General Question

janbb's avatar

What is best for thickening a berry pie - tapioca or cornstarch?

Asked by janbb (63346points) July 5th, 2013

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9 Answers

Unbroken's avatar

Different starches affect the taste and end product. It is very common to use constarch. But I view tapoica and potato starch favorably in comparison.

The other day I made aberry tart and used xanthamen (sic) gum though guar gum was recommended it turned out to be lovely.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

How about Arrowroot? Less after taste and stands up while in contact with acid fruit. Tapioca is next choice.

bkcunningham's avatar

Here is an excellent article that will help you decide what to use. Mmmm it makes my mouth water just thinking about eating the pie.

Coloma's avatar

Oh my….well whatever you choose, make an apple/blackberry pie. My specialty! Deeeeee-licious!
I use tapioca personally.

Sunny2's avatar

I prefer cornstarch because of the smooth texture it produces

Pandora's avatar

Oh, I agree. Arrowroot. I made sweet and sour chicken one day and found I didn’t have any cornstarch, so I substituted it with arrowroot. Best sweet and sour chicken I ever made.

Unbroken's avatar

Wondering when Kardamom will pop her head in….

Linda_Owl's avatar

Personally, I go “old school” and I use flour to thicken the juice of the berries, peaches, apples, pears, etc.

janbb's avatar

Used a combo of flour and tapioca – pie is delicious!

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