What are some embarrassing facts about you?
Asked by
Katniss (
June 24th, 2013
from iPhone
Just out of curiosity, is there anything about you that would embarrass you if people knew?
Mine are pretty tame, but I have gotten a few baffled looks from people when the subject was brought up.
~ I watch and enjoy Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.
~ Out of all the hits on YouTube for Gangnam Style, at least 500 are mine.
~I’m a Miley Cyrus fan.
I have more, but I’ll leave those for later. lol
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57 Answers
Wow, way to open yourself to the collective, @Katniss :-p
On a somewhat similar note, people rag on me when they find out I like Savage Garden, but I continue to adore them. Their self-titled debut is an excellent dance album. The second one got too mainstream-poppy for my taste.
I’ll save some other embarrassing factoids for @ETPro’s next TGIF NSFW question.
As a fifty year old man, I rush to my computer every thursday afternoon to get the latest Naruto Shippuden manga episode. I can’t wait for it. Then I discuss it with teens on the forums. Well, I think they’re teens.
I also go to the grocery store and bank in my pajamas, without reserve. My teen son refuses to be seen in public with me.
I don’t have any. It’s pretty much impossible to embarrass me. I may like plenty of unpopular or uncool things but I don’t really give a shit what others think. I like what I like and I embrace who I am.
How could I answer honestly with the possibility at any time in the future that someone I know will discover my identity?
Gangnam Style is awesome. I love that dance with the hands on the hips and the legs going sideways. Most awesome thing ever.
I can’t swim. I can’t whistle, and I never learned how to drive. I’m too scared. There, I said it.
@Symbeline : So you’ve just been riding fun noodles in the Tidepool this whole time? :-p
I preffer the term pool spaghetti.
I can’t swim or whistle either. I can drive, but according to my son, not very well.
Apparently he learned what not to do behind the wheel by watching me. Such a comedian.
I learnt to ride a bike 3 years ago, I learnt to swim last year, I do not drive, I cannot go on public transport and I’m scared to go anywhere new for thr first time, on my own.
I’ve never flown, I don’t like flying, i’m scared of flying
Bizarrely though, I fucking love helicopters & would love to own one…work that one out.
Raised in Miami for ten years. Still don’t know how to swim.
Got my drivers license when I was 21.
Never learned how to write in cursive.
Sorry, I’m not saying. I don’t want to NSA to know.
Ooops, too late. NOW they know there are some embarrassing facts about me.
@Symbeline I didn’t learn how to whistle until I was 23. I learned from a sun conure lol
^I learned how to whistle right on my 17th birthday (it was at school and I was showing off lol)
Embarrassing facts…not really sure. I listen to cutesy feminine Japanese music sometimes, including Vocaloid music. If anyone I knew found out about that, I’d never hear the end of it. Sometimes I still find myself watching shows like Pokemon or Arthur. And…when I was little I used to dress up in my mom’s or my sister’s clothes and pretend I was a girl. My mom said that was always something that made her think I might end up gay…and she was right on the money :P
@DominicX Arthur is actually a really good cartoon! lol
I only brush my teeth a few times a week.
However, that is sure to change, because I am having dental surgery tomorrow, and I MUST take better care of my teeth.
Oh @bookish1, I like Savage Garden too! They are from down the road from me too. I have to like them. It’s required.
I can’t think of anything I’m embarrassed about. There must be something but I can’t think of it. Mostly, I just don’t care enough if people think I’m a dag or bogan or whatever. And never tell me not to do something because it will embarrass you :D
My daughter, who might be embarrassed by this but I doubt it since she has a fabulous sense of humour, can do the “gangnam style” dance and that one lonely boy dance. She’s had us laughing hysterically when she does this one.
Life is short – embrace your daggyness @Katniss.
I am usually unashamed of my various oddities but one particular recent one was just in a category of its own. There’s really no way to spin in where it isn’t completely foul and repulsive. For about a year of my life I could fart (and worse) through my vagina. It was a surgical complication. Little tunnel formed then bam. Didn’t exactly help me feel sexy. At my last appointment my doctor declared it healed, couldn’t find it anymore, but I’m not so sure. I don’t know if it’s just phantom feelings due to paranoia or what but I swear it still happens sometimes. Really unfun thing to be uncertain about.
