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mazingerz88's avatar

What are some really good exercises for the leg?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29284points) June 28th, 2013

At 45 years of age, a total lack of exercise tires my leg really quickly when I walk. I couldn’t jog a block without my calves knotting up to the point of being painful. I worry that if zombies were around I wouldn’t make it. LOL

Would you know first hand of any effective exercises I could do conveniently at home to bring my legs back in good shape-?

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8 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Climb stairs. If you don’t have them where you live, go to a local high school with bleachers and climb the stairs.

You don’t have to do it quickly, but as steadily as you can, without resting, for each flight. Rest at the top, then turn around and descend. Repeat.

JLeslie's avatar

Two things to consider:

1. Vitamin deficiencies. Have your vitamin D tested. My severe vitamin D deficiency resulted in calves and biceps easily cramping into painful charlie horses, and even when not cramping all my muscles in my body easily tired, and when pushed I had uncontrolled shakiness. Taking D was not enough to feel better. I felt significantly better, stronger, and more muscle stamina once I had taken enough to get my blood levels up into the normal ranges. The only way to know is with a blood test. I also tend to have low iron and I believe keeping that number up helps too. Exercise did not help. Pushing myself meant I might pay for hours or days afterwards. Although, some exercise did build some strength, I encourage you to do what you can without harming yourself.

2. Muscle pain in the legs can be an indication that arteries are clogging there and other places in the body, which can be very dangerous. Exercise can help create new arteries and make blood flow better.

I recommend next time at the doctor check:
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12

Or, it could simply be you need to build up your strength and stamina, and overall everything else is “healthy” and over time it will get better.

mazingerz88's avatar

Thank you-! ^^ : )

livelaughlove21's avatar

The basics: squats and lunges. You can do them the traditional way or do variations of these moves to get even more muscle work out of them. Stairs are also good, as mentioned. Kickboxing is fun as well.

JLeslie's avatar

I forgot to say at the end of my answer to mention the pain in your legs to your doctor also, so he can rule out any significant health problem. You might want to see your doctor sooner rather than later for a basic work up before you start exercising again since you are having some troubles. Also, do not assume your doctor is running the tests I mentioned just because he draws blood, you need to ask him specifically what he is testing. A lot of doctors don’t test for vitamin D or thyroid.

gondwanalon's avatar

Lay on your back and do leg curls with your feet on an exercise ball ith your butt off the ground. Then put ankle weights on your ankles and do leg lifts with your legs straight. Also get a bungee cord so that you can pull your legs backwards into the sides. Finally hold weight your hand and do calf extensions on the stairs. Do 3 sets of as many reps as you can just shy of muscle failure. These are just a few exercises that I do daily.

Blackberry's avatar

Calf raises.

mazingerz88's avatar

Thanks everyone. Fluther jellies rock as usual. ;)

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