Shouldn't they have prescribed antibiotics after my daughter's outpatient surgery today?
She had her gall bladder removed. They sent her home 3 hours later. She just called, said her face feels hot and flushed. She said her apartment is cool, but it doesn’t feel cool.
Also, they didn’t prescribe any antibiotics for her….?
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18 Answers
That seems like a very short time to send someone home after that type of surgery.
Call the hospital and talk to the doctor on duty and explain how your daughter is feeling and see what they recommend.
Edited to add: I found this article that seems very helpful. It depends on the type of surgery as to how long the person stays and tells you what to expect after.
I didn’t have antibiotics immediately after surgery unless I had reason to need them. You don’t necessarily go on antibiotics post surgery.
After a bodily trauma like that you might feel really weird for awhile. I had issues with feeling hot too. Some kind of shock response as I recall.
Well, two hours for the surgery and about 3 hours after that is when they sent her home @chyna.
She only feels hot in her face…which makes me think of an allergic reaction. Do you remember specifically @Mariah?
I think I was in for about 12–15 hours after the surgery. I also had a drain in which was removed the next morning before I went home. I don’t remember if I had antibiotics.
It was lap surgery, if that makes a difference.
Yikes it is tough for me to remember specifics from those days. I will say that I did have an allergic reaction on my face! I was allergic to the tape used to keep the oxygen mask on and by the time I woke up I was already broken out in an awful rash.
I do remember an odd feeling of getting hot when I overexerted myself after surgery. Overexertion can be caused by things as small as moving around in bed in a bad way when you’re in a state like that. For me it was a sign I was getting a little faint and needed to rest. I definitely remember getting up to use the bathroom and coming back and being drenched in sweat and feeling all kinds of wrong. I called the nurse and they thought it was part nerves part shock. I gave it a few minutes and felt better.
Anesthesia does weird things to you.
If she feels hot for an extended period of time it’d be worth putting a call in. I also find it a little alarming to get outpatient surgery and be unsupervised so soon after.
No shit @Mariah. Imean to ” I also find it a little alarming to get outpatient surgery and be unsupervised so soon after.”
She said she woke up feeling that way.
That is not an unusual amount of time following laparascopic surgery. They send you home after you have come to from the anesthetic, and rested a bit, and that’s it.
They only prescribe antibiotics if there is evidence of an infection. Antibiotics are not used for prophylactic reasons, that’s how bugs get antibiotic resistant. And you don’t want to be killing off good bugs in your digestive system as a precaution.
Thanks @zenvelo. Can you explain the facial flushing though?
Antibiotics not indicated for elective non infected gallbladders.
The sooner they get you out of the hospital the better. You have more chance of catching an infection if you stay in the hospital than you do at home. If your daughter has a thermometer have her take her temperature. If it is not over 100F or 38C she should be able to manage it at home with cold compresses, cool showers or cool baths.
A slightly raised temperature is not unreasonable, as long as it doesn’t spike and doesn’t become persistent (2–3 days) I would not worry about it.
I had a small temp spike, and an unrelated URV in the week my surgery, and never were antibiotics prescribed. As long as the incisions looked good and the fever wasn’t high or persistent, no reason to great for an infection that isn’t there.
My boss went to Las Vegas in March, she had to have emergency surgery to have her Gall Bladder removed. They kept her in for 2 days! Even then, she asked to be discharged so she could enjoy some holiday. She never got any antibiotics.
It could be the anesthesia still working its wat out of her system. I’ve had issues with that in the past. Nothing dangerous, just annoying and uncomfortable.
Also wondering about updates. I just remembered an important detail, when I had my nervous hot flashes I did not actually have a temperature. I know those symptoms sound feverish but was her temperature actually taken?
Oh, thanks @WestRiverrat and @Mariah and everyone. She’s doing much better. My son and his GF kept the twins (5 months old) on Monday, the day of the surgery, and Monday night. They brought the twins to me at 7 Tuesday morning, and I kept them all day. Corrie called about 4 and I took them back, and stayed Tuesday night with her. I stayed until about 4:00 on Wednesday, when she told me to go home! I went today (Thursday) and picked them up at about 10 a.m. and took them to Chris’s for the day, so Corrie got some good sleep. :)
She’s doing much better.
I think the “hot flashes” are occurring because it’s 100+ outside, so even tho she has her AC blasting, and it’s cool inside…well, just don’t move!
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