Social Question

What are your experiences with food poisoning?
It’s pretty much what I spent my entire weekend doing, being sick. Which really sucks, because this was a three day weekend, and a holiday. I was supposed to go out and party, but on Saturday morning at six am I woke up all sick. In between then and one pm my body was busy rejecting all these toxins which I’m pretty sure I got from this chicken I ate the night before. I threw up so much that my throat actually got sore. A fever and the chills came with it, and I spent most of the day in bed, sleeping on and off. Tried to play video games for a while, but that wasn’t happening. Yesterday was much better, although I felt pretty weak and had to take naps here and there.
The worse part about food poisoning is the intense thirst that comes with being dehydrated from puking and retching (and number two-ing lol) so much, and for a while I couldn’t even drink anything at all, not even a tiny sip of water, as it would rush out of me five minutes later. I was like, dude, how the hell am I suppose to hydrate myself? Damn bastard chicken.
I’m better now, but still recovering and have only eaten three bowls of soup since then and I still have no appetite. I just keep drinking 7Up and Gatorade. Food poisoning can go from 4 to 7 days, thankfully for me, the worst of it seems to have happened in two days, give or take.
That’s my experience, and it sucked.
A lot of people confuse the flu with food poisoning, with good reason, they’re kind of similar, but honestly, the flu is slightly more tolerable, in my opinion.
While I was able to sit up for a while, I read stuff online about food poisoning, the different kinds there are and that which are most common, as well as what to do to help recover. I pretty much followed what I thought made sense. In one article they suggest sucking on ice cubes so your body can get some fluids, and since it’s such a small amount, it should not be rejected by your body. I had no ice cubes, so I had small sips of water here and there, which at first didn’t even work.
So I put you through my story, now put me through yours. Ever get food poisoning? From what? What was it like, and how did you deal with it? Which is worse, the flu, or this? And what did you lean, if anything?
I read online that some people think that if you happened to drink alcohol with your tainted meal, that the alcohol will help reduce the effects of the food poisoning; which is supposed to be a complete myth. I also learned that in all the different types of food poisoning, some are really bad, and what I got doesn’t begin to compare. and I also know that just thinking about chicken makes me gag now.
So let’s all share our nasty food poisoning stories.