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jonsblond's avatar

Do you pack your significant other's lunch?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) June 27th, 2013

It’s the least I can do for the guy. What about you?

What do you pack?

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28 Answers

linguaphile's avatar

I do, along with my own. I usually throw in a sandwich, apple, nutrition bar and a handful of nuts.

jordym84's avatar

I’m sure I would if I had one. ;)

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, I fix up the dinner left overs in a pack for him to put in his microwave.

livelaughlove21's avatar

No. He’s a big boy. He usually takes leftovers, and I think cooking it and cleaning all the dishes afterward is quite enough. Sometimes I’ll do it if I’m feeling particularly nice or as a convenience to myself instead of waiting for him to do it before I clean up, but I certainly don’t consider it my duty.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes. I make him lunch similar to what most Americans would consider dinner, but not a large portion. In other words it isn’t a sandwich, it is usually meat, a starch and a veggie, but it does vary a little here and there. Sometimes a salad, less often it is a pasta dish. Sometimes it is leftovers from another meal, but usually I cook the food specifically for his lunch. I also usually pack some fruit for a snack.

I didn’t do it when I worked full time; he did it for himself back then.

cookieman's avatar

Usually if I’m making mine the night before, I’ll ask if I can make her something — and vice versa; she does the same for me.

tedibear's avatar

Yes. He has a lot of stress at work and my feeling is that if I make his lunch, at least somebody has done one nice thing for him that day.

hearkat's avatar

No. First of all, we both work challenging jobs and have long commutes, so household stuff is both our responsibility. Besides, he’s the gourmand and chef in the family, and the kitchen is his domain. I don’t know whether he brings lunch or buys lunch or skips lunch on most days. I buy frozen meals in the health food section and grab those or leftovers and a yogurt for my lunch.

rockfan's avatar

I don’t have a significant other at the moment, but if I did, it would probably depend on her personality if I do. But I definitely would split cooking duties.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I do. I consider it an act of love, because otherwise he would eat the rubbish out of the refrigerated vending machine in the break room.

When I cook, which is about every day, the recipe is usually doubled so that there are leftovers that are frozen in individual-sized containers. Other days, a sandwich or two is concocted. He loves vegetables, so whatever is available gets sliced up and added to them. Occasionally, I’ll make a salad. We have this plastic cube container with a removable ice pack and a small cup for salad dressing.

A piece or two of fruit usually gets thrown in. He doesn’t like fruit, but will eat it because he needs the energy for his job. A couple of biscuits (cookies) or a bag of crisps (potato chips) are included as well. To finish it off, a flask of coffee is made up.

Incoherency_'s avatar

I pack her fudge, but that’s about it. ;-)

marinelife's avatar

Occasionally. Generally, he packs his own lunch but I step in if he is pressed for time. I always try to put something surprising or special in.

Headhurts's avatar

I would if he didn’t come home for lunch. But I always get him a drink ready for when he walks through the door.

janbb's avatar

No – never did.

muppetish's avatar

It depends on who is busier; sometimes they pack my lunch, sometimes I pack theirs.

Over the course of our 2.5 years together, however, I think I have had more lunches packed for me than the other way around. Since we are (or were, since I recently graduated) college students, our lunches usually consist of leftovers, sandwiches, or snacks we can eat on the go (nuts, chips, fruit, etc.)

bob_'s avatar

Will you marry me?

jonsblond's avatar

@livelaughlove21 No. He’s a big boy. I never implied a man is incapable of making their own lunch and it makes them less of a man if someone does this for them. And I never implied it was a duty. It’s sad you would think this. Look at @cookieman and @tedibear‘s responses. Making lunch for your significant other is doing something nice for the person you love.

Sorry, @bob_, you know I’m taken. :)

livelaughlove21's avatar

@jonsblond I didn’t say you did imply that, did I? No. And I never said it would make him less of a man if I did make his lunch. Him being male has nothing to do with it.

I’ve been making my own lunches since I was a pre-teen. No one makes my lunch. I make dinner every night for him – that’s pretty damn nice too, is it not?

jonsblond's avatar

You mentioned he was a big boy and you mentioned it was not your duty. I was responding to that. What did you mean by him being a big boy then?

livelaughlove21's avatar

@jonsblond If I was in a relationship with a woman, I would’ve said, “she’s a big girl.” What I meant is simply that I don’t pack his lunch because he’s an adult and fully capable of doing so himself. If you like to do that for your guy to be nice, that’s perfectly fine and good for you. I’m sure he likes that a lot.

jonsblond's avatar

Of course it’s perfectly fine and good for me. It’s my life. :)
The words you chose seemed to imply that you were belittling anyone who might do this. That’s why I said something.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@jonsblond Indeed, it is your life, so what do you care what I think about it?

jonsblond's avatar

Just because I responded to you on my question does not mean I care about what you think about my life. Believe me, I don’t care. Now go ahead and get the last word in if it makes you feel better. I’m done. :)

livelaughlove21's avatar

@jonsblond Oy. Chill, it’s just the Internet.

…last word? Oh yes, I feel much better now. ~

jonsblond's avatar

You have me laughing. I’m very chill sitting here eating my taco and hoping my mom’s possible brain surgery goes well Friday. The internet is the least of my problems right now.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@jonsblond I’m glad I could give you a chuckle.

Let me break character by saying I hope your mom is alright.

jonsblond's avatar

aw, you do have a heart. :)

Headhurts's avatar

@jonsblond Sorry about your mum, I have the surgery goes really well. It must be a horrible time for you all.

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