How do you know you've been a Jelly for sooo long?
Asked by
janbb (
July 2nd, 2013
Just noticed that I can start reading a post and realize who wrote it within the first 4–5 words. Have you realized this too? Will we be able to finish each other’s sentences soon? Your thoughts – no wait; I can guess them already!
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110 Answers
Well their avatar is right next to the start of the posts, so yeah, I can do that too…piece of piss.
I can certainly anticipate certain morons users reactions, read them like a battered old book, so predictable.
I’m sure we can finish each other’s sentences. We know most of the stories and opinions, they have almost all been said before.
But half the time even I don’t know beforehand what
I’m going to say, myself.
@janbb I totally knew you were going to ask this question!
When you look around and there’s tell-tale jelly faeces everywhere.
We’re the “same song, second verse” bunch in the tide pool. I find much of the predictability comforting, some unsettling, and some just downright scary. But I keep stopping by. Cheers to all.
Oh, you know what I’m going to say so why write it?
Oh, I knew what you were going to say so why write it?
I’m reading this from a frizzer stocked with pancakes. Do you think I’m pregnant?
Fact from fiction, truth from diction . . . oh, never mind.
I only want nice people to answer this question!
Does the guy I dreamt about have ESP?
You start asking questions like “How do you know you’ve been a Jelly for sooo long?”
@flutherother Or, as my daughter-in-law once said to me, “You don’t have to get all meta about it.”
I usually check my profile page.
“Last visit: July 2nd, 2013”
“Joined: July 31st, 2009”
<insert mildly vulgar attempt at humor here>
<— phoning it in
Or – maybe you know when you post a question that gets five GAs and no lurve points accrue? (Sigh – not for @Jeruba)
I can usually tell a Mama Cakes question before I check the authorship. Is the q about lesbians or Canada? Or both?
Hypocrisy_Central questions I can tell after reading the first 5 words of the question.
Getting 20 GA’s but your lurve score doesn’t go up 1 point.
When pancakes make you shiver deliciously.
Oh God, you said the word. I…. Oh no…. I… I… Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! Cigarette, anyone?
When you’re too solid to be scooped out of the jar.
But seriously, maybe it’s when you’ve seen the same questions about religion, the meaning of dreams, bf/gf troubles and a thousand other topics one too many times ;-)
I still don’t feel like a jelly, even though it has been sooo long.
@glacial Aww c’mon – let me tickle your tentacles, then you’ll feel gelatinous.
@janbb You can shiver me timbers anytime. :)
@glacial I would switch teams for you if Canada weren’t so far away!
@janbb Indeed! The Great White North is remote from penguins of all stripes.
Even potentially rainbow ones.
You know you’ve been a jelly for a long time when you realize a question like this already has 30 answers so you just delete it because you know someone else has already rendered an answer better than you could give.
Why do my answers not get as much lurve as other people get? Also, a man at uni stared in at me as he walked passed by office, does this mean he’s in love with me?
@Bellatrix If you checked to be sure you didn’t have your skirt caught up in your undies, then yes. He’s definitely in love.
Blushes… so should I phone him or wait another hour and then phone him? He seems to stare at other people as he walks down the corridor too but I sensed something special about how he looked at me. After I’d pulled my skirt out of my undies of course.
Always wait an hour to avoid cramping. Or is that…. wait. I always confuse stalkers and swimmers.
I know __________ is always going to ____________ about @___________’s posts. It makes me ___________.
When all your lurve is +1 for visiting two days in a row.
@SpatzieLover Yes, you are having triplets! I can tell by how you type.
At any given time when going about your daily business you mull over at least one question, or post…make it go away!!
When you read other Jellies’ posts and you know who lives where and somewhat of people’s situations when they respond.
When you remember the previous celebrations and happy occasions on Fluther and the warm feelings we get when we celebrate them.
When checking Fluther is part of your daily routine.
I see Mansion space getting less, we getting a bit cramped and need a new wing added.
If I have this dream about a Fluther user selling cocaine during the Apocalypse, and then go up to her and yell RUN and then we do, jumping over pits on main street like anime characters, then I’ve been on here long.
This dream happened.
Also, if you remember the chat room ever actually having more than one bored person stray into it. or maybe you’re all avoiding me, I bet that’s it you mean buggers
When you want to GA things in real life, and you try to stylize your text on other websites.
@augustlan and you try to stylize your text on other websites.
That’s happened to me. Most sites have a way to stylize the text, but the ways Fluther has are pretty unique, and I always revert to trying that on other places until I’m like, oh yeah…dun work here.
