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talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) Where are some weird places that you or others have peed in or on? (NSFW)

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 23rd, 2013

I peed in the tub, while I was in it. It felt wonderful to do something the easy way, instead of getting my 300lbs body out of the tub rinsing my self off, peeing in the toilet and then going back into the tub. PS. I just took medication before I went into the tub.
And I rinsed myself and the tub out.

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23 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

At the 1983 Boston Marathon start area there was a screen made from a few tarps with a sign on it that said “Standing Room Only”. I went inside and saw a long shallow trench dug into the ground. There was a couple dozen male runners standing shoulder to shoulder on both sides of the trench all peeing into trench that was half full with urine. I thought that that was pretty cool. But when I started peeing into the trench, and noticed a runner’s glove floating in the pee and then a kid on the other side of the trench started peeing on my shoe. It must have been good luck as I ran a PR that day. HA!

Blueroses's avatar

How about the empty Snapple bottle at a roadside pulloff during a Wyoming blizzard? (I’m female)

That was a semi-success and I’m glad I had wet-wipes in the glove box.

My friend, a male, has no problem whipping it out in my yard when he has the urge to go. I’d never even think of doing that. I chalk it up as a “boy thing”.

woodcutter's avatar

Because of no water hook up that was long over due at a house under construction I had to go in a 7 Eleven fountain drink cup. It still has the lid, and straw. After tossing the contents outside I saved the cup for later. I thought I hid it well. The funny part come next…

Sunny2's avatar

Picture a hillside in Greece, a smallish, square white-washed building with an opening cut out for a door, but no door. The door opening is facing a curving road with traffic coming down the hill. I went in and found a hole in the ground. That was it. I had to use it and just figured anybody driving by that moment wouldn’t have time to see much. Still, it was unnerving.

Blueroses's avatar

@woodcutter you tease… let’s hear the funny part.

woodcutter's avatar

Ok remember, you asked for it.

Later that day…

Boss man comes in to do whatever they do haven’t figured that out yet, He has some ‘backer that he needed to spit out and dug….my stashed piss cup out of a short wall between the kitchen bar and the living room. Takes off the lid to spit and pauses. Sniffs it a bit…makes a face and slowly puts the cover back on and hides the cup back down inside the wall. He doesn’t see me watching him or I don’t thing he saw. But what was i supposed to do? Hollar “WAIT that cup has piss drizzle in it!!!” Pretty much telling on myself in the process? He mumbles something to the effect of “I thought the city was going to hook up the water’’. Then leaves. Not a word was mentioned of it.

ETpro's avatar

@talljasperman There’s nothing like a good medicated piss to get the day going right.

My startling admission isn’t about where I peed, although I’ve picked a few strange places. It’s about where someone else did it, and the place was in my mouth! I was my highschool sweetheart. We’d been sexually active after a fashion at drive in movies, but we were really both neophytes. There was no sex education back in the 60s, and our parents were incredibly inhibited. They wouldn’t even answer direct questions with anything that even remotely made sense.

After we graduated and could be together in a bed, I soon learned that she could not orgasm during intercourse, and it left her so frustrated she’d end up crying after I got off. She assured me it was just due to the intensity of the feelings, but even then, I could smell bullshit when it was fed to me. So I began to research how to help her enjoy sex more fully. No Internet to make it easy back then. You had to go to the library and endure the withering looks of the librarians when you requested books meant only for libertines.

But I learned that something like 50% of women don’t normally reach orgasm through vaginal penetration alone. I also learned that almost all do when their partner gives them good oral love. So I tried that the next time we had sex. She had a monster orgasm, including squirting a quart of “cum” into my mouth.

I honestly had no idea what it was, and since I shot out fluid when I got off, it seemed perfectly normal to me she would do the same. It tasted fine, so I swallowed as much as I could, delighted that she was finally cumming and anxious to be part of that blessed event.

A latex sheet and a towel became a routine part of our bedroom equipment after that. I was totally into drinking whatever it was when I finally found a sex book that explained it all to me. She had very weak pubococcygeal muscles. That made for difficulty in orgasming without direct clitoral stimulation, and to her inability to retain urine when she did orgasm. A quick study of urine showed that absent a bladder infection, it is actually sterile. In battlefield conditions when no sterile water is available, it’s used to cleanse wounds and it saves lives by doing so.

