Social Question

gondwanalon's avatar

Do you think that facebook should limit the number of entries that each member can submit per day?

Asked by gondwanalon (23323points) June 30th, 2013

I only have about 65 “friends” on facebook. Sadly 4 of them are totally addicted to it and seem to spend a large part of their days posting so many comments and pictures that it drowns out everyone else. It also eats up a lot of my time weeding through the moutain of nonsense.

I place about 3 postings on facebook per month. Wouldn’t it be nice if facebook members were aloud to submit only 3 entries per day?

Can you dig it?

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11 Answers

figbash's avatar

I have a few friends like this, and I don’t necessarily think the solution is limiting the number of posts, but simply ‘dialing down’ the friends who do post that way.

There are some friends who post 10 times a day, and I find their things interesting.

Because it’s all so subjective, and what you’ll find interesting and what you won’t can be variable, it seems the most flexible solution is just to not get posts from the users who are annoying you.

Blackberry's avatar

Uh, no. I hate facebook as much as the next guy, but how is this not impeding on a person’s freedom and personal choice? If I want to see how someone is doing, I message them.

johnpowell's avatar

I have actually discussed this with augustlan about a year ago. Just like Facebook but you can only post once a day so it would be a summery of the day or used judicially.

And my sister is a person that likes everything and posts something at least once a hour and it bugs me.

ucme's avatar

Nah, leave the poor buggers be, keeps them off the streets at least.

_Whitetigress's avatar

Here’s the thing you might not be considering. Those 4 people might have FaceBook as an app and on their phone at that. For them, it’s as normal as night as day. For us it’s as clear as mud. But forget it. When a social media app is on a phone it becomes just another “app” for them. It’s nothing too serious to think about. It’s a “loud journal” if you will…

Xilas's avatar

Just ignore them on your feed and check them out whenever you feel like it.

Fun Fact: over 45% of Facebook accounts are fake.

trailsillustrated's avatar

You can change your notification settings so you don’t have to see all the crap.

johnpowell's avatar

@trailsillustrated :: care to share how to do that? I’m new to actually using Facebook and all I can find is hiding individual entries. Apparently I joined in 2008 but just started using it. And hiding the shit about games people are playing and the new Myley Cyrus album would be nice too.

I already greasemonkeyed the ads on the right alerting me of imaginary singles that live downstairs that I can pay to hump.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@johnpowell When you see an entry from someone that you no longer want to see
click the arrow on the right hand side to hide the entry.

Then, you’ll see this in place of the photo/meme:
This story is now hidden from your News Feed. Unhide
Change what updates you get from This Annoying Bastard
Organize who you see in news feed

Scroll over ”Change what updates you get from This Annoying Bastard
to control what updates come into your newsfeed.

For seriously annoying people, I have them set to “Only Important”....“Life Events”.

For everyone I friend I make sure to keep the “games” tab unchecked.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Thanks for that tidbit of information. I regularly get annoying pictures from a person that I do not even know.
She is on a club that I joined for Genealogists.
This woman must be loney or somthing, since she sends about four or five photos a day!
Also I heard something about “not” clicking on “like”?

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