Social Question

KNOWITALL's avatar

Paula Deen- rich & racist or nice grandmotherly type?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29987points) July 1st, 2013

Not sure if I missed this Q while I was out on vacation, what do you think?

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63 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

all three?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli HA, good answer!!

Pachy's avatar

She’s all three… and more. Impossible to classify a person one way.

SuperMouse's avatar

Yes, she is the rich, racist grandmotherly type. She has proven herself to be a racist. Her work has certainly made her rich. She looks very similar to my plump, gray haired grandmother at that age. I would add conniving publicity hound business person to your list.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ve watched a wedding where a black couple had a plantation-style wedding with negroes in top-hats, which is one of the things Paula Deen was called out for, as showing she’s racist.

I saw where she told her life-long black friend to step away from the black background so people could see him.

I saw her children speak out about how she is not a racist at all.

What examples have any of you seen or heard that ‘prove’ to you she’s a racist?

To me, these examples are pretty weak, because I’ve seen REAL racists, as most of you know.

ETpro's avatar

I’m willing to cut her some slack. My guess is she doesn’t think highly of blacks, but we’ve got enough very real racists like David Duke and his fellow pointy-white-hat freaks, skinheads, neonazis, the Aryan Brotherhood, etc. Compared to that list, Paula Deen definitely comes down on the sweet grandmotherly side. Her cooking, however, with all its butter and fat, it toxic in the extreme.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

At this point, I’m so tired of hearing about it, that I have the opinion: who cares? Oh wait, that’s right. A LOT of people seem to care. The only problem is that most of the people who are offended and crying, “racist!” are the same people who use that word all the damned time themselves. “I can say it whenever I want, but you can’t.” Oh yeah? Fuck you.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ETpro Believe it or not, we’re of the same mind on this subject. :) The relationship between people in the south is unusual and I think this is a perfect example of that. I hope @livelaughlove chimes in later, I’m interested in her take.

@willworkforchocolate Yeah, it’s all or nothing. I didn’t like the interviews of people all saying ”‘whites should NEVER use it or they face a beat down, but blacks can to take the power out of it.” No one should use it in my opinion.

Nullo's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate It’s times like this that I’m glad I avoid the news. My guess is that the media cares, for its own ends – it’s a high-profile scandal that fills air time and probably lets a few journalists avoid stories that they would rather not cover.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Nullo Well her new book is at the top on amazon. Publicity stunt anyone?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@KNOWITALL Exactly. You don’t get to pick and choose when and by whom it’s acceptable. If its offensive, then it’s offensive, period. When you (and by “you” I mean hypocritical black person) use it on a daily basis and blast music that uses it constantly, then you should be fine with everyone using it. If you’re not, then that’s your own damned fault for casually saying it, and perpetuating its usage. Wuddup, my honkey, is I right, or is I right?

SuperMouse's avatar

I am not sure how I feel about the “degrees of racism” argument. Is it really ok just because she isn’t as bad as David Duke? She has said and done things that are racist.

I am not convinced that her children’s opinions are the most objective, especially since they are riding and working as conductors on her gravy train.

Finally, I really don’t think she should get a pass just because she is from the South. If Ms. Deen was from New York would we necessarily be less tolerant of her racism? Honestly that kind of attitude is rather demeaning to Southerners. When I hear an ignorant, racist, or nasty remark from someone from the south should I just think “oh s/he is from the South they’re just that way – at least she isn’t as bad as David Duke”?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@SuperMouse But there are degrees, really. She used a word that a lot of folks use on a regular, casual basis. Now, if she were attending klan meetings and throwing burning crosses onto lawns, this shitstorm would make sense.

Until the offended parties stop using it themselves, they’re at fault for keeping it going.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SuperMouse There’s a big difference!

True racists would kill a black man and toss the body into the woods or to the pigs. They are not human like whites as far as they’re concerned. I’m completely serious.

I don’t think Paula’s laughing comments to her black friend showed any animosity or malicious intent, which is my point. Wrong, sure she was, but not mean from what I’ve heard.
Although I still haven’t heard what employees supposedly ‘endured’. Have any of you?

DominicX's avatar

Saying “nigger” doesn’t make you a racist. Wanting black people to play slaves at your plantation party is a little iffy, but even that might not be racist in itself. Still, just because she’s not lynching black people doesn’t mean she’s not racist. If she has negative assumptions about people for no reason than the fact that they’re black, that makes her a racist. That said, the response to her is completely exaggerated, but I understand that companies need to keep up their image and “save their ass” by severing ties with her. It’s more a symbolic “zero tolerance” response when it comes to racism.