Yikes I can’t think of anything else that even measures up to that. I’m not ashamed of anything else I’ve been through, nor my reactions to those situations even though they were sometimes ugly, but I’m still ashamed of that. Even though it’s obviously not my fault.
I love to watch anime, and dress in Harajuku fashion, I also love working on cars and trucks, and getting dirty from playing in mud.
I went to visit a friend in Portland (120 miles away) and got super fucked up and wet the futon we were both sleeping on. His boxers were wet too from my urine. So after calling me Mr. Peabody a few times I said fuck it and left. In hindsight he didn’t care but I was still drunk. He even offered me some sweatpants to wear while he washed my clothes. But being the insufferable dick I am I told him to fuck off and walked out in piss-pants.
I was actually unsure of where I was so I slept on a lawn until the spot on my pants dried. Then I found a bus that would take me downtown so I could get the Greyhound back to Eugene. with piss-pants
So yeah, I am that guy on the bus.
I did the entire Gangnam dance standing in line for a heavy metal concert. I know a ton of those dudes wished they had the ovaries to join my fun.
I agree, the s/t is the best Savage Garden album. Chicka-cherry cola.
I hate answering the phone. I can’t wait until video phones become the new normal, because talking to someone and not seeing their reaction to what I’m saying freaks me the fuck out. I just know they’re on the other end of the line, thinking… Judging me…
There really isn’t anything that I’m ashamed of…at least nothing comes to mind at the moment. I suppose I “should” be ashamed of the fact that I’m 24 going on 25 and still don’t have my driver’s license, but it’s a non-issue for me because I love to walk and dread having to deal with car payments, maintenance, insurance, gast, etc. I’m working on getting my license because I might end up needing it in the near future and I don’t want my not being able to drive holding me back from advancing in my career, but I don’t plan on getting a car any time soon.
If I think of anything embarrassing about myself, I’ll be sure to post it on here! ;)
No thanks. I’ve already shared enough that would curl the hair on a porcupine only to have my fellow jellies share outrages like, “I once farted in a phone both when some asshole was impatiently waiting outside.” or in this one, I pour out my guts only to be met with fellow Jellies sharing the outrage that, “I peed in a soda cup.” or “I peed in the ocean.”
I enjoy eating durian fruit in public places.
I miss my deceased cat more than any of my deceased relatives.
I enjoy skinny dipping in the ocean at night.
I’m a white male and a fiscal conservative.
I had Target money from a returned gift and used it to buy a handheld blender. My choices were a dreary, industrial black and grey model or “Flamant Rose,” which was created for breast cancer marketing. It is so ridiculously feminine (and phallic), I can’t even look at it without laughing. Image
@serenade, that looks strikingly similar to a sex toy…
I do not particularly find this embarrassing but @Mariah reminded me as I was feeling hopeless about embarrassing things about myself, that I can make myself queef. All my life I thought this was something every woman could do, not just after sex when air was trapped in there, but actually suck it in then force it out. It’s just air, it’s not gross at all really, but it does make some crazy sounds. I even asked a question here on Fluther to make sure all women could do this and I was not alone. Every response was the opposite of what I expected. So I guess there’s that. I have shown this “talent” to three boyfriends thus far in life and that is all. They have all thought it was the funniest thing ever, you know guys and farting sounds. Now, when my boyfriend farts, I suck in and queef and he feels put to shame, which is how men should feel from time to time by their girlfriends. So thats all really.
I’m also a bit embarrassed at this point about my fear of caterpillars which I know is ridiculous. Last time I was camping in Utah, my favorite place in the world, I saw a nest of caterpillars and it literally ruined my trip. I was terrified the entire time. :(
@deni It’s not completely ridiculous to fear caterpillars depending on what ya got in your area. When I was in Belize I stepped on one of these while barefoot. Hurt like a bitch and made me feel pretty sick for the next hour.
