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YARNLADY's avatar

What does the tooth fairy do with all those teeth?

Asked by YARNLADY (46716points) June 25th, 2013

My 4 year old grandson knows the Tooth Fairy is just a game we play, like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but he wants to know, plus he met Her at a parade Saturday, so just maybe…

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15 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Well, one thing the Tooth Fairy did with them at our house was save them, in the envelopes they came in. (Her agent was shrewd enough to tell the kids to put them in envelopes addressed to the Tooth Fairy—much easier to find under pillows than a single stray tooth.)

This saved me when something dreadful happened, such as, when rinsing off a bloody tooth, I let it slip and it went down the drain. (“I’ll be right back,” I said, thinking fast on my feet, and made a beeline for the “T” folder in my fling cabinet.)

May I also add that I scrupulously did not make up any stuff about tooth fairies, Santa, Easter bunnies, etc. I did not ever lie to my kids. I simply answered the question “What do I do with this tooth that came out?” Their imagination plus kid lore took care of the rest.

Blackberry's avatar

She works with the NSA, gathering evidence to compile a database for swift and efficient prosecution. Open your eyes, sheep!

marinelife's avatar

Flushes ‘em.

ragingloli's avatar

It is her fetish.
Also when you turn a tooth around, you get phallic shapes. And since a tooth fairy is tiny and tight, one tooth is enough pleasure for four fairies!

ucme's avatar

Trophy necklace, like some sick serial killer…sometimes death comes with a smile.

amujinx's avatar

Makes voodoo dolls. We all are now her puppets.

Pachy's avatar

Grinds them at night.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme …didn’t know I was the tooth fairy…

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Ha, get the matching bracelet like the nazi bastard on The Boys From Brazil.

Jeruba's avatar

Edit to my post above: that’s supposed to be ”filing cabinet.” The images that come up with the idea of a fling cabinet don’t have anything to do with kids.

josie's avatar

The tooth fairy grinds up all those teeth, and reformulates them into little bio-automatons, who in turn vote for the President, because he is just like them.

LornaLove's avatar

They sell them to giant dragons because baby dragons are born with no teeth. That is the reason why the child gets paid for them.

JLeslie's avatar

The tooth disappears.

The tooth fairy has a wand, and she bippity boppity boos the tooth into oblivion, and the money materializes in it’s spot.

Nullo's avatar

She gives them to teething toddlers.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Nullo Oh, yes – recycling. What a great idea.

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