Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

How has having pets enhanced your life?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11178points) June 20th, 2013

I’ve been holding off on getting a dog since my pup passed away a 8 months ago. I have no kids, one cat and a partner who lives across the border. I live alone, have a bunch of people in my life here, but when I come home, I miss having pooch to follow me around.

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13 Answers

picante's avatar

I can’t imagine life without pets. They’re great sources of entertainment and amusement; they’re good friends; they can be as frustrating as people on occasion. The sweetest being I’ve ever known was my dear dog of 12 years who passed a few years ago. He was my dear companion, my non-judgmental friend, my sweet housemate and more. Though I have a couple of (almost great) pets now, I doubt that I’ll ever fill the void left by my sweetheart’s death.

KNOWITALL's avatar

My pets relax me and give me lots of unconditional love, which for me is a pretty big deal. I’ve felt that I have to be a certain way or behave a certain way to be worthy of love, so not having to prove anything means a lot to me. They also don’t judge or argue like most people in life, even jellies – lol

Honestly, I’m also a little high-strung and my pets let me slow down, really live in the moment and focus on something pleasureable. Yesterday was very stressful and when I got home, I let the dog out, got out my birds and let them hang out, get a bath (which is hilarious) and just be happy. It makes me happy to make them happy, if that makes sense.

Just knowing these sweet animals depend on me for their happiness and health, let me feel needed without the overwhelming feelings of responsiblity I feel for my family and my job.

ChaosCross's avatar

Well, there are a few ways I could answer this . . .

In the case of living at my mother’s home (she’s had as many as 30 cats at once) I must say it is like living in a zoo, in which everything dear and precious to you is at risk of being covered with all sorts of nasty cat liquids and solids. However, the companionship really is quite nice, as there are always many lovely little kitties that would jump at the chance to be petted by yours truly.

On the other hand.

Fish, I love them, swimming around in their tank. At a young age they taught me a good deal about responsibility and daily care to things that rely on you . . .

R.I.P. Hoover the plecostomus. I love you.

Pachy's avatar

My little cat makes me smile. Especially when he “talks” to me and naps on my lap.

marinelife's avatar

I live my dogs and cannot imagine my life without them. People with pets live longer and enjoy better health.

cookieman's avatar

My dog and my rabbit are very calming to me. Whether I’m petting the pooch or hugging the bunny, it chills me out.

I wuv dem. I wanna hug ‘em n’ squeeze ‘em n’ wuv ‘em for-evah n’ evah

dxs's avatar

My cat keeps me company a lot. It makes me feel less lonely.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Maybe 8 months is just too soon? Your dog was a precious, beloved member of your family, and you have the right to grieve.

It gives me the creeps when people think of animals as fungible commodities that can easily be replaced. Yeesh.

I offer this thought—when it’s time for you to have another dog, maybe one will find you. I truly believe that animals adopt us, not vice versa.

yankeetooter's avatar

No matter how bad a day I’ve had, my two cats (year old, and brother and sister) can always make me laugh.

Carinaponcho's avatar

Being raised with cats in my life, I became very good at learning to be gentle and also learning how to take care of them. I developed a good sense of responsibility from it. They were good company for me when I was ever sad and good to cuddle with. Plus, cats always do funny things that entertain you and brighten your day.

gondwanalon's avatar

My cat helped me to survive in this very stressful and crazy world. For the last 18 years I came home from work often exhausted with my guts tied up in knots from stress and my seal point siamese cat “Rocky” was always there for me. Whenever I picked him up I was suddenly happy again as the stress just melted away. Sadly I had to have him euthanized last week because he was totally blind and had renal failure due to cancer. I had to let him go and I miss him bad.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Yes, my little dog angel has made my life a pleasure, I wish I had got one earlier! She is the sunshine of my life!

mattbrowne's avatar

Yes, because our cat helps us cool down anger more quickly.

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