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zenvelo's avatar

It's Independence Day in the U.S. How are you pursuing Happiness?

Asked by zenvelo (39587points) July 4th, 2013

Today’s the date on the Declaration of Independence, which includes the following:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

How are you pursing happiness today? Me, I went on a five mile fun run (never run that far before) and tonight after a small barbecue it’s off to see fireworks. What are you up to?

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12 Answers

Pachy's avatar

I’m watching The Devil’s Disciple and getting ready to prepare a supper of knockwursts, sour sauerkraut and beans with rye bread (preceded by some Beano).

Aster's avatar

I wouldn’t term it pursuing happiness but just having a break. We went fishing on our lake lot that is half an hour away, passed up a neighborhood hotdog cookout , came home and cooked Fabulous hotdogs on our grill. omg they were sensational. I wanted two or three but ate one. Then I made iced tea from teabags
Tonight I will wait for the fireworks to stop. Then go to sleep.

marinelife's avatar

Took a circuitous route through town today to avoid the streets closed because of the local parade. It led past the creek (very cool and calming) and onto a couple of streets we had never been down.

Grilling out steaks tonight. Drinking ice tea right now.

It’s hot, but there is a breeze, and it’s less humid than it was earlier.

janbb's avatar

Hanging out with a dear friend. We went to one honky tonk local boardwalk today and ate fish and chips and saw a giant sandcastle (40 feet high!) Tonight we are walking to the beach to see fireworks. Still, I’m missing my kids and my Ex.

OneBadApple's avatar

Oh, shit. Is THAT how it works ?? No wonder I’m not gettin’ anywhere….

I always thought that happiness was supposed to pursue ME.

jaytkay's avatar

I am really happy the Thursday holiday creates a 4-day weekend.

Today, the 4th, I have no obligations. I’m reading and working on my bicycle.

Friday I’m riding to a friend’s beach house. There will be about 20 people, kids and adults. We’ll swim and laze and eat drink and have a fire on the beach.

Saturday more beach house.

Sunday no obligations. I do whatever I want.

RE: knockwursts, sour sauerkraut and beans with rye bread

Are you from Wisconsin?

Jeruba's avatar

My husband forwarded somebody’s compilation of tweets that all read about like this:

omfg i cant believe america turned 2013 years old today. this is just so cool :) happy birthday xoxo

They all expressed a belief that the year is the age of our nation. Please tell me—this was just a joke, right? Nobody actually thinks this? Ignorance is one thing, but this goes so far beyond commonplace ignorance that it makes me blush for shame.

OneBadApple's avatar

These are the same people who will insist that there are 52 states, and that you need a passport to enter New Mexico…

(And remember…..almost ALL of them get to VOTE…)

spykenij's avatar

Well, I spent the day cleaning the bejesus out of my apartment because I have a serious love interest coming to stay with me for the weekend. Persuing my big, gay happiness :)

josie's avatar

I am still pushing the liberty question. Without it, there is no pursuit of happiness.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I got some sun by the pool, visited with my mom for a bit, hit the gym, and now I’m attempting to fall asleep with the obnoxious sound of fireworks going off outside my window.

Yeah yeah, happy Fourth, but some of us have to work tomorrow.

ETpro's avatar

With life an liberty. That’s about all I’ve got left, and I haven’t checked the liberty account lately. Is there a website where you can check your balance online?

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