@augustlan OMG! I do that all the time and it makes me crazy, especially in an e-mail or on FB when it doesn’t work. You gotta find the picture, download it, give it a title, then click on add attachments, wait for the attachment to download into the e-mail, then send the e-mail. Sheesh, Fluther makes it so easy to communicate : )
You want to give GAs when you’re reading comments in the newpaper or tweet or FB posts.
^ I do both of those (stylized text and GAs).
You know you’ve been a jelly for along time when you recognize Repeating Randy on the first question even without the “Only nice people answer”.
^^ And then you crave pancakes after seeing his name.
Gahh. Last night my dream had little pale green and white rectangles with clickable links in them.
Don’t you want to know if I clicked any of the links?
Is that sooo long or toooo long?
@Jeruba Were the links for seahorse porn?
@Yetanotheruser Nope. I was just poking around in the frizzer and it’s empty, except for the babby and the Stranger Cake.
You ask a question to compile a list of memes
@WillWorkForChocolate—I meant to post ”You think @cak is in the frizzer”!
missed the edit window!
Yes @Jeruba, I’m holding my breath. Did you click the links in your dream?
When I can see the avatar and know the height, weight, blood pressure, tire pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, SAT scores, credit scores, contraceptive methods, work-out methods, pets, pet peeves, and frequency of dreams of the writer.
When I see a vase of flowers and think about a cat named Milo.
@gailcalled You forgot to mention something else: frequency of urination.
I just been lurking, waiting for where to join, I just had my breakfast orange juice and prescription pills at 12:45 PM.
@Yetanotheruser, I did. They were blue rather than red, but otherwise they looked exactly like Fluther links. (Yes, it was a page of text. A wall of text in a dream is not unusual for me, but links are.) When I clicked them, they took me to the actual dreams, or rather, the pictorial dream scenes.
Unfortunately, by now I can’t remember what they were.
When you have all but quit the other fora you used to frequent, because Fluther has spoiled you.
When you take for granted seeing fora rather than forums.
When you don’t bother to go confirm what someone said in a previous question because you know @gailcalled will come along and do it soon enough.
When you can’t stay away even when we seem to be going through a dumbening phase.
When you watch your diction because you know that otherwise, @gailcalled or @Jeruba will call you out!
When you see fora, think it’s flora, and think to yourself “but I thought jellies were fauna!”
When you’ve come to grow a passionate hatred of squirrels.
When you ask a question that goes on over several days.
When questions like this get you grinning like an idiot. :D
Alatte myös ajatella laama
When you celebrate the awareness that diction is not the same as grammar or spelling.
i love it when you talk dirty
I know when a jelly who talks about tentacle rape or vore is one of two people.
When you know that a long thread is going to end up in This
^^ Thought of you yesterday when I made a sesame peanut cold whole-wheat noodle salad.
Darn, and I just had a danish. Ah well, swedes to the swede
^^ Or, in your case, my Anglophile friend, a rutabaga.
^^^ Really funny, and new to me. Even Milo (who only eats grass when he wants to throw up) is laughing. Thank you.
@yetsnotheruser. Used to love that song.
Me too! Just haven’t heard it in donkey’s years. A high school friend and I used to freak out to it.
One of the commenters on @yetanotheruser’s link was surprised to learn that a bean was, indeed, a vegetable.
I guess the answer to the OP can be found in the last couple dozen posts!
When you know where you can find people who are willing to discuss whether it should be dumbening or endumbing.
Is ’‘dumbening’’ something The Simpsons made up?
Or adumbrating.
When I still get exercised over couple dozen without the “of”.
That’s okay, @gailcalled, you can find plenty of excess “ofs” to go around just by looking for the phrase “that big [of] a deal.”
@Jeruba :Mon semblable, mon frére. I almost included that also.
“I did not think death had undone so many…”
Do we know the facts? Whatthefluther and Cak?
Here, have a whiff of my flowers. Don’t worry, they’re not poisonous.
While watching documentaries, interesting details trigger this thought in my brain: Oh, this leads to the following very interesting Fluther question.
When you know to look for NSFW and SFW twin questions from a certain Pro every Friday.
@linguaphile : Hehe, half the time I only realize it’s Friday thanks to that Pro!
Oh, yay! It’s almost Friday!
When you are trying to give your answer to a question while laying in bed and BAM you are smacked in the face by a jelly who is trying to wake you up and you are ready to say WTF did you do that for? I’m awake!! When you realize it was only the phone. O_0
When people ask me “Would you ask Fluther about this question I have?”
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