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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

What is it that makes a woman truly sexy [details inside]?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) June 20th, 2013

What is it that makes a woman truly sexy, her dress, attitude, or her physical beauty? If a so-so looking woman dressed sexy (assuming she had the body to pull it off) and had a sexy attitude would she be more or less sexy than a woman who was physically beautiful, dressed sexy but had the attitude of a pit bull crossed with an alligator? Could a woman with a sexy attitude and physically beautiful face and body be sexy if she did not dress sexy at all? Where does the sexiness of women really come from or is it in the eye of the beholder or the media?

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13 Answers

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Why not ask some questions about dudes and their personalities/bodies?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^^ I could care less what makes a dude sexy, I am no obsessed to the “that dude”, and i am not gay. Knowing what women find sexy in a dude is no help to me ^^

Mama_Cakes's avatar

My partner is attractive and doesn’t dress like a hoochie. Her swagger is sexy to me. That and her brain.

janbb's avatar

Her self-confidence.

ucme's avatar

It’s really very simple, she has to be my wife…end of.

marinelife's avatar

To me, sexiness is an attitude. It can sometimes be combined with physical beauty or dress or two out the three, but it doesn’t have to be.

ChaosCross's avatar

I can only really answer this according to my own beholder’s eye.

Sexiness to me, that is not the definition, but what turns me on is a few things. First thing is the personality. I am not very aroused by smutly-acting girls, as all she is really telling me is that she is open to discard my love and persue multiple relationships. A sexy personality for me would be overall humble I would say. Shyness or overtness are fine either way, but what I want is a partner that is not pretentious. This would extend to the way she would dress as well.

Secondly I need a sense of humor, a good one that appreciates humor both subtle and crass. Funny girls are almost always sexier imo.

Third is a sense of worth. Confidence is sexy in my opinion, and she should express it in everything she does.

Give me these things, and a burn-victim would appear to me as a goddess among females.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Sexy comes from what is between her ears.

Bellatrix's avatar

I agree that intelligence is one of the sexiest things for me in men or women. In addition, and this is just an observation, I think the sense that a woman (or man) won’t mind getting messy and energetic in bed is sexy. I think this partly comes down to having a light hearted, fun and ‘in love with life’ attitude. You just know if you got them into bed they would be 100% there and into the whole thing. Some people, not just men, seem so rigid and uptight, I can’t imagine them ever letting loose and that’s just not sexy.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Her autheticity.

Unbroken's avatar

Sexiness. It is big, it is a drug, it exudes out of one’s pores. It makes your head turn your heart race.

It is uncontained emotion.

It is accessible and exciting. It can’t be faked or imitated.

It isn’t meant to be grasped rationally. Described or dictated. A prescription to be followed It comes from someplace primal.

Not always the same place and not always fed by the same emotion. Whether it is fleeting or a deep well to be explored isn’t something one can really tell at first.

It is uncertainty and knowing. It is fresh and timeless. You know it when you see it. But you have to be open to feel it. It won’t force itself on you.

Simply it is an opportunity. A possibility.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Sense of humour.
Feeling good in her skin no matter what size it is.

lemmy's avatar

Humor! I love jokes. And, and, and, holding a conversation. I don’t care if you embarrass yourself, stutter a few times, or can’t think of the right word. When you have strong opinions, believe in them, and fight for them.. call me. Unless of course, you’re bashing my opinions ;)

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