Anyone else find summer depressing?
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July 1st, 2013
I do. All I see around when I go out is attractive people wearing clothing that shows themselves off, and that just serves as a reminder that I can’t get someone like that.
I can’t wait till it’s -25 again :/
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Not depressing, just something irritating to get through as fast as possible. I’m an autumn-winter lover and start counting the days to Fall in June.
I do, I’m a Winter person. I like the peace of Winter, and I like how when it decides to get violent, people are too busy going where they need to get as fast as possible to pay attention to me. I’m not a people person, so maybe that plays into it. Perhaps this is just some self reflection method I use to deal with my dislike of people, or rather, my social ineptitude. But I love Winter, with or without peeps. And it’s not that I can’t be the hottest bitch on the block; it’s that I don’t give a fuck. :)
I’m also a night person, so shortened darkness gets to me. I hate waking up for work and it’s 5:30 am, but it looks like sun flooded noon out there.
Or, maybe there’s actually no deeply rooted reason to this; I just like Winter, and it often feels to me that Summer’s nature goes against what makes me feel comfortable and safe, at my core. I’m much more able in severe cold than I am in jungle like heat and humidity.
And this isn’t some Viking joke I’m trying to pull off; I’ve loved Winter ever since I was small, and long before I ever knew what a Viking was. That said, as cool as Norway is, fuck its ’‘Midnight Sun’’.
But we need balance. I couldn’t live in the north pole or nothing, and I certainly do enjoy the late hot August evening by the river. But there’s never been any question for me as to what season I like most, and Summer has a way to get on my nerves with all its light and heat and people mowing their grass at 7 am. Lol. Somehow, snow blowers at 7 am soothe me, so I’m probably just biased. But said bias comes from a true and pure love of Winter, nonetheless.
Also when it’s too hot…no snuggling with soft blankies and pillows. :( makes for a sad symbeline
I’m very lazy and live in Oregon where it rains 10 months of the year. The rain justifies my sitting inside watching movies and drinking tea. When it is Summer I feel a bit shitty if I don’t get outside.
Probably, but i’m not one of them.
I dislike, detest, loathe Summer from the bottom of my humidity-hating heart. Frankly, Summer, and its heat, and thunder storms, and stickiness, and mosquitos can go fuck itself.
I try to live inside, in air conditioning as much as possible. If I’m forced to be outside, I’m a bear. Cranky, cranky, cranky.
Fall cannot come soon enough.
I do not tolerate heat or bright sunlight well, and winter is my favorite season. I do not get depressed, though; and I certainly don’t judge the worthiness of a person as a partner by their beach-body. I do love summer’s fresh produce and the evenings when it cools off (as long as the skeeters aren’t all over me).
Here in Orlando, many times during July and August these TV weather clucks will say: ”...and today we have another BEAUTIFUL day….”
No. No, we don’t. Today we’ll again all break into a sweat by just looking up at the sky…
I don’t normally hate summer, but this year I do. No, it’s not the summer itself, but the thing I have to suffer this summer: UNIVERSITY EXAM. I know I have to pass the exam. Now there’s only one more week for revision, and I’m worried if I can do it or not.
I have lived in New England most of my life, so I will speak for many of us (don’t get upset people) when I say that this is how we view seasons….
When we are in the middle of winter, we dream of spring. Spring comes, and we have 1 or 2 days where it’s nice out. We start to look forward to summer. We get our camping gear ready and fantasize about all of the outdoor activities we can engage in. Summer finally comes and we are bombarded with extreme heat, humidity, rain, and bugs. We may have 1 or 2 nice days during the summer. Then we start to look forward to autumn. When autumn (the best season) comes, we are greeted with a good 4 to 5 great days and things seem ok again. We are so confident and renewed due to the lack of oppressive heat, that we start to look forward to the fun of winter and snow. Winter comes, we have one snowstorm, enjoy it for a day or two, then start dreaming of spring for the next six months.
When I lived in southern CA, my brain didn’t know how to process the beautiful weather. The first few months we were there, it didn’t rain once. Not once. My brain was going all crazy. I eventually was able to relax and enjoy the fact that every day was amazing. But the perfection of it all was initially difficult to process for a native New Englander.
So, after all of that rambling….do I find summer depressing? Sure. That’s my job. It’s also really easy to do unless you are invested in using air conditioning and locking yourself indoors. If the heat and humidity doesn’t bother you, the West Nile and EEE bug spraying, the wood smoke, and tornado warnings (like yesterday) will.
I’m going to go meditate now…
@OneBadApple Agreed, They say it’s going to be a nice day out, I get out and it’s +30 Celsius, that’s not nice, that’s torture. I’d take -30 over +30 any day.
Oh hallelujah! It’s so nice to find people who don’t think I’m a nut job because I detest summer. I live in NE Ohio and the humidity can be horrific. On Sunday it was 75F and 75% humidity. I felt like someone could have wrung me out and made lemonade. It made me a little sad because the 75F temperature was lovely, but ruined by the humidity. :(
I lived in Central Georgia from September to June one year and spent part of a summer in Florida. Nice enough places except the heat and humidity were killers.
Autumn, winter and spring – those are lovely seasons. Summer just sucks.
I’m not one of them. It’s my favorite season. People think I’m nuts because I actually like heat and humidity. I grew up in a swamp (South Florida).
Summer is the time of mangoes, pineapples, papayas, guavas…. It’s the time of amazing summer squash, sweet onions, corn, tomatoes, beans….It’s the time of being able to photosynthesize in the sun. The winter really depresses me.
Seeing people by the pool or hearing them talk about the beach does make me depressed. I haven’t been able to swim in 3 years and won’t be able to until I have some surgery.
The only thing I hate about Summer is the heat and humidity. I love getting a tan, I love going to the pool and the beach, I love all the fresh fruits, and I love wearing shorts and skirts.
All of this is true unless I’m having what I call a “fat summer” in which I feel huge and pasty white. During these summers, I hate life in general.
@tom_g: You said it brother! I came home yesterday to find my family in the basement hanging out on deck chairs just in case the tornado hit.
I live in California, so no ;)
Summer here means dry warm days, but rarely extreme heat (although it has been pretty hot lately). Most of my best memories happened during the summer.
I don’t care much for summer, but I do enjoy the daily storms we get. There’s nothing like a good lightning show. I would probably like summer more if I wasn’t so sensitive to sunlight.
@bookish1 The hell, why can’t you go swimming now? :(
I love Summer as the flowers are blooming the town is busy with tourists and the water is cool enough to go for a swim outdoors in natures playground.(Jasper National Park,Ab,Canada)
Here we have nine months of Fall /Winter/Spring and three months of Summer.
Hiking,biking,rafting,canoeing,picnics,horseback riding,festivals,fireworks,boat tours,all this is available more so in the Summer.
I like it.
The tornado did hit here in NJ yesterday, but it was fortunately only an F0, so damage wasn’t too bad.
I find summer to be depressing as well. My mood usually elevates with cooler brisk weather and the autumn months.
Here’s a thought.
If one does not like the environment that one currently is in then why not move to where one feels the best. Each to his/her own.
Same as employment,if one feels confined in an office then get an outdoor job.
@Inspired_2write – That’s a great thought. Unfortunately, not everyone has that freedom. If there are obligations – family or otherwise – that require one to stay in an area, they may not be able to just move.
@Inspired_2write – Of course. And I think it’s an admirable goal. I don’t like the idea of people feeling stuck somewhere. I’m not stuck where I am and I think everyone deserves a shot at that.
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