I just screamed “GUH!!” when I clicked on that picture. Well, the thing is, growing up in PA, we had massive amounts of tentworms at the time. Now, they seem to have really fizzled out. It seems like it comes and goes, the amount of caterpillars around at any time. But when I was young they literally would fall out of the trees onto you. We also had the big yellow ones, the small white ones, and the wooly ones which freaked me out the least. None of those crazy ones, like the Mad Haterpillar. So, compared to them, it’s sort of silly. I know that but can’t get past it! I was home in PA visiting a month ago and was up on my mom’s farm trying to enjoy the baby sheep and goats, in babyanimalwonderland, and could not get past the tentworms everywhere. It was worse this year than it has been since I was little, at least that I can remember. Ugh. Will I ever prosper.
@deni How did I miss that question? I can do that, too!
I always get food stuck in my teeth. I don’t know why, I guess my teeth are just spaced in such a way that food gets caught in there but I have to check my teeth in a mirror after every snack or meal to make sure that I am safe to smile as all to often I haven’t realised and smiled at lots of people only to mortified when I realised just how hideous I looked later on!
I have queefed (fanny farted for the Brits here – “fanny” doesn’t mean arse in the UK like it does in the States) in my boyfriend’s face, more times than I care to remember!
I am a massive Barry Manilow fan!
When I get nervous, I need to poo, a lot!
It’s not exactly a secret, well at least not to the Fluther crowd, but I have a wee little girl crush on Fran Drescher from The Nanny.
I sometimes eat nachos, alone, never in public. You know, the ones with the neon orange cheese sauce.
I sing to dogs and cats.
One of my boobs is slightly bigger than the other.
I have shirtless photos of Leonard Nimoy on my computer.
Also, I’ve seen Barry Manilow. Twice.
He puts on a good show.
Here’s another one. I still watch Little House on the Prairie. Everybody laughs at me for it, but it’s good, dammit!
my soon calls it “the Laura Show”.
I only change my sheets when my FWB is coming over.
My son is so embarrassed by the fact that my FWB is only 7 years older than he is that I’m forbidden to talk about him when we speak. Other than that my son is perfect.
I sleep with my cats.
I’m 39 and have yet to get a driver’s license. I took drivers ed in high school but never went beyond the learning permit. Honestly after all the other bills are paid, I’ve never made enough money to pay for gas, insurance and regular car maintenance. The idea that at any time something could go wrong and the mechanic will say, “OK, xyz is busted, that will be $1200” frightens me greatly. Also, after driving on the freeway once I knew I never wanted to do it again. Scary as hell.
I have no sense of boundaries when it comes to home repair/modifications. In order to have pens handy at all times I once decided to nail two nails 4 inches apart on each wall of the house (like how people hang swords on walls..). I also have notepads nailed to walls. Living room walls. I had a plastic butter knife duct taped to the kitchen counter for years to serve as a hook for a hand towel. I don’t care how it looks.
My bed is in the living room. My bedroom is the hottest room in the house, so after a few years of living here and enduring horrible summer nights I said the hell with it and started sleeping on the living room couch. That couch only lasted a few more years, so when it came time to replace it I just got a bed instead. Now even in cold weather I can’t stand the thought of sleeping in a small bedroom vs. my spacious living room. (My bedroom now effectively belongs to my cat.)
I met my fiancé on Facebook.
As if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, he doesn’t even live in the same state. lol
I can’t believe that Pa never bitch slapped Mrs. Olsen.
She was an evil bitch.
He’d never hit a woman. I fully thought Mr Olsen would, though.
Wasn’t there an episode where Laura punched Nelly/Nancy in the nose?
It was Nelly, I think. Great episode.
How about the one where Nelly was in a wheelchair and Laura pushed her down that hill in it because she found out that Nelly was faking. I still laugh at that one.
I like to watch Gilmore Girls. My wife is teasing me about this. I need to keep going, because I’m so curious about how the story develops. Dean just broke up with Rory for the second time. Please no spoilers!
@mattbrowne I love Gilmore Girls and have all the series on DVD.
I forgot to add my inverted nipple, lazy eye and webbed toes to my list!
