(NSFW) What do you think about the new New York City policy not to stop women from walking around topless?
Asked by
filmfann (
June 18th, 2013
Here is the story, which includes video.
Apparently, NYC will allow women to publicly display their fun bags while walking down the street.
Will this encourage you to do the same?
Should this be allowed everywhere?
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55 Answers
What, is that still subject of debate in the USA?
Man, we will be living in NYC for the entire month of July. And I still have my MetroCard from the last visit.
Why can’t life be like this all the time ??
Whoo hoo, yippee, yay, get in there, come on, he shoots, he scores, woot, beats chest & does Tarzan yell…err, yeah, I mean, if that’s what they want :)
I don’t understand this. Women would get upset if you look at their cleavage BEFORE!
And, frankly, the women in the video were not the ones I would like to see topless.
That’s already where it is where I am, but I never see it. But, then, I guess women aren’t going around flopping out their funbags for my enjoyment.
I don’t think it will make a huge change in behavior but I think it is fine if women want to do it.
The cleavages I ogle, the women don’t get upset, choose your “target” wisely & you get a stunning smile back.
My eyes automatically stay clear of hideous saggy baps, so it’s all good for me.
Hopefully America’s poodle will wag it’s tail & quickly follow suit…that’s us by the way.
With all the obesity, most american men have bigger tits than women, and they are not arrested either.
Yeah, I noticed several shirtless guys in the crowd. No one paid attention to them.
@rebbel: “What, is that still subject of debate in the USA?”
No kidding. Without any sarcasm or sense of irony, many people here will profess outrage or shake their heads at the concept of a Muslim niqab or veil while demanding that women in the US cover up their areolae.
Anyway, it’s pretty sad.
What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. No I will not do it.
I guess those dreams I always have when I’m under pressure that I went to work and forgot to get dressed wouldn’t get me arrested.
They aren’t “fun bags”, they are mammary glands, or more colloquially, they are breasts or bosoms (primarily to poets).
The fact that you call them “fun bags”, @filmfann , says more about you than it does about NYC.
Damn, I love social progress.
Wasn’t aware of this policy. Thanks for keeping us abreast.
The thing is that the law may be this way in NYC, but go across the river (Jersey) or down to Long Island, or even up to Yonkers, and the laws are just the opposite.
They’ll arrest you for showing a nipple in Nyack, or an aureole in Aurora, or a boob in Bablyon.
So I would like to declare my identity as a Human Bra. That way I can support (the open display of) womens’ breasts.
I’m in favour of equality. Either make it legal for both genders to be topless, or make it illegal for both. Having different laws for men and women is discriminatory.
I don’t know… Are they still doing stop and frisk? If so, I think it’s fucked up that you can be half naked on the street without fear…if you are white.
I heard it’s not illegal for women to be topless so why would they consider stopping women for being topless?
@jca: It’s just my associative mind at work. I was thinking of this policy whereby NYC police have been allowed to frisk people who “look” suspicious, without probable cause—and something like 80% of them at least have been black or Latino.
@janbb, I find the news quite uplifting.
Wonder if this will catch on in other cities, Indianippleis perhaps?
@ucme, or maybe Mammaryapolis?
@ucme: You’d think they would have enacted this over in Wyoming already… Grand Tetons, anyone?
Mammary Glands, Mother Natures dairy delight!
Ha, yeah…Alabrama, Ne bra ska, Washington DD
I think women should not take advantage and go parading around the streets. I can’t remember ever seeing a man without a shirt on in the streets of NY. I guess sometimes guys are walking around that way. I see men in central park catching some sun on the lawn, and if women want to sunbathe topless then fine. Same with the beaches. I just think pick an appropriate place.
Ontario does that. Women there can walk around topless. I don’t think many do it though. I wouldn’t, but I still think it’s cool if it’s legal. Everyone always wants to see boobs, so…of course, everyone wants to see boobs, but as soon as they are shown, it’s this big scandal. Breast feeding your baby in public can become an issue.
