[NSFW] Boring question #12: Do you like to engage in coitus with a woman in heels, socks, stockings or no footwear at all?
[NSFW] What more is there to say, do you like to boink a woman with something on her feet, and if so what? If you are a woman do you wear anything on your feet when riding the dumbstick?
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38 Answers
Anything goes, but heels in the small of your back hurt like hell.
I don’t like to engage in coitus with a woman at all. Not in socks, not in a box…...
No women, thanks.
However, I think anyone wearing socks during sex is super unattractive. I find heels to be a bit cheesy and pornographic (not in a good way). I can see how stockings might be sexy if the girl can pull that particular look off.
I prefer that both of us be completely naked.
No footwear at all. Gotta pay attention to the toes.
Men in socks? Please, no.
@bob_ Gotta pay attention to the toes.—Foot fetish we don’t know about?” :-P
@filmfann Both, and thigh high socks, or the frilly small schoolgirl socks as well.
I do not like wearing anything on my feet at all if I can help it, whenever possible. Especially during sex. What do I want with sweaty feet while i’m trying to enjoy myself? I am also against high heels in general, so that is definitely a no go lol.
Never say never, but for now I have sex with a man. Most often in the morning and I don’t really care what he likes, I’m not getting out of bed and donning heels and stockings to enhance his pleasure. I have worn heels and stockings as a prelude to sex, but once the action starts, I’d rather get rid of them to allow more freedom to move about. I think wearing heels during sex would reduce the ability to be terribly agile and creative. Someone might get stabbed.
Older women in young girl’s knee socks. Younger women in older woman’s lingerie.
^ Australian women rock burlap sacks
^ With heels and stockings – for sure.
@chyna have you seen Australian women? Do not cock block me here!
I am fine young lady, how are you doing?
@Bellatrix You are burlap sack Australian in my head. I am comfortable with you in knee highs or fishnets, whatever you are comfortable with.
Nothing at all. Barefoot and bare-assed per favore.
I prefer steel toed boots and a good kick in the ass.
You know when you have stirrups one must have heels : ) Seriously I have used stillettos once or twice to anchor me in some twisted positions. : O
Usually if your gonna go with the heels might as well go stockings too. But most of that is for special occasions with men with smaller dicks and a certain fit… What can I say.. I am built small… the “sheath” only flexes so much. Most of the time. Buck nekkid.
If a guy wore sock or heck stockings I might be suspicious of athlete’s foot or fungi. But women can be visual too. And there is something very visually compelling about it.
Third reason every now and again I like to give foot massages. I am not necessarily a toe sucker. But Quentin Tarentinos foot shots and a few others are delicious.
Wearing shoes when you’re having sex is ass, because if your toes curl up from pleasure or orgasm, then the footwear can prevent them from curling properlly and it can cause pain, during sex or some time after it. or maybe I just got real long toes, or need to get slacker shoes or something. I walk a lot.
when I saw ‘coitus’ didn’t even read it- lol
I am like @deni – I can’t wait to get my footwear off when I get home, and I do enjoy foot massage and having my toes nibbled. I have personally never had an interest in sexual clothing/lingerie, costumes, props, or anything other than getting naked and having fun.
I would wear whatever he wanted me to wear, on any part of my body.
I don’t wear shoes to bed under any circumstances. If I were with someone and they wanted me to wear heels, I would if it made them happy.
@Hypocrisy_Central It’s not a fetish. I mean, it’s not like I jack off to feet or anything, but I like to take an integral approach.
All I know is that if a guy puts my toe in his mouth, he’s likely to get kicked. And I’m certainly not putting his toe anywhere near my mouth. Blech…
@hearkat I am like @deni I can’t wait to get my footwear off when I get home, and I do enjoy foot massage and having my toes nibbled. Maybe an invite to @bob_ is in order?
@Symbeline Wearing shoes when you’re having sex is ass, because if your toes curl up from pleasure or orgasm, then the footwear can prevent them from curling properlly and it can cause pain, during sex or some time after it.
If the heels are long enough they can serve as handlebars for better leverage.
@hearkat I am sure @bob_ will not damage them, even if inspecting rather closely LOL LOL
… heels, socks, stockings or no footwear at all?
My answer is yes…either/or, or any…
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