…. and ice cream!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Good job there @Plucky!

bkcunningham's avatar


Coloma's avatar

Cheers, a plucky little thing you are! I shall toast you at California cocktail hour when I am watching my garden grow. You’re invited, Corona time comes in another 5 hours here. :-)

tedibear's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go!

Plucky's avatar

Thank you everyone for the lovely party and kind words. I enjoy Fluther for its members (and the jellyfish). I am so glad I found this site before looking into other Q&A ones. It’s a special little corner of the internet and I am honoured to be a part of it.

Over the last few years, Fluther has helped me medically*. Even if it’s a small amount at a time, I am learning to organize my thoughts into legible sentences again. Thank you for showing me patience and understanding… and for challenging me once in a while.

In the spirit of awesomeness, enjoy this interpretive dance (SFW).

*Results not typical. :P

Oh, and I’m still looking for the maid…

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hey @Plucky. I’m sorry I’m late to the party. Forget about the maid . I’ll do the clean up. It’s the least I can do for someone with so much spirit.

Congrats on the 10k. It is great having you here.

Plucky's avatar

No problem @LuckyGuy, thank you very much! And thank you for cleaning up; you are awesome!

Kardamom's avatar

I had to travel by way of Starbucks wifi to get here, but I am here! I didn’t want to miss this party.

As you probably know, the mansion grounds have been expanded and we now have a lot more acreage (is that spelled right?) Anyway, we were able to set up a lovely compound for you out in the more rural area. We wanted to give you a choice of accommodations so you can mix and match. Here is the first Tent. Down the trail a bit is this Camper. If you’d like something a little bigger we got you this Motorhome. We also set up a couple of cabins, one Rustic and one that is a little more Deluxe. Or maybe you might want to spend the night in one of These

Of course we have set up accomodations for all of your pets. Hopefully your dog will like This and These might work for your cats. Inside the bigger cabin, we set up a place for your Fish We managed to set up a portable acquarium for your Shrimp so they can feel like they’re on vacation too. And the frogs should feel at home Here

Of course we shall feast, because that is what we do. Me and @Adirondackwannabe and @nofurbelowsbatgirl have been busy planning the menu, which of course will be all vegetarian! We decided upon an Asian theme, just because.

So we shall start with several appetizers, Spring Rolls and Tofu Lettuce wraps and Spicy Baked Tofu

And then we have two soups for your pleasure, Vegetarian Phở and Tom Kha

Then we have Soba Noodles with Ginger Scallion Sauce and Fake Sweet and Sour Pork and Vegetable Tempura and Green Papaya Salad and Vegetable Fried Rice and Tofu and Broccoli in Garlic Sauce

And for dessert, Sticky Mango Rice and Green Tea Ice Cream

We can either eat inside, or outside in our new Animal Sanctuary, which is similar to This One

Come and stay for as long as you like : ) Congratulations on your 10K and for just being an all around sweet person.

Oh, I almost forgot, after dinner we shall all be participating in a Fluther Dance

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

Runs into the arms of @Kardamom and the rest of the partying jellies :)) I’m loving it! This party is great, you just literally turned my frown upside down.

Was having a bad day

Kardamom's avatar

@nofurbelowsbatgirl Happy to oblige and thanks for you help in the kitchen!

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

Your welcome! :)

Cup of brownie anyone?

¼ cup of sugar (raw sugar for me).
¼ flour.
2tbsp of cocoa.
A pinch of salt.
2tbsp of oil and
3 tbsp of water.

Into a cup, lol just in case you missed that part add dry ingredients add wet ingredients add other ingredients you might like marshmallows (yuck, not for me) chocolate chips, m&ms, Smarties, peanuts, who knows what you want lol then put in microwave for 1minute and 30–40 seconds. Depending on how gooey you like it. I like it for 1minute 35seconds.

This isn’t for everyone, but I like it. :p

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

I just want to clarify that you put that in a microwavable coffee MUG. Just in case you want to try it. My mother loves ice cream on the top.

mattbrowne's avatar

Oom, Plucky, Plucky. She sat on a hillside and strummed her guitar, strummed her guitar, strummed her guitar.

flutherother's avatar


Plucky's avatar

Thank you to the late comers as well!

And, omg @Kardamom, I am stuffed just thinking about all that food! You should totally be the third wife in our house (wink). And our beasties will love the mansion!

I love you jellies!

Kardamom's avatar

@Plucky Happy to oblige. I just have one question, what are the names of your shrimps? I just think that is so cute.

Plucky's avatar

@Kardamom Well, we only have one shrimp left. The other um just went away or something. The names were/are silly… Pimp, Gimp and Scimp. Pimp is the remaining shrimp. And our frogs have passed away (I need to update my profile!). Our one fish is still kicking, err swimming, though. That guy is so old, we can’t believe he is still here (he is now Old Blue). We are wanting to put the aquarium away for a while. However, we are waiting for the remaining two residents to retire.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ : ( That makes me sad.

Plucky's avatar

I guess that sounded awful… I mean, instead of flushing them or some other means to be rid of them, we are waiting for nature to take its course. It’s not like I’m starving them or anything. :P

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

^It is sad. Many people just raise animals to eat them, if you weren’t a vegetarian, that would be another option :s

I heard here on fluther that homeless people are responsible for missing stray cats and dogs :’( sometimes I learn more than I want to know.

Plucky's avatar

@nofurbelowsbatgirl Ha! I’d have to be the size of a mouse or rat to get anything from my shrimp and fish. They are tiny! It’s neat though, after all these years, my fish will come to the front of the tank as soon he sees me grab his food can. I often wonder what he thinks of me and/or the food can…or my giant hand.

Kardamom's avatar

@Plucky Ha Ha, wouldn’t that be odd if a giant hand suddenly came into the Fluther fish tank?

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