SuperMouse's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I am still not 100% in agreement, but I see the point you are making. That being said, a woman in Ms. Deen’s position, making her living in the public eye, must live up to a higher standard, like it or not that is the career she chose. She put herself out there and now she is being made an example of because of her racism. Rightfully so in my opinion.

@KNOWITALL I really don’t think Paula should get off the hook just because she didn’t violently lynch someone. Maybe her racism plays out in more subtle but still insidious ways.

Cupcake's avatar

Here is the lawsuit.

Here is her deposition.

Know your facts people. This corporation/family is disgusting.

Nullo's avatar

@KNOWITALL If so, then it’s a really bad one. This isn’t the sort of gaffe that your PR team can spin away. Racist or no, I’d say her career is shot.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@SuperMouse Then by that logic, we should be making examples of all the famous black thugs who yell “Nigga” and degrade women in their music. But we don’t. Why? Because they’re black and they’re allowed to. I call bullshit.

@Cupcake So is almost every rap artist. They’re not in the news because of it. If you’re a black musician, you’re totally allowed to chill wit yo niggas, laugh at de crackahs, and go find you some bitches and hoes and shit. But you ain’t goan make de news wit it, cuz you ancestors done been oppressed, and youz allowed ta say whatevuh you want, or somebuddy goan cry “Racism! Oppression!” bout it. And if a crackah has de guts to sez sumpin’ bout it, or god forbid, dey sez nigga just like you, you goan call dem a racist, and dey be de ones on de news, gettin’ in trouble. Now den, who’s de ones who’s really perpetuatin’ de stereotypes by actin’ like uneducated foos and usin’ offensive words in de public eye? Because it sure ain’t this cracker bitch.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Listen to a rap station. That’s what you’ll hear. Niggers, crackers, bitches, hoes, etc… But it’s okay, because they’re black, and they’ve “earned the right” to say it, in an accent that only further degrades themselves. But if a white person does the same thing, it’s just wrong. I’m sick of the hypocrisy.

@jca Thanks, my honkey! Let’s smoke us a roach and drive round lookin’ for some pimpass homies!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Cupcake Thanks for the link, do you have any idea of the page numbers that reference racial issues, it’s a long document.

@WillWorkForChocolate I like rap a LOT, but do you know how many white kids say the N—word with no malicious intent because it’s in modern music?

”...but she ain’t messin’ with no broke, broke N—-”

Read this:

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@KNOWITALL I’ve seen black people become irate because a white person is quoting rap lyrics with that word. You don’t want other people saying it? Then stop saying it yourself!

I don’t mean to get so agitated and belligerent over the whole thing, but the ignorant hypocrisy of it really pisses me the hell off.

DominicX's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate A black person calling his friend a “nigga” and a white person saying they want the “damn niggers out of their neighborhood” are not on the same level at all. It goes back to the idea that saying “nigger” alone doesn’t make you a racist. Using it in a racist context, however, is a different issue.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@DominicX The thing is, if I say “Wat up my nigga?” to any of my friends, white or black, it would mean the same thing but if I said it in public HERE, I’d start a race riot or the white supremacists would think I was on their side and cheer. It’s tricky, I’d hate to see a child beaten up for repeating song lyrics.

Cupcake's avatar

@KNOWITALL No, I didn’t memorize them. I’d have to look back through the document just like you could.

No supervisor should refer to his/her employees as niggers or monkeys. Period. I don’t care what color they are.

DominicX's avatar

The way I see it is there are three “camps” in regard to the word:

1) It’s always racist and degrading to say it, no matter the context, and no matter who says it, white or black. It should never be spoken except metalinguistically.
2) It’s always racist for a white person to say it because they don’t have the power to use it positively the way black people can.
3) It’s never “always racist” for anyone to say it. It depends entirely on context.

Obviously I’m in the 3rd camp, but the idea of people getting beaten up for song lyrics is probably a result of people in the 2nd camp.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Cupcake I was just asking politely if you knew the page numbers, wasn’t trying to trip your trigger.

@DominicX Good points. I’ll stick to camp 1 because I would never want to hurt anyone by carelessly mispeaking. Which is probably what people like Paula Deen need to do.

jca's avatar

I think in the case of older people from the American South (i.e. people like Paula Deen), they grew up in an era where most people used the word at some point or other and the word did not always have the negative connotations that it does today. They grew up hearing their parents and grandparents using that word all the time. Things changed during the late 1960’s and 1970’s -the post-civil rights era.

It is hard for us to imagine it being this way, the same way it’s hard for us to imagine a lot things from another time and place.

