Who do you save, a stranger or your pet?
If you ended up in a situation, on a sinking ferry, flash flood etc, where the choice came down to saving someone you don’t know from drowning or your pet, who would you save if you could only save one before saving yourself? Would it matter more or less the age or gender of the stranger, IE, you might sacrifice your pet if the stranger was a young boy or girl, or handicapped, etc, or would you save your trusted furry friend of many years?
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75 Answers
That’s a tough one, dude.
I think I would go for the stranger though, you know, out of obligation or something.
I guess I won’t really know who I would actually go for unless I was in that situation, you know? I would feel bad either way for choosing one over the other. I hope I never actually end up in that kind of situation. That would suck.
I’d save my dog over a stranger. I like animals more than humans. Wow, I’m such an awful person.
I would save a human being over an animal at any time, any day, whatever the circumstances. I have a really hard time understanding how anyone can even consider doing otherwise.
If it was possible I would go back for my pet after saving the stranger.
I’d save my pet, only because it is my pet. I would have said the person if you said a dog and a human were drowning. I reckon I’d love my pet and therefore would hate to see it die in front of me.
My pet. No question, no hesitation, no second thoughts.
Does that make me an asshole? Maybe. Do I care? Not one iota. lol
Pet. I didn’t even have to think. But really, most animals can swim. One could save the person and the pet at the same time.
@tinyfaery But really, most animals can swim. What if their leash, paw, or collar is trapped or hung up and the water would overtake them, muzzle wise?
I’m not that compassionate; if there was any way to save my pet then that’s how it’d play out.
I would save the human, and then send them a bill to replace pet.
Pet. People suck and we all deserve to die. “That’s just unconscious knowledge.”
I’d save the person because my pet is a fish.
My dawg’s part of the family & we adore her, so no fucking contest…die stranger die!!
Milo here; Since Gail is the partner in this partnership who can drive, cash checks and open the refrigerator, I’d choose her.
I’m worried that @bkcunningham is drowning, and someone chose their pet!
All of my pets know how to swim, but… do I have time to ask the person if they’ve ever fondled a child, raped anyone, or abused animals? If they’re dumb enough to say yes, I’d let their ass drown and watch my pet swim to safety.
Did I just hear my name taken in vain?
There are a few people whose heads I would like to hold under the water. You know who you are.
I love my cat dearly. But to sacrifice the life of a fellow human being (the “stranger” part has no relevance) for even the most precious pet—is unthinkable to me.
Of course, as I always add in my reply to these kind of disturbing and I think rather pointless hypotheticals, how can we really predict in a calm moment what we would do in such a critical one?
Honestly, Id be sure I could save myself in a perilous situation before I even thought about rescuing another. My pets would never be on a sinking ferry so I’ll replace the scenario with a flash flood or fire.
If there were a way for me to aid a stranger without creating a worse situation for professional rescuers, I would do it.
Also, in a water emergency, I think my Golden and Shepherd would rescue me and anyone else they could find.
My pets are valuable in my life but if they were in a panicked state, I’m not sure I could grab any of them. They’d be dashing about and wasting precious time.
Um hum, @glacial. I think there is a parable in this question somewhere.
At this time of life I would save my pet
There is no heroism in being a martyr…sink or swim. Now of course, my geese could swim just fine but my cats would need help. haha
At 25 I would have been all idealistic and sentimental and driven by neurotic guilt asnd a huge load of “shoulds” at 50 something…fuck it all…save yourself. lol
That’s right, @Coloma. Your’s is NOT a head I would hold under the water.
@bkcunningham LOL..Okay….I’d save YOU….I like you!
You can hold one of my cats, how ‘bout that? We can swim with our outside arms in sychronicity while holding the cats in the opposite arm. :-p
LOL I’m feeling silly. That works, @Coloma.
I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t at least try and save the stranger. As bad as it sounds and as much as I love animals, I can always get another pet. You can’t replace people.
@AshlynM But if you don’t know the person, does it really matter?
Damn….. I’m a bad, bad person.
Pets are just as unique as people, I can never find another Marwyn. Myles or Mia. lol
I’d <gurgle> like to comment <splutter splash> on @Coloma‘s <gurgblubfft> comment, but that <thrash gluggifg> damned @bkcunningham is <mugrrtglurbtfcackruh>...
I won’t ever go on a boat.
But I would save my dog first :/
Although, I’m not sure how much saving is going on after all the ferry IS sinking and if the stranger can’t swim and the dog was also drowning we might as well just dive right into the next available sharks mouth
Also, I’m allergic to pool noodles and I can’t swim.