At that point, I loved the submissive thought of licking her to nirvana then drinking her golden nectar so much there was no turning back. That remained part of our lovemaking, and I never mentioned the idea of Kegel exercises to her. Sadly, she eventually moved on to what she thought would be a bigger better deal, but it wasn’t. Sad.

DominicX's avatar

Oh man. Do I want to read @ETpro‘s answer? :P

When I was really drunk, I peed in a drain in a public walkway (it was at night and there was no one else there), but…certainly not my proudest moment. Other than going in the woods while out mountain biking, any other “weird” place was due to being drunk. ;)

whitenoise's avatar

My diving suit….

Actually not so weird, since most if not all divers do that, if they don’t wear a dry suit. :-)

Headhurts's avatar

I had an ex that wanted me to pee on him in the shower. I said no, so he asked to pee on me first so I could feel how good it felt. Obviously I said no to that too.

ucme's avatar

Empty coke can/beer bottle.
It’s amazing how fast you can piss outside for fear of someone coming around the corner & catching you mid-flow. You can also feel the tension as the piss reaches capacity in the can/bottle & you’re not quite finished yet.

tups's avatar

I love peeing in the ocean. At big concerts on festivals some pee in the middle of the crowd. I haven’t done that.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@woodcutter – now, if you had said that you tried to pee down the straw—that would have been impressive. Anyone can pee in a cup. Only a master can pee down a straw.

downtide's avatar

Peeing in the tub is weird? O.o

I’ve peed in the woods whilst out hiking.

bookish1's avatar

Used to have contests on the beach with friends at night. (Seeing who could go longer).
I usually won. I drink a lot of water.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I don’t know really. I’ve gone most of the places mentioned in this thread but I don’t really think any to be all that odd.

The weirdest experience I’ve ever had peeing had to be at a Penn State football game. Instead of urinals there they have the big troth deal. Usually when I use the urinal is stare straight ahead at the wall the whole time. Yea that doesn’t work with a troth since there is a dude on the other side. I was also pretty young at the time so it wasn’t even like I had to “pleasure” of being at eye level with the other people. Ya… I think i’m still a bit scared to this day.

rojo's avatar

While on a break working in a National Park, my son peed in the hardhat of a co-worker who then, unknowingly, put it back on his head. They had spent the entire summer irritating each other. This was just the culmination of many things they did to each other.

rojo's avatar

One time after a night out in San Antonio we ended up in a nice building after a concert. The mens’ restroom was locked; only the womens’ was open. There were about eight individual stalls in there and the women were cool with it so, instead of peeing on the carpet, we all used it, both men and women. After washing my hands I walked out carrying on a polite conversation with a woman who had used the sink next to me. I thought her Neanderthal boyfriend waiting for her was going to kill me (I swear he growled). She and a girlfriend had to physically restrain him while my girlfriend and I and another couple who was with us quickly left.

Geez, we were just peeing. And I didn’t peek.

Katniss's avatar

I feel totally left out! I’ve never pee’d in a weird place.

I’m going to let my freak flag fly here by saying that I would totally let my fiancé pee on me if he wanted too. I think it would be kinda hot.

lemmy's avatar

In a cup in the garage, because making it from my car to the house after I parked was just way out of the question. In alleys. On a towel in my living room when I was about 9, because I was home alone (my mom parents stepped out to pick up milk, don’t fret) and I was too scared of potential ghosts to go to the bathroom in the dark. In lakes, oceans, in the shower. In the bath. I’ve done it all and hold no shame!

lemmy's avatar

OH! I’ve peed in the middle of a crowd at a festival too. The above comment helped me remember that one.

gondwanalon's avatar

One time when I was in the army I had to pee really bad while riding in the back of truck loaded with other troops. I peed into my helmet and dumpe the pee out of the back of the truck. The truck following right behind Got sprayed. Hey when you got to go you got to go.

deni's avatar

I don’t mind peeing in the woods at all so I do that pretty often when I’m out and about, hiking, camping whatever. I have peed a few places with some excellent views, and each time I think “Wow, I have never looked at something so beautiful while urinating before!” Just a few days ago in Rocky Mountain national park I peed on top of this hill away from the people I was with. The view was such that I made them join me on top of the hill, it was too good to not see! I only found it because I needed seclusion to pee. I pee in the shower pretty often, I mean who the fuck cares it’s only me in there. I love peeing in rivers. In the desert they say it’s better to pee in a river rather than on the ground because it is so unaccustomed to moisture especially urine. Mmm!

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