Have you ever had just dessert for a meal?
Asked by
Sunny2 (
June 29th, 2013
I was thinking about having only ice cream tonight for dinner. You could add nuts and fruit to make it more nutritious. Except for having a sundae only, for lunch, I haven’t done that. Have you ever indulged yourself with a dessert instead of a normal meal?
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55 Answers
Last night, Ben had me in a headlock while Jerry pinned me down to the mat. Yes, I had Chunky Monkey for dinner last night.
Yes. When I had bunion surgery I ate whatever I wanted for breakfast and lunch, then ate a regular dinner. Breakfast was often popcorn and lunch was ice cream. I lost seven pounds in one week.
Yes. I’m a grownup, so I get to do that!
And I’m a big fan of breakfast for dinner.
I’ve also had just desserts for a meal on occasion. ;)
Sure, there are no “rules”, just stupid, rote, programming.
Best ” dinner” in the world…wine and lemon cheesecake. lol
Oh good memories of my old house, wine, watermelon and cheesecake in the hot tub on a hot summer night, like tonight.
Tonights menu, beer, hot dogs, cole slaw, baked beans and sauteed squash, dessert, mixed berry sherbet.
It is 105 degrees out right now….evil heat wave descends on us NorCal peeps. Ugh!
But of course! That’s one of the advantages to being an adult—you can eat dessert before dinner, or maybe even instead of dinner, and your Mom never needs to know.
Oh, yes. Everything in moderation, as the saying goes, including moderation itself. So while I don’t do it often, I’ve done it more than once. And those times were glorious indeed!
I’m more of a savory food person than sweets, but if I had a craving for a piece of cake, I would do whatever I want. Eating a meal and the cake will just be more calories. That’s what most people do. I don’t see any logic in that.
I tend to eat junk frequently, but it’s usually a combo of savory and sweet. Pretty sure I had Fritos and Reese’s cups for dinner two nights ago.
Just last night I had me a chocolate raspberry parfait for dinner and it was scrumptious!
For Christmas dinner in JPL (Jasper Park Lodge) 10 years ago I had 13 slices of cheesecake . One for every kind of cheesecake… it cost me $55 a meal.
I have had dessert first, but not instead of a meal.
@Sunny2 Okay, here’s a better example. I’ve eaten Snickers or Take Five candy bars for dinner, too. Savory and sweet all wrapped up in one!
I’ve had a “healthy” chocolate mousse made by blending a ripe avocado, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, coconut milk, and agave nectar in a food processer. Topped with slivered almonds, greek yogurt, and strawberries. Tastes really good.
Now that I think about it, in my mind anyone who eats donuts or pancakes for breakfast is eating dessert for a meal in my mind. I don’t like sweets for breakfast personally. It is when I least want something sweet.
@talljasperman You get the prize.
If you really can’t resist, having dessert in lieu of a meal, rather than in addition to a meal, is a great weight-watching trick. No, dessert isn’t a healthful choice for food. But, if you treat yourself only occasionally and don’t make a habit out of it, what’s the harm?
@talljasperman “I had 13 slices of cheesecake”
That really is one for the record books. Were you able to walk out of the restaurant? Did you feel sick later?
My granddaughter says the word bezert for dessert. Last weekend she told me about the chocolate chip pancakes her daddy made her for breakfast. She said, “Ganny, chocolate chip pancakes are bezert for breakfast.”
I’ll sometimes do a summer boardwalk walk followed by a hot fudge sundae for supper. A winning combo!
@SadieMartinPaul No I felt fine… I paced myself over 2 hours, and It was really good cheese cake
What’s the use of being a grownup if you don’t do that sort of thing now and then?
Once when my kids were young and there was a period of struggle over their wanting snacks and treats instead of proper meals, that’s exactly what I put on the table for dinner: cookies, chips, and assorted other appetite-spoilers.
The shocked looks on their faces were more than worth it.
Naturally they thought it was great, for a few minutes, but not long afterward they were hungry again. And the not-rightness of it bothered them.
They were healthy enough that one missed meal did them no harm. And it was an interesting experiment that I didn’t need to repeat.
@talljasperman ” I paced myself over 2 hours.”
That makes so much sense. All that cheesecake would need to be savored over the course of a food marathon, not during a sprint.
I had a friend whose father died and she spoke at his funeral. She told about how she’d never forget how he played Led Zeppelin loudly while he worked on cars in the garage and how he always frustrated her mother because he told her and her siblings to eat their dessert first. She said his philosophy was eat your dessert first because you might be to full at the end of the meal to enjoy the good stuff. He said never put off enjoying the best of life. She turned it into a moving eulogy I’ll never forget.
@bkcunningham Great story. A neighbor of ours growing up lost her daughter when the daughter was in her 30’s. She had a very severe case of MS. Anyway, the reception after the service was full of all of her favorite desserts. She loved chocolate and specifically wanted everyone to enjoy her favorite sweets at her funeral. She planned it all before she died.
I can’t recall a specific occasion, but I’m confident that I have.
