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Jeruba's avatar

My imagination--or has the Doritos recipe changed?

Asked by Jeruba (56188points) June 22nd, 2013

I have a weakness for Doritos chips and buy a bag once in a while. I bought some a couple of months ago and thought they tasted different from what I’d been used to for a lot of years. But I put it down to maybe just the one batch being off.

This week I bought another bag, and I still think so: they’ve changed—tasting, to me, saltier and spicier both. It’s not an improvement.

Does anyone else who indulges in this particular snack food have a similar observation?

I don’t like the new flavor—it’s too strong. I guess I won’t be buying any more Doritos. It’s not like I was ever a big customer, but maybe I’m not the only one who’s displeased.

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14 Answers

Pachy's avatar

I haven’t eaten Doritos for years, but my advertising-marketing background tells me it’s indeed possible Frito-Lay has fiddled with the recipe… probably to cut costs… and/or a different manfacturing plant is supplying your area.

Frito-Lay was once a client of mine (I did commercials for their bean dip and one of their chip brands) and I got to know a little about their manufacturing practices.

augustlan's avatar

I was wondering the same thing! They were on sale last week so I brought some home. They definitely tasted spicier to me, and now that you mention it, saltier, too. It actually kind of burned my lips/mouth, and I was not pleased.

My husband didn’t mention them tasting different, though, so I can’t be positive it wasn’t just me. There’s no news about a change, but of course there isn’t always.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They are in a different package / design. Maybe they changed the spice flavor mix. I haven’t bought any on 2 years.

ucme's avatar

Imagine all the Doritos
Changing their recipe, whoo hoo ooh ooh ooh.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@ucme keep your clothes on!

Whoo whoo hooh hhoot hoot. NOT

ucme's avatar

Yoko? Oh no!

Katniss's avatar

I noticed that a little bit too. Not so much the flavor as the thickness however.

JLeslie's avatar

I just had a bag if Doritos today. I don’t eat them often so it didn’t occur to me at the time that there might be a change, but I do think it is very possibly now that you bring it up. Not spicier, but more intense of a flavor. Food companies have soent lots of money in the last 20 years researching and developing ways to intensify flavor, and almost make it addicting. I wonder if that might be the case here?

rockfan's avatar

Used to be my favorite brand of chips, but I haven’t had them in a few years, Lately I’ve had an addiction with Triscuit crackers.

Berserker's avatar

Man, do normal Doritos even exist anymore? All I ever see is these crazy flavors like, Super Texas Volcanic Heatwave or like, Zanny Lemon Scented Tire Flavor.

keobooks's avatar

Sometime in the early – mid 90s, they changed the chip. They now crumble in your mouth easier. People were ripping their throats and esophagus on the old chips and they were sued several times.

Katniss's avatar

I want Doritos now!

I’ve always thought that they should make cinnamon sugar Doritos. I think they’d taste like the chips Taco Bell used to have. Remember those?

Jeruba's avatar

It actually kind of burned my lips/mouth

Yes, @augustlan, that was my sensation too, and the thing that made me feel that something really was objectively different. More powder, less chip. I guess we’re supposed to be too dumb to notice.

augustlan's avatar

@Jeruba I asked my husband about it last night, and he said he hadn’t noticed them being any different. I’m a lot more sensitive to spicy things (and flavors in general) than he is, though, so maybe he wouldn’t notice unless they were drastically different.

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