Social Question

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Would you give up your life for your spouse?

Asked by ZEPHYRA (21750points) June 26th, 2013

Would you be willing to die if it meant saving or helping your spouse just as you would for your kids?

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22 Answers

janbb's avatar

Not now since he is soon to be my Ex!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

@janbb but obviously at some point in the past when you believed in him you were willing to do so, right?

Katniss's avatar

I would in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t want to live in a world where he doesn’t exist.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Not just my s/o but anyone I feel strongly about and who has entrusted me with control of the situation. I had to make this call in real life a while ago with my s/o. I started apologizing to loved ones for getting killed. Not a nice feeling.

janbb's avatar

@ZEPHYRA I don’t know; I think it would have depended on whom I thought was more important for the kids to continue to have at that point in their lives.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Flip it around. Would you give up your spouse to save your own life?


Paradox25's avatar

Except for rare circumstances I would sacrifice myself.

Emt3225's avatar

That’s a good question. I would have to say yes I would probably risk my own life to save my partner life as of now, but who knows if God forbid that time every came if i actually would. I think until faced with a situation you can never be sure what your reaction would be.

Katniss's avatar

@Emt3225 Very true. I think it depends on how much you love your s/o. It also depends on what would happen if the situation were reversed. Would your s/o take a bullet for you?
Mine would, without hesitation. That being said, if he was the type that would save himself before he’d save me, then my answer would be completely opposite.

hearkat's avatar

I want to die before him of old age; but if I had to make the conscious choice tomorrow (rather than acting reflexively on adrenaline, in which case no one can truly know what they’ll do), I’m not sure what I’d do. My fiancé is childless, but I have a son who is just 22 (and who was 7 when his father died) – so my death would have a greater impact on someone else’s life.

mattbrowne's avatar

There are no easy answers for ethical dilemmas.

OneBadApple's avatar

Mine is an easy answer. Absolutely and definitely, Mrs. Apple gets to live on.

She is one of those people who constantly thinks about the happiness of others, and virtually EVERYONE loves her.

This pathetic world needs as many people like her as it can get.

So I guess that I’d just have to go….

Coloma's avatar

Hell no. Being a martyr is not something I aspire to. lol
Absurd sentiment if you ask me.
Love doesn’t mean being a sacrificial lamb. For my child yes, for a lover, nope.

SuperMouse's avatar

I could not, at this point, give up my life for my spouse. If I was to leave this place right now I would be leaving three boys without a decent biological parent (yes they have their awesome step-father, but it would be nearly impossible for him to get custody) and I could not do that. Once the kids are grown and on their own I would give up my life for my husband in an instant.

zenvelo's avatar

Not my last spouse. But if it’s the one I’d like to marry, definitely yes.

cookieman's avatar

What’s more, I’d give up your life for my spouse.

Coloma's avatar

^^^^ LMAO! Too funny!

downtide's avatar

No. He’s strong enough and skilled enough to save his own skin.

ssssanna's avatar

If my spouse could live without me and the guilt of my dying does not torture him,then i would happily die for him.

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