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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why do people keep mean, agressive dogs? What is the point?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) June 19th, 2013

My kids can’t take the trash out to the alley behind the garage because the neighbors have 2 huge mean dogs that just go apeshit, snarling and barking and throwing themselves against a wooden fence…which they have broken through in the past.
I can’t let the kids go in the front yard because the neighbors across the street have two dogs that get out on a regular basis and threaten people. We’ve watched these dogs do it (as we’re calling the police…again.) One day last summer, these same two dogs came on our property, came around to the back of the house where Rick and I were sitting on the deck with our dogs, Dutchess and Dakota…and the dogs attacked Dutchess. That’s all she wrote. Dakota came off that deck, kicked their ass and sent them packin’ (Rick helped some,) then came back and laid down on the deck again.
WHY DO PEOPLE EVEN HAVE THOSE KINDS OF DOGS???? Why would someone WANT a dog that screams and snarls at people with NO provocation?

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