General Question

mgr1222's avatar

What is the penalty for perjury in a deposition taken by the S.E.C ?

Asked by mgr1222 (4points) July 6th, 2013

The discovery of the perjury was found after defendant settled case with the S.E.C.

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4 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

If found guilty of perjury in a Federal matter, it’s up to five years in prison and a fine. But the actual sentence is up to the judge.

A deposition carries a heavier weight than just being dishonest to a Federal inquiry. Remember that Martha Stewart was sentenced to five months in prison for lying to investigators. And President Clinton was not impeached for having sex but for lying to Federal investigators.

snowberry's avatar

@zenvelo Uh, President Clinton was never impeached. They thought about it, but they never did impeach him. Check your sources.

zenvelo's avatar

@snowberry Clinton was impeached. He was acquitted and wasn’t removed from office. Impeachment is the actual act of accusing someone via Articles of Impeachment passed by the House of Representatives. Andrew Johnson was also impeached.

bolwerk's avatar

Bill Clinton was impeached for being a Democrat, in a Republikan-owned country.

Re SEC, probably what @zenvelo said. The company is also likely to face penalties.

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