General Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Are there any type of birds that eat blueberries?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11178points) July 2nd, 2013

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12 Answers

syz's avatar

Pretty much all of them (even the insectivores tend to be opportunistic).

Ok, not the raptors, etc.

Blueberry bushes usually have to be netted to prevent theft.

gailcalled's avatar

Hahaha. Blueberries, raspberries,blackberries, strawberries. The money we all spend to net these bushes will send my gardener’s child to college for one year.

(@Syz is too charitable.Forget “usually.”)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Mama_Cakes If you want to keep the birds out of the blueberry bushes, get some fake rubber snakes and place them on the bush. Told that to my little Italian landlord ( gardener & farmer ) to go to the toy store and get one for each of the five bushes he had. The first week of picking season his wife brought us a quart of fresh picked berries, she said that nor one bird would land in the bushes.

gailcalled's avatar

@Tropical_Willie: You must have stupider birds than we do. Rubber snakes here are similar to plastic flamingos…lawn ornaments that are ignored by all our avian friends.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I plant berry thicket just for the birds (all wildlife that comes to my yard/lives in my garden) actually. Yes, all birds will eat blueberries if given the opportunity.

Bears love ‘em, too ;) luckily there are no bears near this home of mine….just near our lake home

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Actually, I have a container of blueberries that won’t be used up. These’ll be for the birds. ;-)

That is why I asked. I don’t plan on planting blueberry bushes anytime soon!

SpatzieLover's avatar

Put them out. The Robins will especially love you for the gift. They take berries and raisins (we soak them a bit) that we put out and stuff them into their ever present & following fledgling mouths.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Nice, ‘cause there is a Mama Robin nesting about 8 feet from the blueberries!

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yankeetooter's avatar

Yes, my mother’s been feeding the birds for years with her blueberry bushes…

Strauss's avatar

Our robin friends have gotten most of our strawberries this year. We managed to harvest about a quart.

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