A few weeks ago I was in Texas for a wedding and on my second day there we went on a morning tour of the Blue Bell ice cream factory, and guess what we had for breakfast? Free ice cream at the end of the tour!
Edit: Uhm how did I forget to mention that I just came back from an ice cream run with my roommate and a friend? We went to the Twistee Treat by our house, grabbed some ice cream, came back home and ate it by the pool while chatting the night away. That was our dinner tonight.
I don’t recall having dessert for dinner but if you want to, I think you absolutely should. You aren’t going to do it every day! Why not have what you fancy?
I do have breakfast for dinner sometimes. Like @JLeslie I’ve got more of a savoury than sweet tooth so I’m not that interested in dessert.
Sure you only live once. Meals aren’t written in stone. I mean unless you have some health issue, it is not a problem to do it on occasion. If it becomes and everyday issue than there may be some health issues that will arise.
@Bellatrix Hi! Long time, no see. I hope you’re having a nice winter so far.
I share your lack of a sweet tooth. I’m very indifferent to pastries and other desserts, but I have a real weakness for greasy-salty. I’ve never met a potato chip I didn’t want to marry. Popcorn with that fake orange stuff—now that’s eating! Oh! Let’s not forget French fries and onion rings.
@bkcunningham And right she is!
@janbb Indeed!
@Jeruba I can almost see their faces.
@bkcunningham I’ve heard, “Life is short; eat dessert first. I always laugh, but your friend’s father lived that philosophy, Good for him.
@jordym84 The dessert for dinner destroyed your very short term memory.
@Bellatrix I understand, but you get a D for your answer.
@Pandora Let’s not count evil chickens.
A D? That’s a distinction right? (It is where I live :D)
@SadieMartinPaul. I hear you. I’m more likely to be tempted by a potato chip than an apple strudel. Winter is… cool and wet today :-)
Have I ever? It is often the only thing I eat. Totally replace food with desserts at times.
@Bellatrix D is for distinction? I thought it was for dimwit or dummy or do better or else! You learn something every day.
That’s right @Sunny2! D is for distinction. :-|
Yes. I’ve had cereal for dinner, too. BEST DINNERS EVER.
@SadieMartinPaul Exactly! I do things like have a donut or ice cream for lunch instead of lunch so that I can still watch my calories. Eating junk does not mean gaining weight, actually. Look at that guy who went on the Twinkie diet..
If you did that too often & ate too much you’d probably puke…just desserts i’d say.
@ZEPHYRA I think that may be overdoing it a bit, but more power to you.
@sparrowfeed Everything in moderation? Sounds good to me.
@ucme When in doubt . . . pun. Did you hear the groans?
@Bellatrix I’ll have to tell students here who get D’s and thus are barely passing.
@Sunny2 Only from the crass miserable bastards yes.
That’s right @Sunny2. If only they were in Australia, they would be doing fine.
I just had 5 pieces of KFC chicken and root beer , with 3 French fries. I put the rest back in the fridge.
@talljasperman Haha..It is like 108 here, OMG! I am just about to serve a take out rotisserie chicken, cole slaw and a tub of prepared Au gratin potatoes for dinner…but not until I finish my last beer. Jesus mercy, I am melting. Have the AC at 55…barely making a dif. Ugh!
@Coloma You can take a cold shower, or sit in the tub with the spray of the shower on you.
55?! My air conditioner is set at 77 right now, and I am just about to go and put on long pajamas.
@talljasperman Haha…just about to go for the cold shower.
@JLeslie It is SO amazingly hot….you wouldn’t believe it. I left the AC on at 70 last night and it was still not perfectly comfortable. A high of 110 in the capitol city of CA. this afternoon. It is gawd awful!
@Coloma I had no idea California was so hot right now until you mentioned it yesterday. We have been in the 80’s in the Tampa, FL area. I can understand needing it very cold inside to cool down. Although 55 to me is a refrigerator, LOL, but I hate to be cold. I regularly keep my air at 77, but I was just at a track weekend with my husband in VA out in the heat most of the day and that air conditioner we kept between 70–72. It was only in the 80’s there, but we were out in it for 8 hours a day, well the hottest temps for about 4 hours, and it is probably hotter down in the paddock and pits where all the cars are. Not to mentione my husband is driving with the heavy suit, helmet, etc. I couldn’t do it. At 108 degrees you can be out for 10 minutes and feel overheated for hours. Be sure to take a cool shower. It will quickly bring your temp down so your body doesn’t have to work so hard at stabalizing you.
I hope your neck of the woods gets some relief from the heat. 100 degree weather is miserable.
Ugh…no relief in sight for at least a week still. Predicted to be 108 again today and this is in the high foothills at an elevation around 2500 feet in my town. Yep, crazy California…from snow to sweltering up here. It is only 7:37 right now and it is tolerable outside, but for a brief moment, lol
The nights are staying around 70=80 something and we are having unusually high humidity for this area too. Gah!
This is fascinating. Most threads that go on for a long time turn into food threads. This question was already about food, though, so I was wondering what it might turn into. And the answer is: weather!
@SavoirFaire I noticed. Since I also wrote a question about the heat, I figured they forgot where they were. Heat can do that to you.
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