JLeslie's avatar

I do not believe she is racist, I think the media and public have been horrible to her. She admits to using the word nigger in anger after being terrified because she was held up by a black man at gun point 30 years ago and everyone jumps on her? Even the people plaintiff in her for sexual harrassment case (which is where this all started) said they have never witnessed Paula doing anything or saying anything racist. I never use the word, I never think to use the word, but she is in her 60’s raised in the south, back then was not too long after desegregration, she probably grew up hearing that word quite a bit. She said it to her husband behind closed doors about that one violent man. Seriously, people say all sorts of racist sounding things behind closed doors, it doesn’t make them racist necessarily.

They also brought up she liked the idea of a plantation wedding with black middle aged waiters to work at the party. She knew at the time she couldn’t do it because it would be taken the wrong way, yet the media keeps talking about how ignorant she is about what is offensive. Really? She didn’t do it because she understands completely it would be seen as racist and offensive. That set up of all black waiters makes me very uncomfortable personally. I just experienced it 6 months ago in Pinehurst, NC at the country club there when I had a very nice brunch in their dining room. I turned to my husband and said how I always get a weird “southern” feeling when I am in NC, and I was getting it again with all the black waiters serving the white people. I don’t think Paula wants to keep black people down in service jobs or anything even close to that. Same with the country club, ironically they are discriminating against people who aren’t black for those jobs. The job is a well paid wait service job.

People need to lay off Paula, I really feel horrible for her. Nothing worse than thinking people misperceive you. I saw a clip of Jesse Jackson yesterday; he said it has gone on long enough and people should stop. I am glad he said something. I wish some white people in the media would stick up for her, but I guess that is impossible. Maybe they have and I just haven’t seen it.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I once thought she was the harmless grandmotherly, out-of-date, not politically correct type. I thought all of that until her infamous watermelon tweet right after this brouhaha began.

At that point I hadn’t read that she’d regularly used the words “My Little Monkeys” to describe her black employees. I thought, she was bigoted and possibly a closet racist.

Then, on the Today Show for her big apology (you know the one where she didn’t look contrite & she totally drummed up tears and summoned a teary voice…yeah, that one). At the end of that she said “I is what I is” <—-That’s when I realized she’s a massive racist.

I thought people should lay off from her and her diabetes. This is a completely different situation.

Personally, I feel that prior to her going on the Today Show, she should have re-educated herself with the black holocaust, and asked a publicist to assist her with apologetic wording.

At this point I think she should shut-up, lay off tweeting, and think before she speaks again.

JLeslie's avatar

@SpatzieLover I is what I is, I can easily dismiss as bad grammar from the south; southern dialect.

What was the watermelon tweet?

If she hates black people do you think she would say things she knows can be interpreted as racist? That would make her stupid, so I guess she is stupid and racist then?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SpatzieLover A lot of what I see online is that more people would be shocked if an older white lady from the south wasn’t prejudiced or racist.

Even blacks are posting that they don’t care and only white people care. Someone said above Jesse J is even saying to leave her alone and we know he’s usually all over this stuff screaming bloody murder.

Is it the older white lady thing gaining her sympathy or do people really not care?

SpatzieLover's avatar

That is not bad grammar it is an infamous punchline to an extremely racist joke.

Here is the truly tasteless joke she quoted:

There was a black guy and a white guy.
They were debating over whether god was white or black.
The white guy said that there was only one way to find out and that is to
So they go up on a hill and they pray, and pray, and pray.
Finally they hear a voice say, “I am what I am.”
The white guy jumps up, and says, “Aha, I told you he was white.”
The black guy jumps up and says, “What do you mean? That didn’t prove
“Yes it did. Because if he was black he would’ve said I is what I is.”

bookish1's avatar

@JLeslie: “I is what I is” is a parody of southern black dialect.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@KNOWITALL Being a prejudiced or slightly racist is one thing. This woman has a corporation where she employs black people. She is a public figure. She happens to be watched and liked by many children.

JLeslie's avatar

@SpatzieLover I know the history of the line, but it also is common for southerners to use the line. Especially uneducated southerners, which is why black people were more likely to use it, which is why the joke works.

You make the point she employs black people. If she was racist would she be employing them?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SpatzieLover God used “I am what I am” to Moses as well. Popeye did, too, didn’t he?

She gets paid a lot to cook, sounds like a gravy train to me, but I’m not going to hate her based on the little things I’ve heard. Has any of the black employees stepped up to say she made them uncomfortable? Nope, just a white woman.

