Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Is being a Canadian cashier easier now that the penny is gone?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 27th, 2013

Also is cashing out less stressful?

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19 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t see why it would be easier. Most transactions are probably with credit cards. No one actually does change ath in their heads anymore, it is all done by the register. I guess counting the drawer in the morning and evening goes a little faster, that would be easier.

Pachy's avatar

I think if Canadian cashiers had any cents they wouldn’t be Canadian cashiers.

OneBadApple's avatar

Your spell-check apparently doesn’t work either….

talljasperman's avatar

@OneBadApple Thank you. I flagged it.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room That is offensive and ignorant. First, many people who handle money at a cash register have jobs higher level than cashier. They might be making $70k as a sales person at Saks 5th Ave and have a college degree, or be the owner of a retail business. Second, even if they are $8 an hour cashiers, they deserve respect and not the assumption that they have no sense.

OneBadApple's avatar

Aww, he just made a little joke, JL


JLeslie's avatar

Is it a joke? I realize he wrote cents incorrectly like a pun, but I just don’t think it was funny. I hope it was in fun.

OneBadApple's avatar

Of course it is a joke, and not meant to be taken seriously, or literally.

All my life, I’ve heard women say “All men are jerks”. And do you know why they say it ?

Because…...(ahem…...cough-cough…..)......we are.

JLeslie's avatar

@OneBadApple I don’t know what men being jerks has to do with calling someone stupid for the job they do. I think someones job is different than making some generalization about a whole gender. If someone says women talk too much, or they are too emotional, I don’t care. I guess criticizing someone’s job I never find funny.

Pachy's avatar

@JLeslie, for goodness sake, it was just a silly little pun-joke, not meant in any way to be offensive. Anyone who follows me knows I love to make puns and that my comments are friendly and supportive.

Perhaps your sense (cents) of humor could use a bit of tweaking?

JLeslie's avatar

No problem really. Like I said, it’s me. Sorry for making an issue.

JLeslie's avatar

Ugh, why did you have to add that last sentence.

OneBadApple's avatar

Maybe it’s just me, but I thought his last sentence was the most insightful part.

And I see no reference in his post relative to anyone being “stupid”. This is apparently only what you perceive, and are choosing to post it as being factual.

Two different things….

Berserker's avatar

Lol, 13 answers, and one of them actually addresses the question. :p

I work as a waitress, Canadian here, eh? It makes absolutely no difference if truth be telt, as long as you know how to round up numbers, which isn’t complicated. And said rounding up will never go higher than 99, so after you do it a few times it’s easy, even if you suck at math, like me.
At first it took a slight bit of getting used to. (I don’t work the cash register) This was mostly due because when this first started, places accepted pennies from customers if they were paying with them, but staff couldn’t give them out as change. And I can barely complain about what little confusion this may have caused, as I started my job some number of weeks after this was put into effect. Now you don’t see pennies anywhere, so the whole thing quickly settled into the norm.

OneBadApple's avatar

Guilty as charged, Symbeline. Very fine answer.

Can we all just move on now ?

Pachy's avatar

@OneBadApple and @talljasperman, I lurve you both. And yes, I needn’t have written that last tiny sentence.

Moving on!

JLeslie's avatar

@OneBadApple Seriously? You see it bothers me and you think it is funny to rub it in? Maybe that is the time to let up? Ever think of that?

OneBadApple's avatar

It bothers you ? Really ??

JL, I see no attempt on my part to be ‘funny’. It is just a respectful observation, and also happens to be true. You are of course entitled to take offense at every other remark you see, but I think life is too short to waste that kind of energy, especially on a relatively meaningless social networking site.

One has to wonder if your shoulder gets sore from continually drawing that sword against perceived insults, then putting it back….

marinelife's avatar

@JLeslie Who bit you in the butt?

@talljasperman Having balanced a till quite a lot (we used to own a little store) the presence or absence of coin of any denomination does not make a difference.

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room I love your puns! They make perfectt cents to me.

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