Better the beguiling dream, or the harsh reality?
Asked by
Strauss (
July 2nd, 2013
Inspired by this thread, and the last few comments by @ETpro and @Nullo.
Are you more a dreamer, an idealist, optimistic about the future?
Or are you more a realist, a pragmatist, pessimistic about the future?
Or are you somewhere in between, somewhere on the spectrum between optimism and pessimism?
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7 Answers
I’m in the middle. Expect the worst but hope for the best. That makes me a hopeful cynic.
A varying degree of inbetween though I do jaunt towards the edges every now again.
I prefer to be practical until it impedes the now moment of finding my “bliss” I indulge but if that becomes to cyclical I end up frustrated with my self and bored.
Politics.. I am still learning too much to count my opinion or view knowledged or complete.
I like to think I’m well balanced, with some strong leanings toward realism.
(Although it seems that most people I know think I’m an over the edge pessimist.)
I’m somewhere in the middle. I’m an optimistic realist. I don’t expect the best, or the worst either, because I find that in general it never turns out like that.
Started idealist, became the worst cynic you can possibly imagine, and now understand the keys to a perpetually blissful attitude but still learning to use them.
Nothing terrifies me more than the unknown and unforgiving future. That makes me a realist. HA!
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