General Question

XOIIO's avatar

What is this song (well, clip of one?)

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) June 23rd, 2013

I’m trying to remember the song that I’ve seen on a few things, where if someone does something silly, the video pauses on that frame, the music plays and slowly zooms in on them. It starts out as a fast, trilly if that’s the way to describe it and then ends of with bum buum

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8 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Are you refering to wacky sax?

XOIIO's avatar

@filmfann No, this one is only a few seconds long and has no saxaphones or anything, it mainly just has a piano or something simmilar, and maybe a trombone for the end.

Vincentt's avatar

The Harlem shake?

Edit: Oh sorry, that doesn’t match your second description.

CWOTUS's avatar

See if you can “tap it out” at Songtapper. It’s a pretty nifty little site, and I can’t quite understand how it works, but I’ve been able to test it myself by “tapping out” various classical rhythms and getting the right response back. Maybe you can find it through this channel.

PeppermintBiscuit's avatar

Can you give a specific example? That is, a video clip you’ve seen this music sting used on?

Two drums and a cymbal fall down a cliff. Ba-dum chh! ... Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

XOIIO's avatar

@CWOTUS That didn’t work unfortunately, just showed modern stuff. This is like, 3 stooges era
@PeppermintBiscuit Nope, if I could find the clip, then I would know what it is :/

iLindseyMarie's avatar

If you don’t know a song but know the lyrics to it, you can always google the lyrics or YouTube them. Normally it comes up with the exact song, or songs that are very closely related. If there are no lyrics, but you know the movie or game it’s from, just look up the title of the game or movie and search for the soundtrack c:

PeppermintBiscuit's avatar

After trying to find a list of music stings for you, I have more or less given up. The best I found was this list of examples.Good luck.

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