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Berserker's avatar

What are your experiences with food poisoning?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) June 24th, 2013

It’s pretty much what I spent my entire weekend doing, being sick. Which really sucks, because this was a three day weekend, and a holiday. I was supposed to go out and party, but on Saturday morning at six am I woke up all sick. In between then and one pm my body was busy rejecting all these toxins which I’m pretty sure I got from this chicken I ate the night before. I threw up so much that my throat actually got sore. A fever and the chills came with it, and I spent most of the day in bed, sleeping on and off. Tried to play video games for a while, but that wasn’t happening. Yesterday was much better, although I felt pretty weak and had to take naps here and there.
The worse part about food poisoning is the intense thirst that comes with being dehydrated from puking and retching (and number two-ing lol) so much, and for a while I couldn’t even drink anything at all, not even a tiny sip of water, as it would rush out of me five minutes later. I was like, dude, how the hell am I suppose to hydrate myself? Damn bastard chicken.

I’m better now, but still recovering and have only eaten three bowls of soup since then and I still have no appetite. I just keep drinking 7Up and Gatorade. Food poisoning can go from 4 to 7 days, thankfully for me, the worst of it seems to have happened in two days, give or take.
That’s my experience, and it sucked.

A lot of people confuse the flu with food poisoning, with good reason, they’re kind of similar, but honestly, the flu is slightly more tolerable, in my opinion.
While I was able to sit up for a while, I read stuff online about food poisoning, the different kinds there are and that which are most common, as well as what to do to help recover. I pretty much followed what I thought made sense. In one article they suggest sucking on ice cubes so your body can get some fluids, and since it’s such a small amount, it should not be rejected by your body. I had no ice cubes, so I had small sips of water here and there, which at first didn’t even work.

So I put you through my story, now put me through yours. Ever get food poisoning? From what? What was it like, and how did you deal with it? Which is worse, the flu, or this? And what did you lean, if anything?

I read online that some people think that if you happened to drink alcohol with your tainted meal, that the alcohol will help reduce the effects of the food poisoning; which is supposed to be a complete myth. I also learned that in all the different types of food poisoning, some are really bad, and what I got doesn’t begin to compare. and I also know that just thinking about chicken makes me gag now.

So let’s all share our nasty food poisoning stories.

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45 Answers

bookish1's avatar

Oh Symby, I am sorry this happened to you, and on a weekend when you had plans too. Bastard chicken!! It sounds like you took care of yourself in the proper way. I hope you are back to 100% very soon!

I don’t think I’ve ever had food poisoning. I could share some amusing alcohol-puking stories, but I don’t think that’s what you’re asking for.

rockfan's avatar

My dad has suffered food poisoning three or four times (he eats a lot of raw fish from shady seafood restaraunts) and I’m thankful that I’ve never experienced it.

Berserker's avatar

@bookish1 Eh, share away! That’s why it’s in social. :)

@rockfan I love fish, but raw? Eeew. I wonder if you can get food poisoning from eating sushi?

bookish1's avatar

@Symbeline : OK, you asked for it. I’ve only puked from alcohol a few times, but always in unfortunate situations… Once was in high school. Right out front of my therapist’s office. I had problems back then… The second time was a couple months ago. I was at a club trying to get some dancin’ on with a friend (not that kind of friend, more of a wing-man.) I had super low blood sugar and had to sit down, and as I was trying to recover, I realized I was going to puke and was too weak to make it to the bathroom. Pretty much all I had in my system was liquor and glucose tablets. So I puked all over myself, trying not to get any on the floor. I thought I was going to pass out, but I was still horrified at the thought of someone noticing me.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

About a year and a half ago I was invited to an event. Well it turned out that about a day or so later, about 34 people who had been guests at that event went to hospital with food poisoning!
I remember not knowing which end of me to put over the toilet bowl! Never felt so sick in all my life! I was also terrified to eat for weeks after that! It was supposedly one of the soft cheeses that “did the job!”

Berserker's avatar

@bookish1 Aaaw man, that sucks. So nobody noticed? How did you get home? But yeah, that must have both sucked and been humiliating at the same time. :/ Hopefully, someone took care of you. I would have.

@ZEPHYRA Yeah, the not knowing what end to look after first happened to me too. I had a bucket I kept by the side of my bed and at one time I ran to the can with said bucket in my arms. So pleasant. XD
But you didn’t end up in the hospital, did you? In my little researches, that can happen to a lot of people for various reasons, and in certain cases, food poisoning can even cause death. Pretty scary. :/

Katniss's avatar

Oh no @Symbeline I’m sorry!!
I got food poisoning at Burger King once. It was kind if my own fault though. I noticed that it tasted a little off and the mayo on it looked like a clear yellow color, but I was so hungry I ate it anyway. I spent the following 2 days not knowing which end to throw over the toilet first.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Yes I DID end up in hospital for about 5 or 6 hrs with a drip stuck in my arm! I was drained and just about to faint!