Did you read about Alec Baldwin and his Queen comment? Why aren’t we all banning him?

tom_g's avatar

I haven’t followed this thing, so I apologize if I get any of the details wrong…

From what I can tell, Paula Deen is a television personality who also has a bunch of other product/endorsement deals. Her show is selling unhealthy food – not racist ideas, right? Ok, so, it appears that there is a court case against her that alleges some discrimination. In the transcripts, there was some comments by her where she admitted to using the term “nigger”.

There is nothing people love more (besides their kids and spouses) than to see someone fall. They also love to be offended. And the media corporations make their money by giving the people what they want. And once the ball starts rolling, you have corporations severing their ties because they don’t want to lose money.

Now, there is nothing logical or “just” or particularly interesting about this. It’s capitalism. But there are some people who take offense at this whole process and feel defensive. They blame “political correctness” and start taking jabs at others who seem immune to claims of racism. But they’re missing the point in my opinion. First, if you don’t like Paula Deen because you feel she’s racist, then you probably won’t watch her show. If enough people don’t watch her show, then she’s not a valuable commodity to the corporation who broadcasts her show or the companies she endorses. So, she will lose those. That’s how this whole free market crap works. So, if you don’t like pop rappers who use “nigga”, then you won’t buy their records or concert tickets. If enough of you stop paying them, then the record companies will find no value from them, and they will be dropped.

So, don’t pretend you’re a victim because Paula Deen is falling down while someone darker is still standing. You’re not a victim. You may feel that Paula Deen is being treated unfairly, and you could try to make that case. But you are arguing with the rich food network execs – not with some kind of mass politically correct conspiracy. This is very similar to the whole “war on christmas” nonsense. “Happy holidays” is a corporate creation to make the most money possible by being more inclusive. Take your fight to the boardroom, fox news.

Anyway, I don’t watch Paula Deen because I don’t hate myself I’m not the target demographic. There’s no conspiracy here – other than one to make money – and that’s called “capitalism”. Also, for the record – African Americans own that term. They can do whatever the fuck they want with it. It’s up to pale folk like myself to make sure we are using (or not using) the correct terminology – even if/when it changes.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@tom_g I partially agree with you, because your logic is infallible as far as stop purchasing the ‘product’ to foment change. :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@tom_g No one can own a word. And impressionable teenagers (the crowd who typically buys the most rap) are not going to simply stop buying rap records. If the “musicians” would stop saying nigger, then the people buying said records would eventually stop too, because they wouldn’t have that stupid behavior to emulate any longer.

You know, I never see Mexicans calling each other spics. I never see Vietnamese calling each other gooks, or Japanese calling each other japs, or slants, or Russians calling each other commies. Maybe someone should tell them they own those words and need to start using them!

Hmm, you think if Japanese-Americans started calling each other slants, that lots of non Japanese-Americans wouldn’t start doing the same and create a huge problem? Black people are the only ones who think it’s okay to call each other racial slurs, and all they’re doing is making the problem bigger.

tom_g's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate: ”@tom_g No one can own a word.”

I disagree. My ancestors (and I presume your’s) signed that word over (ethically) when they dragged Africans in chains to this country (not to mention the rest of US history).

@WillWorkForChocolate: “Black people are the only ones who think it’s okay to call each other racial slurs, and all they’re doing is making the problem bigger.”

You seem quite concerned about the black people and how they are presenting themselves. Most of this seems to be related to pop culture, which is shit all around – regardless of race. What exactly does all of this have to do with Paula Deen, her corporate sponsors, your fellow white consumers, and the corporate media? What is your take on this situation. We know now that you are mighty concerned that African Americans in the mainstream media (entertainment business) aren’t presenting themselves in a way that you like.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Actually, not my ancestors. Most of my ancestors were either involved in Nazi issues or being raped, killed, and having their land stolen.

And you’re being deliberately obtuse.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’ll say this: For the most part, I could give a flying fuck who uses the N word.

I do care deeply that a race of people in this day & age
are being referred to as MONKEYS by their employers.

Honestly, in my opinion they were flaunting their racism. From my understanding, they (Paula, her brother “Bubba” and her two sons) use this word freely & openly with their employees.

Now suddenly people are coming to her rescue?! I don’t grasp why.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SpatzieLover Because you act like she’s the only white person to say the N word, and that is far from true. Plus I still have no examples of mean-spiritedness.

Now, this may irritate some of you, but I’ve had black friends talk disparagingly about their own race and use the N word and laugh about it, to OF ALL THINGS, white people.

I don’t feel sorry for her really, but I think it’s unnecessary to take millions of dollars away based on racial slurs that a white woman complained about. If you tell me the black employees took Paula seriously when she said ‘monkeys’ or anything like that, I may change my way of thinking.

