[SFW] If anything were possible, what body modification/s would you want?
Asked by
ETpro (
June 22nd, 2013
The sky’s the limit. Imagine that between genetic engineering and stem-cell technology, doctors can give you anything flesh and blood is capable of. You’ve won a national contest that will pay for the doctors carrying out your wildest dreams. What are those dreams? Do they involve modifications that can’t be mentioned in genteel company? Then you want the NSFW version of this question.
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17 Answers
I’d have a new prostate installed. 55 grams – like the ore that came standard.
A little more mass is all I ask! Why must I be so thin??
I read about a guy once who could theoretically run forever, if you kept him fed and watered. I’d want something like that. While they’re in there, reinforced joints, ligaments, and tendons. And a shockproof subdermal music player that used bone conduction instead of headphones.
I’d want an actual glint in my eye that pinged every time I winked or had a cheeky grin playing across my lips.
More energy and a more efficient metabolism. Better muscle tone. Super-elastic skin like I had in my teens (but without the pimples, I still get too many of those in my late 40s). A normal auto-immune system. Good vision without floaters (I’ve had them all my life), and great hearing without tinnitus (my hearing is still good, but my ears have rung for as long as I can remember). My original hair color would be nice, or I’d fast-forward to the silvery grey I’ll have 15 years from now; it’s this in-between stage I don’t like.
An additional finger on each hand, and fingers long enough to play the piano. Imagine being able to play six notes with each hand!
The ability to regenerate without limit.
Ready? Here’s the list:
- Lift on my right eye. It droops a bit. Really only shows up in pictures, but I don’t like it.
– Nose job. It’s not huge, but it comes away from my face at too much of an angle.
– Under chin lift. Things are a little wobbly there from aging and having lost weight.
– Breast reduction and lift.
– Liposuction of all of my abdominal area, and then a lift. Stretch mark removal if possible.
– Liposuction of inner thighs, all the way down to my knees. My hips might not make it possible, but a thigh gap would be good too.
– Butt enhancement and lift.
– While they’re in there, they may as well deal with the bunion on my left foot. It has to be done sometime!
And if we’re going to venture into true fantasy, I’d like longer legs.
All I want is to be a litte taller. And maybe not have asthma and other breathing problems.
@LuckyGuy Coming right up… erm… down.
@dxs Time generally heals that. At 18, I was 5–11 and 125 pounds. Now I’m down to 5–10 but up to 170 pounds.
@Nullo That’s an awesome wish list. Makes me all the more anxious to see medical science progress to the point where such things are possible, even routine.
@ucme As if your intentions aren’t obvious enough already. :-)
@Headhurts Not that it’s easy to achieve, but that’s within your reach without any medical magic involved.
@hearkat I am SOOOO with you on all of that.
@zenvelo Extra fingers for piano keys could get out of hand (pun intended) real quickly given that there are 88 keys—44 per hand.
@YARNLADY Now THAT is an exceedingly wise wish. It’s like a fairy godmother giving you one wish, and you wish for unlimited additional wishes.
@tedibear Excellent list. I hope that medical technology can soon deliver just such a range of improvements.
@laineybug A very reasonable list. One medical science isn’t far from being able to deliver.
@ETpro Can it at least happen before my prime years end then?
@dxs If you really set out to do it with an exercise program that’s designed to build muscle mass, then yes, it can happen while you’re still in your prime. But don’t slack off as you age or you’ll end up looking like a former football star who is now obese and looking for a gig advertising for Weight Watchers.
@ETpro – All of those things are possible, except possibly the leg lengthening! (Although there’s a vague notion in my head that even that can be done.) However, if I can’t have a guarantee that there will be no medical complications and will be free of charge, I’m highly unlikely to do any of it!
@tedibear Yes, even leg lengthening is not possible. But you can scratch the whole kit and kaboodle off your bucket list. No such guarantee (that’s actually going to be delivered upon) will be provided.
@laineybug There actually is a procedure for making you taller. They break your leg bones and then pull the legs to create a gap between the segments. You’re kept that way until the bones grow to each other and fuse, giving you a centimeter or so. This is then repeated until the desired height is reached.
(I’d rather stay my current height.)
@ETpro Oops, “is not possible” above was supposed to read “is now possible” instead. Danged spell checker. Right spelling but wrong word.
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