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Unbroken's avatar

Possibly NSFW: What are the benefits of sex?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) June 29th, 2013

I think I often don’t appreciate what I have. Take things for granted. Lately I have been thinking about sex in a fresh light.

I have come up with several mental lists as to why it is so profoundly positive. And remembering to enjoy aspects of it that I had long since ceased to notice.

Let’s see if y’all can add to the list. Undoubtedly I will be unable to resist throwing my own reasons amongst yours. But I will parcel them out so as to give y’all as much time to ponder on it as well.

It is such a lovely question to consider and roll around in.

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14 Answers

bob_'s avatar

Orgasms feel pretty good.

ucme's avatar

Very good cockcercise.

JLeslie's avatar

Feeling connected to the person you are committed to. Enjoying something together as a couple. Touch is important to our well being, and often adults get their touch through sex.

zenvelo's avatar

Tactile reinforcement is incredibly healthy for one’s well being. It stimulates all kinds of beneficial hormonal releases, as does orgasm. It is naturally relaxing and de-stressing. And, healthy sex gives a good boost to self esteem!.

Sunny2's avatar

Every muscle in my body, including my face, relaxes. I look in the mirror and like what I see. I can see the difference.

marinelife's avatar

It realeases endorphons so you feel better.

ragingloli's avatar

There are none.

Unbroken's avatar

Very good everyone.
I sleep better.
I wake up smiling.
I lose weight without trying.
I laugh easier.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Sex keeps me happy, relaxed, and non-b*tchy. So does vigorous exercise but, heck, sex is a lot more fun!

Bellatrix's avatar

Here you go. A long list of health reasons to have sex. It’s good for your blood pressure, reduces stress, helps keep your prostate healthy (if you’re a guy), it’s good for your bones, so many reasons to get it on….

Berserker's avatar

Allows me to create my own army. I AM THE SUPER MOTHER BUG!


ibegoodone's avatar

Life just seem so much better after sex. Not a lot of negatives comes to mind.

bookish1's avatar

It’s really good for my blood sugar.

Unbroken's avatar

Thank you all. Esp for the personal benefits. It is so different to be told something and another for it to be true to you on a personal level.

Though I happen to be excited by the factoid that bone denisty improves.

That it is great for the immune system and postglandin in semen is great for depression.

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