General Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

Has anyone noticed Amazon putting things on your wish list without your permission?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43881points) June 22nd, 2013

It appears that Amazon put some items on my wishlist because I looked up something similar. Is this sleazy marketing?
I can no longer trust the list. This practice has effectively made it worthless to me.
Is everything on your wishlist something you specifically put there?

Will you start putting totally bogus items on your list just to mess with their algorithm?

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15 Answers

_Whitetigress's avatar

I haven’t noticed. Perhaps you clicked a setting that allows for suggestions? Or someone in your family is using your account, to tell you something? Or shopping for themselves and have forgotten to remove items.

Just some possibilities. Happy Saturday!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Only my items, some are 8 years old.
Do you someone that is adding items for you? ;>)

Is it at least the size ? ? ?

GoldieAV16's avatar

Everything on my wish list is something I put there. Are you sure you haven’t been Shopping Under The Influence (SUI)? I had a girlfriend who used to do that. She said every day was like Christmas, with packages arriving with shoes and clothes that she swore she’d never seen before.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I am not much of shopper. This seems very suspicious to me. That’s why I’m asking others.
Maybe Amazon is rolling out a new ‘service’. Or maybe I misclicked a couple of times.

I am going to be right on top of this one.

GoldieAV16's avatar

Hey, I wouldn’t put anything past them. After being a long time advocate of the public Cloud, they quietly signed a contract to provide private Cloud service (private Cloud is an oxymoron!) to the CIA, to the tune of $70M over ten years. Your tax dollars at work. Wonder if the CIA has Amazon Prime, and gets free shipping?

marinelife's avatar

I don’t know. i have never used the Wish List. I order from Amazon though.

downtide's avatar

My wishlist contains only of what I’ve put there. Amazon also gives me suggestions based on other purchases but they are separate and do not show on my wishlist. If they are showing on yours I would suspect some sort of website bug. Maybe contact support and ask them about it?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@downtide ‘Suggestions’ I understand. Wish list is different.
I will wait and watch a little longer.
i will try adding some weird stuff and see what happens. Guitar strings, trombone reeds, bull inseminators.

glacial's avatar

I haven’t noticed this, although I have noticed that sometimes the wish list is accessible even though I’m not signed in. That concerns me.

There are privacy settings for the wish list, which it would seem are limited, but perhaps there’s something in there that tells them not to add items to it without your permission.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@LuckyGuy I just checked, and my wish list is exactly as it should be. No suspicious items or anything. Is it possible that an item you put on your wish list was updated by the seller so that the current page is no longer familiar to you?

@glacial The page might be loading from your browser’s cache. Next time it happens, click “refresh” and see if you get a login error.

Bellatrix's avatar

I haven’t noticed any items in my wishlist that I haven’t put there. Could you have left yourself logged in and someone else accidently added things to your account rather than their own?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Thank you for all the suggestions. I will watch it like a hawk and see. Do me a favor an keep an eye on yours too.

jca's avatar

I use Amazon all the time (especially now that I have Prime) and I never knew about the Wish List, and so I never used it. After reading this question, I went and took a look at it, and see two things in it. Both similar to things I’ve purchased, one item added 2011 and one in April 2012. I am wondering if they were things I put in my cart and never purchased, and somehow Amazon moves them to Wish List?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@jca That’s what I am thinking too but I can’t be sure. I will run an experiment. I will look at something unrelated to me in any way, like.. let’s see…. something for a woman, something I would never use, something that wouldn’t even work here….Got it! A woman’s sex toy that operates on European voltage and comes with a manual written in Chinese.

jca's avatar

@LuckyGuy: Good idea. Let me know if there are any sex toy recommendations out there!

I will try something similar. I’ll search for something that I will probably never use,, like maybe “Tourists’ Guide to Scranton” and see what ends up on my Wish List. We can update this post in a few weeks.

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