Social Question

tedibear's avatar

It's Independence Day in the U.S. From what would you like to be able to declare your independence?

Asked by tedibear (19424points) July 4th, 2013

An addiction? A bad relationship? Old memories? A physical illness? Something that weighs heavily on your mind?

If there is a story behind this that you want to tell – please do! And if you’re making a move towards independence from this issue, tell us so we can cheer you on!

Although it’s an American holiday, I like hearing from all jellies.

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9 Answers

jca's avatar

I would like to declare my independence from having to work full time. I would like to be independently wealthy enough that I don’t have to work and yet can still live the comfortable lifestyle I live now, with being able to travel, shop, have a decent car and decent home, and do what I want when I want without the burden of a 40 hour plus approximately 10 hour total commute per week.

janbb's avatar

Loneliness and anxiety

Pachy's avatar

I’d like to be completely free of anxiety about my future.

ucme's avatar


dabbler's avatar

Independence from godless, heartless corporations, and their jackass-with-a-spreadsheet / quarterly-report values.

mattbrowne's avatar


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