Social Question

janbb's avatar

"What are you going to do with your one wild and precious life?"?

Asked by janbb (63319points) June 21st, 2013

The line is Mary Oliver’s and it has been quoted to me by gailcalled from a poem we both love. I was thinking about it when I walked to the ocean with my coffee (and donut) this beautiful June morning and thought about how fortunate I am right now. What magic is there in your life and/or where do you hope you can find it?

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24 Answers

ucme's avatar

Live it to the max, no regrets & grow old disgracefully.
Don’t count the days, make the days count…wise words.

marinelife's avatar

Every day when I look out my office window, I see wonders. A blue jay chittering on a branch, a deer slowly and tentatively walking up the woods path, a cardinal sitting on the back fence and singing.

Now I am entering my weekend with my best friend. We plan to see Star Trek Into Darkness this weekend, and it is going to be a beautiful day. Low 80s and not humid.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Soon I will reveal my plan to take over the world. Not your world silly. Mine.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I am pissing this gorgeous day away working on my work project. I was spraying a hammered finish on multiple pieces of hardware so they would look beautiful. They do. While they’re drying I came in to check mail and screw off. As I sit here, I can detect a light layer of paint in my nose and mouth. I hope all these volatile organics don’t give me cancer so I can enjoy life when I am not so busy.
An afternoon on the beach with a coffee and donut sounds heavenly!

tom_g's avatar

My perpetual struggle is that I’m only aware that I am alive for brief moments. When I am able to truly see, I am aware that there is no shortage of “magic” in my life, and that 99.999% of the time, I am pissing it away under layers of delusion and waiting for something.

This weekend I will have fun with my kids. It’s the last time they will be who they are at this moment, and I will work hard to keep this in mind. If I can, there is nothing more that I could ask for – other than wishing that my wife didn’t have to work all weekend. We’ll sit, talk, bike, run, play, create, eat, laugh, dance, fight, forgive, and I will take it all in as it simultaneously becomes merely a memory.

janbb's avatar

@LuckyGuy Come on down and visit the Shore. Your mishpocheh is waiting.

@tom_g Yes. I realize more and more how much of my time I piss away fantasizing and longing for things that won’t ever be instead of enjoying the present moment.

@marinelife I am so glad that you found the place you are in.

Coloma's avatar

I have always been “blessed”, for lack of a better word in truly finding joy in life, but am currently struggling with some stress and depression after all the big changes I have undergone this last few months. I in-joyed 7 years of prosperity, bliss, supreme contentment and now, the seasons they are a’ changin’ again. Being a very self aware type I can chart my mental/emotional health very well and realize I have gone from the peak of health and self actualization into a digressive phase in the moment.

I have no regrets and will come out of this funk one way or another.
My personality type the “ENTP” is known to be one of the most life loving types out there when healthy. I sure can attest to that, when I am riding high I am one of the most exuberant and life loving people there is. Todays happy moment is seeing my squash in bloom, thankfully, inspite of my current challenges I am always very observant of the simple pleasures of nature. :-)

tinyfaery's avatar

Whatever the fuck I want.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Enjoy every sandwich. RIP Warren.

tups's avatar

Time will tell. I won’t plan it.

Berserker's avatar

Magic includes eye of newt and several powders and potions, which I shall proceed to mix and brew. Then I will conjure Cerberus, and be rad, every single day.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline Cheers. Let’s knock a few back.

Headhurts's avatar

I don’t want anything apart from my boyfriend. I don’t care about my life. My head fucks with me far too much to want to live.

flutherother's avatar

Not very wild and precious only to me and maybe one or two others.

janbb's avatar

@flutherother Well, that’s true for all of us, don’t you think?

flutherother's avatar

@janbb I would hope so.

jordym84's avatar

Make it a happy and fulfilled one while taking care of and being good to those around me. So far so good!

I love this question! Somehow it was just what I needed on this beautiful, sunny day. :)

augustlan's avatar

Beautiful question! I plan to love and be loved, and will try to be more aware of the everyday magic in my life.

bkcunningham's avatar

@tom_g, when I read your post, I thought about this column by one of my favorite columnists. I hope you enjoy.

I’m going to try and find the peace of little things.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Oy! Such an offer I can hardly refuse! Next time I’m in the area we’ll have a nosh.

Bellatrix's avatar

Learn something new every day and try to remember to be content with what I have, which is so much more than most people on this planet. Other than that, I hope I will try to notice and value the small things.

cookieman's avatar

Be productive.
Love my wife.
Raise my daughter.
Read some comics.
Eat some cookies.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

I love, love, love, love, love this poem…and Mary Oliver!

With every moment and in every breath…I am always answering this question.

gailcalled's avatar

Certainly take a little time regularly to read some more of Mary Oliver’s poems.

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