LuckyGuy's avatar

I had to eat something in a rural part of S. Korea. About 4 hours after eating I felt like I was hit in the stomach. It was over by the next morning.

hearkat's avatar

In 1989, I traveled with family to Europe. Shortly after returning home, I had horrible diarrhea and fever and was miserable. It turned out to be campylobacter and the State Department of Health called me to try to determine the source. No one in my family became sick, and neither did my boyfriend or college roommates. It took me months before I got close to 100%. Ugh.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I’ve had food poisoning 3 times. I wish that on no one. One of the times wasn’t so bad but the other two were horrible. The first time I got food poisoning I ended up being sick for the next two days and couldn’t eat right for the next month without feeling ill. The most recent time I got food poisoning was when I was in Belize. That was a bit scary for a while. I was in a foreign country and wasn’t sure wtf was wrong with me for the first day. I was also displaying a lot of the symptoms of dengue fever which scared me and my fiance. I couldn’t do anything, I was stuck in bed and had a sickly pale/yellow color to my skin. I threw up a lot at first but then there was nothing in my so it was just dry heaving for the next day and a half. We decided if I didn’t start feeling better then we’d go to the hospital. But luckily after day 3 I was feeling a lot better and by day 4 I was back to normal and enjoying the tropics. Decided to never eat that that place again :P

bookish1's avatar

@Symbeline: Daww, thank you. No one noticed apparently. It was a dark club. And my buddy brought me a soda and took me home early. I was so embarrassed and apologetic, but he was very nice about it.

Katniss's avatar

@bookish1 I know how embarrassing something like that can be.
When I was about 16, my friends and I went to a carnival, it was over 100 degrees outside, and I started feeling really faint. I thought drinking some freezing cold Pepsi would help. My stomach had a very different opinion. I threw up all over the place. There were sooooo many people around me. I just wanted to die!!!!!

Only138's avatar

@Symbeline glad to hear you’re doing some better. That’s great to know. Keep hydrated though. :)

augustlan's avatar

Sorry you had a shitty literally weekend, girlie! I’ve had it a few times, and it is damn awful. During the worst bout, I was sitting on the toilet and puking in the bathroom trashcan at the same time. Ugh. On the plus side, it’s never lasted more than two days for me.

Non-food poisoning related story:

A year or so ago, we had about 15 – 20 people over at our house and one of the guests brought a young child who (unbeknownst to us at the time) had been puking earlier in the day. The parents thought she was better, so they came and brought her along. Of course, as it turned out, she wasn’t better at all, and nearly every single person who was there caught her illness. (The only ones spared were two guys who drank a crapload of alcohol, so there may be something to that theory after all!)

The rest of us dropped like flies, one after the other and it’s probably the sickest most of us had ever been. Projectile vomiting for days on end. One good thing came out of it…after spending so much time on the bathroom floor that my body was killing me, I finally figured out the toilet isn’t really the best place to vomit. If you’re going to be puking a lot, use the kitchen sink. You can stand up, lean on the counter, and there’s a garbage disposal!

Katniss's avatar

@augustlan Damn. How pissed off were you? I don’t understand why some people have no problem with infecting a whole houseful of people because they don’t want to miss the party.

YARNLADY's avatar

I hate to throw food away, especially fruit, so I experience it about three or four times a year. I mostly get what we shall call the runs, and a stomach ache.

Bellatrix's avatar

Only once thank goodness. It is still etched on my memory as a truly horrible experience.

I was staying at my sister’s house. So I wasn’t even at home. They took me to a neighbour’s place for dinner and the lady served carpetbag steaks. One of the oysters must have been bad.

I woke up a couple of hours after going to bed with the most terrible cramps and so it began. The running back and forward to the loo with the desperate decision to be made, to kneel or to sit… I eventually just got a bucket and let both ends go simultaneously. At one point I was wrapped around the toilet pedestal wishing I could die.

I didn’t want to wake my sister and her husband (who I didn’t know well). It was both excruciatingly disgusting and painful and also embarrassing to be so ill in someone else’s house.

I apparently came out of my room looking like death in the morning.

So sorry you went through this Ms Symb. I hope you feel much better now.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It’s not fun.

Uncooked or lousy hamburger at Wendy’s (fast food) in Gainesville, Georgia. No problem the first 15 m,inutes. By the time I got home (about 10 minutes later) my stomach was doing somersaults.

An hour later my stomach, intestines (both large and small) had been entirely evacuated.

Couldn’t eat for 2 more days – any time I put something in my mouth and swallowed, it came back up within one minute.

I drank water and ginger ale for 3 days. Slowly I got back to normal.