I don’t think the world is ready for boobs, but this is a good direction to take.
@filmfann And, frankly, the women in the video were not the ones I would like to see topless.
Meh. Maybe I don’t want to see some guy with hairy boobs and a bloated beer gut walking around, but he can do it. Women should be able to as well, if they wish it.
Women should have the right to go around topless if they want, period. Make that two periods . .
The percentages are not favorable in any event. I figure only about 1 out of 100 women can actually look good topless. The rest should cover up for esthetic reasons, if not modesty.
Still, that 1 percent would make NYC just that much more interesting.
@josie 1 in 100? I completely disagree.
@JLeslie Me too, maybe that snatch poll was taken in a trailer park & only senior citizens were available for comment that day.
@ucme: I wonder what would happen if I looked up “snatch poll” on Google image search…Nah, better not.
@bookish1 Yeah, my thoughts exactly, just jumps off the screen…unless just us two get the joke, again :)
Definitely not something I would do.
Just out of curiosity, how many of the guys here would be ok with their wives or girlfriends actually walking around NYC with their boobs out for all the world to see? lol
My fiancé would definitely be in the ‘hell to the no!’ camp.
That’s how I met my wife.
She was arrested for parading around Manhattan like that when it was still a misdemeanor. I thought “wow….now there’s a girl way ahead of her time”..
I thought she was awful-damn cute being loaded into the paddy wagon, so went down to the 9th Precinct and immediately bailed her out.
And the rest, as they say, is history…..
I suppose it is just a matter of what you get used to. Right now I would find it distracting and a little uncomfortable. If I had a conversation with a woman who was topless, I would find myself making a special effort not to stare. In hunter/gatherer societies, women and men go around topless, so this breast fetish seems to be a modern development.
@josie, in Manhattan, that’s still 400,000 women.
It might annoy Femen activists… stealing their show…
I think it’s appropriate, for equality. I mean, I wouldn’t approve of a lady who just wanted sexual attention, but if she was hot and didn’t want to wear a shirt or bra, she’s as equally allowed to do that as a male is. I just worry for women being sexually assaulted, and I wish that wasn’t how it was going to be, but it will come into play.
I’m only mildly disturbed that I can’t get a large soda, but can walk around with my jumblies (if I had them) flopping all about. What do men have that we can do?! It’s discrimination I tell you! Why can’t we have our bits flopping about as we saunter down the boulevard. Well, maybe not flopping, perhaps jiggling a bit. :)
OK then, how about this. One day a year, everybody in NYC is allowed to walk around however they want. Display your junk, don’t display your junk….whatever you want. The police commissioner will NOT be allowed to send up the ‘Bat Signal’ on that day, or put the cuffs on anyone regardless of how disgusting their physique.
How about every July 5th…..an extension of Independence Day !!
I don’t even like it when guys walk around with no shirt on.
Oh, no argument here, filmfann. The male anatomy is really hideous. I have difficulty even looking at my own after a shower.
OK…..I take it back. “Display Your Junk Day” is a really, really crappy idea…
I understand the beach, but why the hell do you want to walk around topless in a city? The sidewalk can only hold so much boob sweat before it becomes a problem. yuk!
…......You want to field this one, filmfann ??
You’d think that in a city as dirty as New York, people (men or women) would want to wear more clothes, not less, just to keep clean.
I don’t know, downtide. In some ways, public partial-nudity kind of falls right in with a ‘dirty’ city….like in a ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ sort of way…
That’s why winter in NYC is kind of a good thing. Nary a boob nor junk on display (mostly). Hot weather is bad because one must remove layers to stay cool, and you can’t get any more than nekkid. I agree with @OneBadApple male junk is pretty unsightly. Then there are the extremely hairy people that it doesn’t matter if they are nekkid or not. Can’t tell except they are mistaken for Wookies.
Seems like there would have been some hella awesome parties in Sodom back in the day.
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