Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Can illegal immigrants get government assistance?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47232points) June 28th, 2013

I don’t think they can but I could be wrong. Even so, would it be right, in your mind, so deny a child basic health care and food just because they weren’t born here or their parents came here illegally?
There is an assumption that illegals come here and they refuse to work, they’re lazy, they’re just living off the dole, but I don’t think that’s the case either.
What are your thoughts?

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4 Answers

chyna's avatar

They come from Christians, of course.
Really? Where did you see that the person that made that sign say they were christian?

Gabby101's avatar

Maybe you are attracting negativity with your own negativity. “Those God-fearing, love thy neighbor as long as they are American, white and straight kind of Christians.” What? The biggest opponents of same sex marriages in California were NOT white people, but Hispanics and African-Americans. Same sex marriage in my home state, full of white, Christian, straight people (aka backwards) was legal four years ago. I know you are focusing on illegal immigration, but my point is still valid. White, straight Christians are no more evil than anyone else.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sorry…I was exhausted and a bit drunk when I posted that. It’s been modded.
@chyna I know the person that shared that is a Christian because she posts Christian stuff all the time. I see “Christians,” people I know personally, posting the most hateful things all the time (“Obamas are going to Africa? Good. I hope they stay there where they belong”) and it really upsets me.
@Gabby101 there are plenty of truly good, kind, loving Christians. I know this. But it seems like the most intolerant, hateful posts come from people who otherwise fly their Christian flag.

But, back on track, can illegals even GET food stamps, assisted housing, etc.? I don’t think they can.

hearkat's avatar

They can not legally get public assistance, but there are ways of “buying” valid social security numbers in order to get benefits. It’s been a few years, but I have an in-law who is a social worker for their state that explained how they manage to get in the system.

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