Do you notice that your anxiety an depression gets worse in the afternoon hours?
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June 29th, 2013
Do those “down” and blue feelings get worse in the late afternoon hours or is it just as bad right through the day? Do you notice a specific time when things peak?
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10 Answers
I’m always the worst in the morning. I wake up every day with horrible anxiety. Usually it starts to dissipate after I’ve been up and moving around for a couple of hours. Every once in a while I have days were it just hangs on throughout my whole day.
Even on my good days, however, it’s still there in the background.
Must be different for different people, because as far as this goes, I’m similar to @Katniss. In the morning, any anxiety or ’‘depressed’’ feelings are way worse than most other times of day. They can be dealt with and better handled later in the afternoon. I don’t know if it’s because I’m fully awake and have had time to sort thoughts out or what, but afternoons rule. Although said feelings can also be very crappy late at night when I can’t sleep.
I don’t have a problem with depression and anxiety, at least none that I know of, but like everyone I have my worries, anxieties and times when I feel like a bucket of asses.
Mine tends to hit – when it hits – in the long, lonely evenings.
I know this will sound weird, but when I overuse my muscles (I have muscle troubles) I get anxious a few hours later, so that does happen in the evening. I swear I think there is some sort of chemical thing. I am not depressed or anxious in my life now, but I still observe this phenomenon when I push myself. It makes me wonder if part of my anxiety when I was working retail was actually the beginning stages of my muscle troubles since I was on my feet doing very physical work hours a day.
When I had a very traumatic event years ago early morning was the worst. I woke up early with dry heaves and a horrible feeling of dread. My anxiety level was through the roof. I woud sometimes shake for no reason. Cry at random times. It was all bad 24 hours a day, but definitely morning was the worst. The anxiety was crippling. The physical manifestations of the anxiety were much much more troubling to me than depression ever was.
When I was depressed in my teen years I dragged all day, but school and work I was able to pull it together and function normally. Actually, work is what brought me out of my depression. Interacting with new people and being very successful at my job really helped.
No it comes out in the quiet, usually at night.
I haven’t had issues with anxiety, but when I’ve had depression, it usually seems better late afternoon/evening.
@ZEPHYRA I used to. I don’t anymore, but sometimes I think I should.
I used to take Zoloft and Klonopin.
Like @Katniss, my anxiety is worst in the morning but it can be bad throughout the day. Usually it eases in the evening.
I definitely feel a peak during sunset/p.m. twilight.
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