Who is GOD in your opinion?
Who do you think God is? How does he look like? Do we unknowingly get to see him everyday? What question would you ask to him first if you see him?
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57 Answers
He looks like anything you want him to look like, because he’s imaginary.
I don’t think God is a “him”, for a start. I think God is different for everybody, depending on what that person will respond to. For me it’s little things, coincidences. My birthday is 10/17, and for some reason whenever I look at the clock at around that time, it always happens to be when it’s exactly 10:17. It also shows up as my score in games sometimes.
My friend once said to herself by the river, “If there’s something out there, give me a sign that you’re here.” And a whole bunch of butterflies started flying around her, landing on her.
Bottom line though, these things could be random. But who cares? If it makes us feel better to believe that there is some sort of supreme being, and if we aren’t violent towards each other because we disagree about who God is, why should it matter what anybody believes?
God is the one whom I think I can talk to about things I don’t want to talk with anyone else about.
Kind of like a big cosmic brick wall.
I used to have this very clear picture of God when I was a child. He had a brown beard and wore red jeans.
Now I have no picture of any god in my mind.
WARNING: People are going to find this post offensive. Do not read if you are easily offended.
Who do you think God is?
God is a crutch. God is an imaginary sky daddy that humans have created to explain natural phenomenon that they do not understand. This myth was perpetuated through the ages and then the concept of God was used to control populations through fear.
How does he look like?
Well, since he doesn’t exist, I’m going to skip this.
Do we unknowingly get to see him everyday?
If you see God every day, you need antipsychotics.
What question would you ask to him first if you see him?
(Assuming I’m wrong and he exists). Why do you deserve my worship when you are such a cruel piece of shit? If you are so fucking omnipotent, how could you let so many people die in holocausts around the world? (Darfur, West Africa, Serbia, Germany, Russia, Turkey—and that’s just the ones I can think of off the top of my head in the 20th Century)
I would say that it’s a mistaken perception to attribute God as a separate person or separate being that is distinct from us. I would also say that it’s a mistaken perception to believe that we are our bodies and (ego-)minds. Instead, I would say that God is (or the idea of God represents) the consciousness or life force that precedes our bodies, minds and spirits. We are each expressions or manifestations of that entity that we commonly attribute as “God.” The suffering witnessed in its many diverse forms is the work of the ego and the mind, and the common tendency is to overidentify with these phenomena as “true” reality, but what I have come to believe is “more true” is that these manifestations exist because we hold on to them or because we hold on to our ego-mind (or it holds on to us). The phenomena, along with “happy” phenomena exist to provide experiences, but they are not primary nor do they affect what is primary, which is the divinity that animates and perpetuates life, including our own, despite our best intentions.
There is perceptible a presence behind your ego-mind and your “common” sense of self. Perhaps it is reasonable to say for the sake of illustration that this is where the touch of God begins to taper and give way to the ego-mind.
“God” is the energy that makes up all of matter and the universal intelligence that holds it all together. Research quantum physics. It will blow your mind.
Oh shit, forgot the details
Who do you think God is?
See my previous answer
How does he look like?
Like Odin, but like a bro.
Do we unknowingly get to see him everyday?
When you lift, you will feel his presence. Only when you use barbells/dumbbells though; machines are for indie rock fans and posers.
What question would you ask to him first if you see him?
I would ask him to spot for me while I bench the corpses of heathens and nonbelievers.
God is a comfort to people who cannot bring themselves to think there is no life after this one.
God brings out the best and worst in human beings.
God is a way of explaining things that humans cannot comprehend.
I am agnostic. I don’t believe in an anthropomorphized deity; but I am not closed to the idea of some power or force that is greater than us and has an impartial influence on the world. Too many remarkable things have happened in my life to chalk-up to random coincidence.
Whatever it may be, it is beyond our basic senses and barely within our comprehension. I think religions started as a way to try to understand it – giving it name(s) and likeness(es) – but I also think that human’s desire for power and greed corrupted the religions and most religions today are far removed from more humble origins.
Really; you do not have to look far. Christ, the one who knew him best, explained him extensively. He said, if you have seen me, you have seen the father. We can gather from that that God is never separate from the human condition. Jesus also said that God is a spirit. From that we may understand that whosoever among us has the mind of God is God. We were told that a spirit does not have flesh and bone, so obviously, God is the better part of all who are in search of their higher nature. All who care about what is good and right may agree with what John said: he that does what is right is right, even as He is right. He looks like you and me. You can ask him what ever you want, and if you have the mind of God you may answer in his behalf because you care about what is right.
The unofficial catch phrase in my first book was: such a path is open only to those who are open to such a path.