SpatzieLover's avatar

A little penguin we all know & love shared this article on FB today.

I still do not grasp why it would matter if her black employees are speaking out or not. I can see many reasons not to speak out against an employer if a person(s) wants to remain gainfully employed.

Who is “taking away” millions of dollars from her???? Where’d you get that from?

She will fail to earn to what her former full potential was based on her racist statements. She had full control of her brain & mouth as far as I can tell. All she had to do was zip it.

She will not lose money. She may fail to earn it, though.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SpatzieLover She’s already lost millions in endorsement deals, no one wants to be associated with her.

Why does it matter if the black employees were offended? Because there’s a thing called ‘context’ maybe they were calling her “Snow White” so she returned the bazinga, how do I know?

I have a problem with racism and intolerance, but this one is not sitting well with me for some reason. White people griping about other white people is old news.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I agree with know it all when she stated the obvious…that it is a publicity stunt.
Negative publicity or positive , both work in the media empire.
Watch her get job offers, now that she has proved herself to be marketable.
I can see her on Oprah’s OWN programs.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Inspired_2write One of the first things I said about this was…I can see this being an “Oprah Exclusive Interview” on OWN

@KNOWITALL Racism disgusts me. The M word (Monkey) makes me feel sick to my stomach. As far as I’m concerned whatever happens, she’s caused. There is no correct context to keep racism alive. I cannot ever see a reason to use that word.

JLeslie's avatar

@SpatzieLover It seems to me Paula’s brother is very likely an asshole and very likely racist to some degree. But, during the lawsuit even the plaintiff says she never heard Paula use that language. I really get the feeling Paula didn’t stand up to her brother much amd might very possibly didn’t think it was a huge deal, and she should have, but I think she has learned her lesson. The article you linked talks about only let black people enter through a back door. That might have more to do with their job title than race.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SpatzieLover Of course that word is stupid, but so is honkeys, and the ever-present ‘white girl’.

When I saw the black couple getting married plantation-style, including negroes in hats and cravats, it registered that if black people can do it, why can’t white people? In that aspect, singling PD out is wrong to me.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Someone put up this link on FB.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Mama_Cakes Key words ‘alleged’. Thanks for sharing, that does clarify things a little better.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

For the record, I can’t stand her.

SpatzieLover's avatar

It’s the same article I shared above @KNOWITALL.

Honkey and cracker doesn’t mean shit to me. Monkey does.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I loved this response (in the link that I provided):

She’s just worried about her “financial” ass hanging out! All southern cooking came from the blacks. They were thrown the “garbage” parts of the meat and came up with their own gourmet! Soul Food…. I am so grateful that I was born in Maine and never taught this absurdity, for that is what it is…that and a blight on our society. When asked on some form to specify my race, based on skin color, I always put “other” and list “beige.” Hatred, bigotry and racism is learned.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t nigger is anything like honkey or or cracker. I do think it is the same as kike and Jews don’t keep it alive and either should black people keep nigger alive in my opinion. Jewish people still use JAP, but it is kind of making fun of ourselves, or fun of that type of Jewish woman, which is totally different.

@Mama_Cakes Same link as @SpatzieLover from Janbb.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I so agree about it all @Mama_Cakes.

As for the door she wanted “the help” to exit and enter from, I believe in the context it was written it had more to do with white people not seeing all of the black “help”.

Sunny2's avatar

If you read the legal accusations that @Cupcake linked us to, you’d understand that calling people names was only one of the charges and that Deen’s brother was the primary culprit. Deen’s company is the responsible party because her brother’s behavior was condoned by Deen.
Thank you, @Cupcake. I now have a more educated opinion and I hope they throw the book at her company. That she allowed such grievous behavior says more about her than any show she puts on.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Sunny2 and that is why I cannot fathom how people are either condoning or trying to smooth away Paula’s responsibility in all of this.

jca's avatar

@Mama_Cakes: Like @KNOWITALL said, “key words: alleged.” Most things on that list of “alleged” were things the brother did or said. As far as black employees using the back entrance, I’m willing to bet that ALL employees had to use the back entrance (ever work at a store? There’s an employee entrance). The thing about the wedding – it’s probably not an isolated thing to have a “plantation style wedding.” Like @JLeslie said (either on this q or another q) to give anybody employment of this type (black men as wait staff) is a relatively well paying job – probably equivalent to a woman being a Playboy bunny – if she chooses to do so, she probably gets big bucks being one. Everything on that list is “alleged” anyway. I can accuse anybody of anything and it’s “alleged” until proven or admitted by the person.

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