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elbanditoroso's avatar

How do ghosts move around? Teleportation? Do they move in human time/space?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) July 2nd, 2013

Take your average ghost.

Let’s say that you were being admired by a ghost. Sure, he might be at home with you. And maybe he follows you and spooks you at work or on the street.

Does the ghost immediately teleport from place to place? Or does the ghost sit invisibly on the bus or in the car traveling in human time? Could the ghost go forwards in time? Backwards?

How capable are ghosts?

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9 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

However your imagination wants them to move around.

Pachy's avatar

The move around like the Easter bunny, Santa, fairies, sprites, leprechauns, angels, zombies, Sarah Palin and anything/anyone else your imagination, dreams—and in the case of Palin, nightmares—can conjure up.

LornaLove's avatar

I had a very ghostly experience and even wrote about it here on fluther since I was so disturbed after it. I was told they rarely leave the place they haunt (which I find odd). I had a revelation the other day that perhaps really life is about a whole lot of plains, operating at once perhaps even side by side. Of different activities from different times. I might call them ‘different times’ but time is a man made concept. Perhaps they just exist in these levels. Operating on their own independently and sometimes people with honed perception simply see through the layers or levels briefly. As it appears they often relive a tragedy over and over as if they are still there.

glacial's avatar


talljasperman's avatar

Physical contact.

ucme's avatar

In a ghost train, ya daft bugger!

mattbrowne's avatar

Imagination limits are only those of the mind itself.—Rod Serling

How capable are ghosts? That depends on the mind creating them.

Bill1939's avatar

One theory is that spirits are attracted to things and people with whom a spirit has an emotional attachment. While spirits exist transcendently, they can assert an influence if not actually within physical reality within a mental reality.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I read that ghosts are spirits of the dead that do not know or will not move on into the light of
the next realm.
The idea of parallell universes describe this (ghosts) as we see them.
Another describes these as vibes of past souls who have left there imprint on their environment or where they had emotional attatchments too.
Interesting concept.

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