Eric Clapton, as I understand it…
In my opinion, this question suffers from presupposition failure due to God not existing. No one is God. There is nothing God looks like. We never see Him, knowingly or unknowingly. If I did ever see Him, however, I would ask Him if and why a perfect being would care whether or not people believed in Him.
God is infinite. He is without limits. He is eternal. He is flawless.
On the other hand, Eric Clapton’s new album sucks. Having kids sing with him? Really?
When I was a believer, I had no clear image of what God looked like. When feeling particularly peaceful or comforted, I felt as if he were cradling me in his hands…like a baby bird. They were very large hands, obviously. It was a nice feeling.
I’m an atheist now, so I think a god is (and looks like) whatever a believer imagines.
Nothing like Godot, of this I am sure.
George Burns.
fucking duh
Who is God? Creator of all things.
What does he look like? I have no idea. I assume he or she is neither man nor woman or anything human like.
Do we get to see God everyday? Sure. We see him in all creation the way we see an artist through his art work.
What would I ask him/her? Do I get a second crack at things? I think I messed things up a bit.
Metrion is the current God, I was the previous one, sorry for the mistakes I made.
“God” is nature, the universe and all it’s amazing happenings, out there and down here on this little blue ball of rock and dust and water and gas and fire. lol
Yep, offensive, here it comes. The Christian portrayal of an omnipotent, magical, “God” is the greatest “story” ever told.
IF there really is a “God” of some sort, “he” is not the Christian God, IT is an advanced life form from another universe, end of story.
My friend @Rarebear, I don’t find your post offensive at all. In fact, I asked God the same questions you suggest. I didn’t like the answers I got.
Q – “Why do you deserve my worship when you are such a cruel piece of shit?”
A – “What gave you the idea that I wanted your worship? I’m the one who worships you, my beloved creation. Did some person tell you that I needed your worship? Did you read it somewhere? Know that the one who misrepresents me for their own purpose is worse off than the one who would reject me completely. Why listen to what others say when instead you can commune directly with me? It is you who prevents our friendship. Not I. Shall I accept what others say about you without reserve? I don’t want your worship. I want you to grow and make the most of yourself by asking questions like these. I want you to live.”
Q – “If you are so fucking omnipotent, how could you let so many people die in holocausts around the world?”
A – “I’m not the one who allows this. You are. For tens of thousands of years you’ve allowed this to happen in, and to, the beautiful home I made for you. Like most humans, you’ll do anything to avoid taking responsibility for your own treachery. First, you blame other humans. Then you blame me. You pass judgement upon events that you do not fully understand, and then cast blame upon a being that you do not fathom. What you see as death, I see as life. For the death of yours is life eternal with me beyond the pain and suffering you blame me for. Shall you judge me for that too? I’ve prepared a heaven for you. Use it first as a model to create the same in your heart. Others will model their heaven after yours. Plant the seed and watch heaven on earth become reality. It’s up to the free will you were created with. In the mean time, as you learn to create your heaven, use the pain and suffering that you cannot prevent as an opportunity to learn concepts of compassion, charity, empathy and self sacrifice. Look now! There are starving children everywhere. What will you do about it? Will you rub your genie bottle and send me off like a dog to rescue them while you sit and watch Family Guy? An earthquake just killed a million people. What will you do about it? Does it move you to acts of compassion? Or does it move you to angrily pass judgement against the one who prepared eternal life for them?”
I know… right? That God sure is a slippery prick… Turning it around and putting the responsibility on me like that. The NERVE of some Gods! To think we weren’t born into the perfection of heaven from the beginning is just… just… insulting! To think that we can only truly know the essence of charity and self sacrifice through witnessing injustice and suffering is… is… well… just absurd!
I really don’t think that charity loses any teeth without the concept of greed to compare it against… Does it?
all in fun my friend
I like Jesus. Not because I think He is God but because it pleases me and makes me feel good to think that he is God.
I would like to ask Jesus, “What’s the meaning of life?” Why am I here? Why don’t you stop all of the evil doers? Why do let “Acts of God” (weather) kill so many people? .. and… oh…What does amen mean? HA!
I was going to chime in, but @Rarebear already said it so eloquently. @RealEyesRealizeRealLies Why do we insist on believing there is some invisible mini-me, ephemeral, untestable, undetectable, but running our lives. Here’s Sam Harris on why there are very good reasons not to believe that there is an immortal soul.
I’m going to jump in here and defend @RealEyesRealizeRealLies. He’s a good egg. He and I have been debating God ever since the early days of Wis.dm, and if all theists or deists were like him, the world would be a much better place. Just don’t get him started talking about abiogenesis. :-)
I love Sam Harris. Bottom line, who knows, but the age old debate will never go away.
