Are you ready for the (not a) Fluther App?
According to this article on The Verge, Jelly will be a kind-of-sort-of Fluther-like app.
I guess if you’ve been wondering what everyone’s been up to, here it is. Don’t forget to spot the Fluther celebrity in the article!
Anyway, do you see yourself using a Jelly app rather than the Fluther website on your phone or tablet? Too early to tell?
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27 Answers
Very interesting. Knew this was in the works.
Tune in next week for the next exciting chapter.
Cool article that essentially says, in relation to, “Yes,” “No” or “Perhaps, maybe” when asked about correlation and connection.
See the Fluther celebrity being carried out of the office on his last day at Twitter. Sorry, you have to link the video from the article that @mrentropy sent above. It won’t let me copy and paste.
@gailcalled That video was hilarious! I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops. I hope it’s a great success. Spawn of Fluther must prevail!
“Stone had stepped away from day-to-day duties at Twitter, so he didn’t work with the Fluther team once they arrived. Finkel was put in charge of new user experience on the growth team; while he was there, Stone notes, Twitter grew from 50 million active users to 200 million active users. Finkel quit in March; on his last day, co-workers carried him out of the office. A few weeks later, Stone revealed Finkel would be Jelly’s chief technical officer.”
In the original it is embedded where I have emboldened the text, about ⅓ of the way through the article.
Just a heads up…I’m not entirely in the loop here. Ben and Biz are keeping things fairly hush-hush at the moment, even with me. :)
From what I understand though, I don’t think that Jelly is intended to be “Fluther Mobile”. If I am reading between the lines accurately, it sounds like it will use some aspects of Fluther (technology? community?) for a different type of application with a similar aim: doing good in the world.
Gosh, I guess I have been wasting time developing my “Ask Augustlan” app.
I have no need for a smart phone or tablet. I will be using a laptop to connect to the internet for the next few years, so it sounds like I’m out of luck.
Whoa! Huhbuwha?
I want more info jellies. Will we get folded into Jelly somehow? @gailcalled, send Milo out to question the nephew.
I see that they’re being secretive and saying it will be a while before it reaches the public, but if they need beta testers I would volunteer.
What I am wondering is: will this be an app that is essentially Fluther-on-the-go, or will it be what (I think) Fluther was originally meant to be, with questions sent to specific users who are experts on specific subjects? If so, how do they go about finding those experts and making sure they are around to answer questions when needed? I am guessing that they will need to virtually guarantee quick responses at the time of the launch, so that Jelly will get positive reviews and begin right away to build a following.
So wait, wait… was Bendrew leaving for Twitter a ruse all along so we’d be left to our own devices in a darwinistic experiment of Q&A survival of the most grammatically correct?! Just so they could collect the data and watch how we evolve to determine if something like Jelly would be a viable business model?!
Have we been guinea pigs all along?!
I feel so used, but I kind if like it.
Conspiracy theorists dive on in
Without knowing much its hard to say but my initial thought is meh. Mobile aps are tricky, I feel like this could be something that is popular and generate a lot of revenue(which is obviously the whole point) but I also feel like with something like that the quality of questions and thus answers will drop dramatically as it gets flooded with nonsense questions like “what is the weather tomorrow in (random city) ” or “where is the best place to eat in (random city)” . Kind of like what happened with ChaCha and other attempts at doing stuff like this.
@uberbatman But are those really nonsense questions? I guess it depends on whether you want the site to be for targeted information-gathering, or a social media hangout.
Do we really need more social media hangouts?
I actually thought that was what you were indicating that you preferred. I must have misunderstood your comment about information-based questions.
I don’t even know that Jelly will have anything to do with questions at all, honestly.
@glacial I mean “real” information-based questions though, asking thought provoking questions like we have here, not the meaningless dime-a-dozen easily googleable(that’s a word right?) questions.
A new user just asked in General, what the weather was today! Has it begun? Are we being messed with?
I predict tha when Jelly launches, it will already have a built-in user base, all with our usernames and avatars — but they won’t be us!! Just programmed bots working from algorithms based on our personalities.
in robot voices
I am @cookieman. Big guy, likes cookies. Can I help you?
@ucme: Blimey, help yourself first, you tosser
@gailcalled: Now boys, be a dear and be sure to spell all that correctly. Don’t make me sick M.I.L.O on you sweetie.
@Blondesjon needs beer. Needs beer.
@ETpro: Let us wait on that beer, as its time for this week’s NSFW question.
Guys! You won’t believe it! I just got out of a long conversation with Ben. The product is great. It’s amazing. All you have to do is
I heard this was actually the Jelly app in action…
Blackberry is now just the cover for Jelly development, the company was bought long ago with all that TwitCash invested in the Fluther braintrust. Once video of a field test was leaked, they had to contain the leak somehow.
All the pieces are starting to fit, very clever gentlemen, veeeery clever.
@funkdaddy Man, I still get such a kick out of seeing our Andrew in that commercial.
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