But it was exceedingly unpleasant. On the other hand, I probably lost 8 pounds of water.

tedibear's avatar

I got a bad hot dog at a public golf course after the first nine holes of a friend’s family outing. By the twelfth hole it was a decision between playing golf and sitting quietly in the cart hoping that the next hole would have a porta-potty. I managed to not throw up until we were at the friend’s house for post-game food and drinks. Needless to say, I drank ginger ale and ate crackers. And sucked up sympathy from my friend’s mom.

@Symbeline – yes, you can get food poisoning from poorly prepared sushi. Prepared correctly it’s usually fine. I hope you’re feeling better soon!

El_Cadejo's avatar

It’s interesting reading how many people felt the effects so quickly after eating something. I was always under the assumption food poisoning took a good 6–12 hours , generally longer until one feels the symptoms.

Bellatrix's avatar

I agree @uberbatman. I always thought it took a few hours to go through your system too and that was one of the tells that you have food poisoning.

hearkat's avatar

@uberbatman- Agreed. I have eaten bad food that just sat in my stomach like lead until it finally threw up, but I don’t consider it “food poisoning” the way the campylobacter was.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@hearkat Exactly, I’ve gotten horrible sick countless times but none of that even comes close to comparing with the hell that is food poisoning.

deni's avatar

@tedibear I too was plagued with a bad hot dog experience. I have never vomited so forcefully in my life. The chunks of hot dog/jalapeno were stuck in my nose for hours. It was absolutely retched, so completely disgusting. Everytime I inhaled a chunk I had to fight off vomiting again. Oh god it was so bad.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I must add that it has left me with a deep set phobia of eating out and the moment I so much as feel the slightest wave of nausea, it all comes back to me!

Berserker's avatar

@uberbatman Yeah, the chicken I had was eaten at about 8:30 PM, and I started getting sick at six the next morning, so that was ten hours for me, give or take. I don’t actually even remember the actual time, but there was a six at the beginning, so…
And dude, skin changing color? Yeah…that would be pretty freaky. :/

@augustlan I just kept this bucket by me bed. No way in hell I was getting up if I didn’t have to. lol Mind you, a few times, I did.

Also a few of these incidents make me not wanna travel. :/ Also I got a question for yall, when you were sick with this, was there any position that made it more bearable? Like lying down, or kind of half sitting half lying? Sitting? Standing up?

ucme's avatar

Non existent…so far.

shego's avatar

@ucme be glad because at times you wonder if its better if you were dead.

Earlier this year my husband took me out for our engagement anniversary, and we went to some expensive resturant, and I had some fettuccini Alfredo. We then went to a movie, I didn’t order any popcorn or candy because I was full from dinner. About three hours after eating we were on our way home, and I was complaining the whole way saying my head and stomach were hurting. Then I started getting very shaky. Well halfway home I started yelling at my husband to stop the car. We were on the highway. I got out of the car and was violently “blowing chunks” it was to the point that I was only dry heaving. My husband being cautious, called for an ambulance, and I was taken to the hospital where they had to give me some fluids and let me rest. But as for the shakiness I had that sensation for about a week. Not a fun time.

ucme's avatar

@shego Oh I am, can’t be a barrel of fun shitting through the eye of a needle.

Kardamom's avatar

I got food poisoning one time from eating a bad Egg McMuffin, back in the day when I still ate meat. Not only did I puke and crap, I had the most painful burning sensation in the bottom of my stomach. I wished for death.

rockfan's avatar

@Kardamom I also got severe food poisoning from an Egg McMuffin, but it was from a McDonalds in an airport. So I basically had it coming.

Berserker's avatar

Any time you eat at MacDick’s you have it coming.

ucme's avatar

A few years ago someone found sperm in their burger at a MacDick’s near us, not our local, but a couple of miles further down the road.
The dirty bastard responsible was prosecuted & dismissed, never knew they did a cum in a bun :(

Berserker's avatar


ucme's avatar

Understatement of the decade.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I’m so proud to be able to say I haven’t eaten fast food since jan 2012.That shit is absolute garbage.

bookish1's avatar

Way to go, @uberbatman. The closest I’ve come to fast food since high school is an occasional vegetarian sandwich from Subway.

ucme's avatar

I don’t enjoy fast food, horse & cheetah don’t taste good.

mattbrowne's avatar

Never experienced it in the past 50 years of my life.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme What animal should you never trust?

A cheetah! ...derp.

ucme's avatar

Personally, i’d never trust a drunken chimpanzee with access to a blender & a fwuffy kitten.

Katniss's avatar

I’ve noticed that fast food hamburgers make me feel really weird. I get really jittery and sick to my stomach. I try to avoid it as much as possible.
I won’t eat it for a year or so, I kinda forget for a minute how it makes me feel, then I’ll hit MickeyD’s and about 15 minutes later I remember why I don’t eat much fast food.

Berserker's avatar

I heard Macdick’s puts anti vomit in their soft drinks. Man, talk about doing it as backwards. Instead of making the food decent, they spend thousands in prevention. Lol.

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