Right on @Rarebear!
@ETpro “Why do we insist on believing there is some invisible mini-me, ephemeral, untestable, undetectable, but running our lives.”
That’s not the God I believe in. And the one I believe in doesn’t run anyone’s life. Unfortunately, what you describe is often the god that Atheists attempt to disprove. Kind of a straw man. Neither one of us believe in what you describe.
I am. I and I alone am the one in control of my own fate.
In the Sam Harris vid, he brings up very important points. I’d enjoy discussing the topic with him.
1.) He only takes it so far, with no regard to think beyond his own conclusion. He honestly believes that his level of thinking is as far as it goes. By his own standards, it can and should go further.
2.) Instead of finishing the thought process, he brings in religion. That’s what stops him from thinking through his own argument. He uses it as a period to end the sentence of his argument.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Reread my response, my friend. I was talking about the posited human soul, not any deity. As to Sam Harris, that’s a very abbreviated clip of a very long discussion. But he’s very available to argue with. I’d think he’d enjoy going head to head with you.
Oh I see. Well, I don’t believe in that type of soul either. But yes, many do indeed. As if there is a greater self beyond them self, which has intentionally hidden answers from this material realm. I agree, that does seem quite paradoxical. Nothing can function when turmoiled in paradox. In the spirit of parsimony, I suggest the reality is much simpler.
But I’m not to get into a dissertation on my specific views. I’m done preaching here. Too much fun to be had hucking it up with you guys.
Yes @Symbeline. God is a raven sitting atop the shoulder of an angry norseman.
i knew it!
A figment of the imagination in those who seek comfort in con men, bit like fans of David Blaine only slightly more passionate.
Beyond human comprehension.
Japanese Kami no Michi religion have 8,000,000,000 kami (gods, spirits), Amaterasu is supreme of them. Her parents Izanagi and Izanami create world. She is sun goddess. Most Japanese also practice Buddhism, have several sects, e.g. Zen, is agnostic. 99.54% of us not accept Christian God. Logic tell me gods not exist.
@Symbeline That can’t be Odin, he has both his eyes. That being said, I think Odin needs a more badass wife than Frigg. I move he marries Kali (link NSFW).
@Shinimegami Amaterasu? ;P
@amujinx I was thinking of Okami, also. for Amaterasu, not Odin’s wife. XD
Who ever said Odin never frigged around?
@ETpro Two things come to mind…Vikings went around pillaging and raping, and this might interest you…not because I think you’re a pervert, but because I know you have an interest in sex, its history and practices…but I think you might enjoy some bit of dark humor on the subject, as well.
I saw this porn comic once where it showed Vikings going to faraway lands like India, killing most people, taking their stuff and having sex with the women before leaving. The women liked it, so the Vikings vowed to just do this, constantly. Find new lands, fuck shit up and then fuck all the chicks.
Then the conclusion of the comic shows modern Scandinavian men being shunned and cock blocked by Scandinavian women, since they preferred dudes from other places, due to the Vikings’ century long history of having sex with the whole world. Kinda stupid, but it was funny. It’s just too bad the artwork sucked kind of, but the story behind it was pretty neat, for what it’s worth.
Then we have the other hand…while Vikings did indeed copulate with a lot of different people, they typically believed that they were a superior people, and mingling their blood with ’‘undesirables’’ was a big no no. Apparently, anyways. I suppose if you kill someone after raping them, that’s covered lol
I’m not sure how to define the term ‘God’. I just have the feeling that whatever the concept of God is that it’s likely something extremely above our ability to even consider comprehending, though I’ve changed my opinion on this topic over the years. The closest that I can come to describing ‘God’ (and believe me this is a poor description trying to use words here) would be inevitible order coming to energy fed chaos and the natural laws of nature that came about as the result of the dust settling.
@tups I don’t remember, it was online, I can’t find it anymore. :/
I found it! It’s not on the same site that I oriignally found it on, but it’s intact. Er not sure I can actually post that on here though. But if you want to look it up, search ’‘Cock Vikings’’. lmao
@Symbeline And just in the knick of time. I was about to OD over the ineffable loss. Well… maybe not ineffable, but I certainly couldn’t F a loss like that!
Eh, you probably could. :p
@amujinx Odin trade one eye have drink of Mimir’s Well of Wisdom. Okami is Japanese surname, I know Michiko Okami, are homonyms at all languages. My name end Gami is form of Kami. One Kami mean god, spirit, when have other letters before it become Gami. Kami = God, I am Goddess = Megami. Michiko’s Kami mean High, Top, Upper.
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@Shinimegami Glad to see you back. Thanks for the list of silly Godhead claims.
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