Oh and I live in an area where minimal to no flooding occurs, I’ve never seen a flood.
The question seems to say: your stranger OR your pet, AND yourself?
I’d save the stranger and my pet, and kick the bucket myself.
erm Save me!??
I have barely escaped drowning several times. Save some one else pet or human would probably not be an option. Hopefully my cat can swim…
My cat for sure. I’m just kinda convinced if I tried to save him from a sinking ship that I’d bleed out before I hit the surface from all the claw wounds he’d inflict while freaking out.
I’d throw my pet on top of the stranger and use them as a raft to drag them both to safety.
Sorry. Total cheater answer. I just like the visual of a cat or dog using a human as a raft.
Yet another hypothetical question on here concerning some form of sacrifice, you peeps are so fucking withdrawn :D
How can you say you want to save a pet over a human being? What if it was your sister or your spouse and someone saved their pet instead of them?
The stranger, every time. I love my cats and all, but I couldn’t let a human being die in favor of rescuing the kitties.
@tups The question is your pet or a stranger, not a family member.
@tups Then that would be unfortunate – for you. It just has little to do with the question. When you’re in an emergency situation, you don’t normally think, “wow, this person is someone’s daughter.”
Luckily, most dogs can swim so, in theory, I could save both of them.
@livelaughlove21 “When you’re in an emergency situation, you don’t normally think, “wow, this person is someone’s daughter.””
Yes, actually – I think that is what most people do think. And despite all of the people who answered “my pet, duh” on this question, I am willing to bet that almost none of them would let any human drown just to save a pet.
And yes, I am an animal lover.
@glacial When you’re in an emergency situation, you act on pure instinct. You don’t think much of anything at all; there’s simply no time. If the person were a loved one, most people would choose the person over the dog. But the person being a stranger changes things.
If you see your dog or cat that you’ve had and loved for a few years and some random dude you’ve never seen before, you might just reach for that animal just based on your emotional connection to that animal. I’m sure you’d try to save them both, but saying that most people would save the person over the pet probably isn’t true.
@livelaughlove21 I understand that that’s what you’re saying. I just think you’re wrong. If people generally tend to let humans die to save their own pets, presumably there will be news stories from somewhere in the world describing this – at the very least in areas that have good samaritan laws. By all means, provide examples of people making that choice in a time of crisis.
@glacial I’d like to see an example of a person being in a situation where they had to make this choice at all.
@livelaughlove21 I’m going to guess it happens in situations where there are buildings on fire. The drowning scenario is indeed unlikely.
Easy answer. An animal, any animal, always.
I just can’t believe I’m really hearing this. That so many are answering that they would save their pet over a human life. Is it possible to be more selfish?
It is normal to save a family member over a stranger.
And no, the “argument” that an animal is less worth than a human is not acceptable, as it is pure, unadulterated racism.
I think they are just being deliberately obtuse, @tups.
@ragingloli Where do you draw the line then? Are spiders animals?
Do animals feel grief in the same way that human beings do?
I think some of you hold humans in much too high esteem. I also think it’s hypocrisy.
I’ve seen many of the users here who are claiming that those who don’t pick to save the human are horrible people talk about killing others, saying certain people don’t deserve equal rights, damning those who don’t share their beliefs, etc. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
@tinyfaery Really? Who are these “many” people? I see only a small handful of us sticking up for the humans on this question.
MIlo here:And I being one of them.
@tinyfaery I know humans are not perfect beings, but that is no reason for me to save an animal over a stranger.
Do what you will. Some of you need to know your logic is not cogent and the disconnect is hypocritical.
And evidently they know who they are. Whatever.
Before you think so greatly of yourself, it’s against fluther rules to call out Jellies in any confrontational way. Since you are so concerned, you must know who you are.
As one on this thread who said I would save the human without reservation, I would like to say that I would save any human regardless of their color, creed, sexual orientation, etc.
Sorry for the interruption, you may return to your regularly scheduled discussion.
Agreed ^^. Any human, over any pet.
I just want to say that
unfortunately, for myself I say I would save my dog for a couple of personal choices one is because I am a vegan. At this point it makes no sense to anyone but I have made it my life practice to save animals. So for myself I in my thinking choice right now, hypothetically, that is what I say, of course I’ve never had to face that hypothetical flood choice and one doesn’t really know what they would choose until they are put in that situation.