I have an essential tremor that is anxiety dependent. If I am in public and in the midst of a negative emotion or just nervous or worried that I might be nervous that I’ll shake my hands do.
I have a really bad habit of rolling my eyes that I can not control. Even when I am interested in the conversation and think oh yay I haven’t rolled my eyes *que eyeroll. It can really turn people off. If I feel it coming on I try to hold my eyes extra wide.. Since they are already “frog eyes” I am sure it looks as ridiculous as it feels. So when I think that my eyes roll.
I remember who I did this too and their immediate response and so everytime I see them I usually end up thinking about not eyerolling and start eye rolling so therefore there are scads of people I am not more friendly with simply because I just can’t stop rolling my eyes when I make direct eye contact with them. Sounds funny. And it is.. Sort of.
I love kayaking and boating but am deathly afraid of the water. My parents were against co ed swimming so by the time I became old enough to learn how to swim I had almost drowned so many darn times I started panicking everytime my feet left the bottom of the whatever… or my head went under water. I paid for adult classes because I think I would love it and because I risk other people when I boat with them. I chickened out. I don’t know what is stronger fear making a fool out of myself by panicking or actually drowning.
I am a nonreligious person who enjoys singing and occasionally sing hymns but everyone says everytime I sing aloud it ends up sounding like a hymnal.
I over, over analyze everything and I do it so quickly and automatically that even when I consciously try to stop I have already have broken things down to the nth degree and even if I stay busy physically if I have nothing else to occupy my mind i will break down that nth and then start all over…. which is why I constantly have to be learning things or reading things in order to distract myself.
I have an essential tremor brought on by stress too @Unbroken. My head moves slightly. Very annoying. I wonder if people are aware of your stress related physical issues as you believe they are? Perhaps you could say something. Defuse the problem?
I have face blindness. Unless there is something unusual that helps me remember or we have a long conversation, I don’t remember people’s faces. Very embarrassing when someone says hi to you and I have no idea how they know me. I just own up now and say I have face blindness, where do I know you from? Usually as soon as they tell me I remember them. Another very annoying and embarrassing problem. I wonder how many people feel slighted by me because I didn’t recognise them.
@Bellatrix I have thought about it, but I am not an explainer to strangers. Unless asked. In which case I have no problem explaining.
Do you find it awkward to explain yours when to new people when it is not brought up?
Nobody has ever mentioned the tremor. It only appeared a couple of years ago. My husband noticed it once but that’s it (thankfully). I’m aware of it but if I notice it, I see it as a sign I’m stressed. I can usually change my position and stop it too. If it was happening all the time, and as with your eye rolling thing, I thought it was leading to people thinking I was being rude. I think I’d say something. Not in an embarrassed way but more a ‘sorry about the eye rolling, it’s not you, it’s a tremor’! I think if you’re really blasé about it, people take it in their stride.
The face blindness is more embarrasing because I just don’t code faces. I actually warn people sometimes. Sort of ‘oh don’t be offended if I don’t remember your face next time we meet, I have face blindness’. Better to do that than appear oblivious to our previous meeting. It’s weird because some faces I do remember, others not at all. If there is a bit of time between meetings it’s more pronounced. Once I know someone very well I don’t forget their faces. I think it just takes a few meetings for my brain to code some people’s faces.
@Bellatrix That is a very proactive and positive way to go about things.
There is a word for face blindness. It started with a P… But it is not as uncommon as you think. At least you remember the faces of your family. I read a story on people who don’t.
I read that Brad Pitt has that face blindness thing!
@Unbroken, yes it’s called Prosopagnosia. I suspect I won’t be able to remember that either :-) That wiki entry says 2.5% of people have it in its congenital form. You can also acquire it through brain injury. I can’t recall having a brain injury that would account for it. I’m in good company though. Apparently Brad Pitt has it too.
Perhaps I should have some badges made up. “I’m not rude, I just don’t remember your face”. I’ll send Brad one! Maybe he’ll come and visit next time he’s in Oz. I’d remember his face…
-I read Dramacon. A sappy manga.
-I still have and use from time to time my blanket from when I was a toddler when I go to bed
-I’ve had a relationship from someone I met on the Internet
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