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rojo's avatar

Can you Tweet the Bible?

Asked by rojo (24187points) June 18th, 2013

Todays modern fast-paced lifestyle does not leave us time to waste actually reading so your assignment today, translate the entire bible into two 140 character tweets , one for the Old Testament, one for the New Testament.

Can you do it?

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7 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

“do unto others what you would have them do unto you”

(this is even shorter than 140 characters.)

it’s not original by me. Hillel said it first.

rojo's avatar

@elbanditoroso would the Old Testament be “Do as you are told or I will smite thee”

elbanditoroso's avatar

@rojo, no, that’s the neo-conservative right wing republican mantra.

thorninmud's avatar

God made it, Adam and Eve broke it, the Messiah will fix it. Until then, throw rocks at sinners.

OK, you can stop throwing rocks now. No, I mean it, you can stop with the rocks. NO MORE ROCKS, DAMMIT!

antimatter's avatar

In the begging there was nothing
Now that there is everything the end is here.

ragingloli's avatar


flutherother's avatar

I came, I saw, I suggested some improvements and I was crucified.

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