Social Question

gondwanalon's avatar

Where have all the car brassieres gone ?

Asked by gondwanalon (23373points) June 26th, 2013

Today while I was driving home from work (an hour commute each way) I happened to notice the striking lack of cars with bra’s. In fact I didn’t see any.

Just a few years ago car bra’s seemed to be quite popular. What happened? Are car bra’s just out of style now? Do they pose some sort of potential hazard? Have they been outlawed?

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6 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

Maybe it was just a stupid idea in the first place.

woodcutter's avatar

Maybe it was learned that the nose of a car even with little to no stains or use induced blemishes didn’t increase the trade in value at all. So why drive around with that ugly dumb black thing strapped to your car? It just screamed douchebag every time it rolled out of the driveway. Same thing with truck owners who had to have those bug shields on the front of their hoods. Another stupid solution in search of a problem.

Pachy's avatar


hearkat's avatar

You can now put an “invisible bra” (similar to screen film for smart phones) on your car to protect the paint.

marinelife's avatar

The fad has faded.

filmfann's avatar

When they were a little loose, it would tickle, and cause the headlights to come on.

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