General Question

Bill1939's avatar

Have you seen Disney's "The Lone Ranger"?

Asked by Bill1939 (10911points) July 6th, 2013

On July 4th I saw “The Lone Ranger.” The theater was not filled and most of those in attendance were close to my age. While quite different from the radio, TV and movie version we grew up with, they seemed to enjoy it. Though I thought that this movie was great, movie critics did not like it.

It seemed to me to contain messages atypical of Disney movies, which are usually politically to the right of centrist (imho). If you have seen it, I would love to hear your political take on the film.

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8 Answers

Linda_Owl's avatar

I have not seen it yet, but I am looking forward to seeing this movie. Johnny Depp is very well adapted to playing unusual parts & I am really looking forward to seeing him play Tonto!

El_Cadejo's avatar

I haven’t seen it yet myself but I do recall hearing something on NPR about how Tonto was pretty stereotypical and racist toward Native Americans. To which I kinda though wasn’t Tonto always horribly stereotypical? Then again does that make it ok?

Pachy's avatar

I don’t plan to see it. Jay Silverheels and Clayton Moore are the only Tonto and Lone Ranger for me, plus I haven’t read one decent review, including this from Huff Post:

We’re reminded of this grave deterioration of creativity by this week’s needless “Lone Ranger” release, with the movie’s hyper action and uninspiring script punctuating Depp’s downfall. Where’s Donnie Brasco? Ichabod Crane? J.M. Barrie? Gone, only to be replaced by Tonto, yet another cartoonish character of the same vein as Jack Sparrow and the Mad Hatter. Sure, Depp is fun to watch in these movies, but he’s not doing anything particularly interesting, aside from donning thick layers of makeup and flailing his hands about while coating his voice in over-the-top inflections. These seemingly otherworldly characters have lost all of the humanity that Depp was able to imbue in the movies he turned out when his choices felt less arbitrary and much less commercial.

rockfan's avatar

I don’t plan on seeing it, looks really dull.

mrentropy's avatar

I was thinking of seeing it but I’d definitely see it if Klinton Spilsbury made a cameo.

filmfann's avatar

I saw the movie yesterday. It sucks.
The bad guys are from the Railroad, and represent the corporations. Yes, that is a bit of a change for Disney, but not for The Lone Ranger.

Shinimegami's avatar

Not see it yet, not decide if want see it. Read several mixed reviews.

Bill1939's avatar

@filmfann, the bad guys include a collusion between the railroad, government and the military. In his farewell speech in 1961 President Dwight Eisenhower intended to warn the nation of a military–industrial–congressional complex, but was persuaded to remove ‘congressional’ from his televised address to the nation.

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