Sometimes things are split second and you are faced with choices that you only have a few options and you have to make choices that you may not ever make or want to make and that is logical, maybe the dog is not within reach, if we always had so much choice I’d still have my husband hooked to life support.
Sometimes you just have to make a split second decision and the only one who gets to live with that afterwards is the person who made the ultimate choice, so why reprimand anyone on the basis of a hypothetical question? I don’t get that. :/
What does being a vegan have to do with saving your dog over a human life?
@SuperMouse Of course. These factors are merely external things and not of any importance – what matters is humanity.
^^ That’s why I said “when I think about it”. This is a hypothetical question and not for real so I get that my “vegan” answer wouldn’t make sense. It’s not really the fact that I am a vegan but it is how I get to this hypothetical decision. I over think everything.
If I was really in this situation I may think about my own beliefs probably God more likely than vegan. Because I know when my husband was on life support I was not normally thinking and my beliefs about my faith were tested.
I’m very attached to my dogs, one would be the only connection (if one was in the boat or flood) I’ve got left to my husband. Hence my choice over the stranger. Of course this is all hypothetical.
Before I met my husband I didn’t even want dogs because I never wanted to have animals I feel like I’m trapping them in a zoo anyway I would rather love them from afar so after my husband died I had no choice but to take his dogs. I’m very faithful to them and I can see how people get attached so easy. I’ll never own another dog but I know more about the species now.
In case you are wondering I do have a daughter she is not my husbands, she is from a rape, so my faith in humanity and strangers is very small to begin with, if it was my daughter and my dog, I would reach for my daughter first.
So I’m just saying if I pile everything I know right now animals usually win, again this is a hypothetical question but one never knows what would happen when faced with such a real situation. I’m kicking myself in the ass everyday for pulling the plug on my husband after hearing all kinds of miracles that do occur, and he was human.
Anything’s bound to happen, I mean you saw Titanic right? :)
@nofurbelowsbatgirl You’ve said a lot here in a couple of posts, and I understand that your feelings are not sorted out about which you would choose, but I honestly don’t know how you get from
“If I was really in this situation I may think about my own beliefs probably God”
“if I pile everything I know right now animals usually win”.
Do you think God or Jesus would want you to choose the life of an animal, while allowing a human stranger to die?
@glacial because the question is hypothetical and I am answering it with a hypothetical answer. So I am sitting here mulling it over and besides it would never happen I don’t go on boats I’m deathly afraid of water I’ve almost drowned in a pool before.
“Do you think God or Jesus would want you to choose the life of an animal, while allowing a human stranger to die?”
If I could hear God’s voice and His thought’s on the situation, then it would probably be more like a test of faith. Just like God asked Abraham to sacrafice his only son instead of a lamb as a test of his faith, also God sacrificed his only son Jesus to prove to us His faith in the lord. Since animals are part of Gods creation, the question seems loaded to me.
“If I pile everything I know now animals usually win” that is I guess my vegan mantra speaking.
I’m saying that I am answering the question hypothetically and not completely truthfully since we don’t know what the actual outcome is and I can’t answer it truthfully because I’ve never been in the situation. I’m not going to answer “human” because that is what the masses want to hear, you don’t know what the answer is until it happens to you and right now my life is dedicated to saving animals so the most honest answer for me is to save the animal.
I get it. Probably almost no one like’s my answer but I am not guilty, I mean I haven’t even left for the beach, let alone get on the boat :/
@livelaughlove21 I’d like to see an example of a person being in a situation where they had to make this choice at all. What about those people trapped by Katrina, who were told, “Get in the basket and leave the pooch”? Because they got rescued and left Fido behind because there was no room for animals only humans does that make them scumbags, or the rescuers that would not allow them to bring their pets? Not quite the same, but it was either save themselves or maybe die with the pet
Sometimes things are split second and you are faced with choices that you only have a few options and you have to make choices that you may not ever make or want to make and that is logical, maybe the dog is not within reach, if we always had so much choice I’d still have my husband hooked to life support. If the paw was trapped, or some barrier in the way, or a leash caught and a person only had 30 sec to act and it would take 25 sec to free the animal whether it could swim or not, but it would only take 8 sec. and two strokes to reach the stranger would people actually look at the panicking stranger or ignore his/her cries to save the pet? What if the stranger was a panicked 5yr old, could anyone really say they would spend those precious seconds in sight if the toddler saving their pet then swimming for safety while the child foundered?
“I would hate to see it die in front of me.” But you’d be OK with seeing a human die in front of you? I can NOT believe some of these answers!
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