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Pandora's avatar

What is the funniest excuse you ever heard for being overweight?

Asked by Pandora (32641points) July 6th, 2013

I just read the funniest excuse for being fat. In response to an informercial, someone wrote the following.
“Do you think gravity plays any part in fat? I keep thinking the longer I live the more I stand perpendicular – so that’s my excuse, parts just move closer to the Earth.”

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16 Answers

Unbroken's avatar

I had a friend who insisted it was just baby fat nevermind we were in highschool… I saw her several years later and she was stick thin… said I told you it was just baby fat.

I started retaining water weight when my health abruptly spiraled downward in Janruary. Suddenly I went from slender to ballooning. As my body normalized I quickly dropped the weight. My coworkers many of whom are unaware of my condition wanted to know my trick. I said Oh it was just water weight. I took water pills. They thought this was the funniest thing they ever heard.

Coloma's avatar

I like my philosophy that if you deduct the weight of the average human head @ 13 lbs. you are actually 13 lbs. lighter because, technically, the head is not part of the body. Fat heads exempt. lol

zenvelo's avatar

“I’m big-boned”.

Pandora's avatar

@Michael_Huntington I didn’t mean fat jokes. I meant jokes about why people think they are overweight.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Coloma Woohoo! That means I’m 132lbs – lighter than my goal weight. Sweet!

I haven’t heard many excuses for being overweight, but I’ve heard a lot of excuses people have that they can’t lose weight. My favorite is, “this is the weight my body wants to be at, and that’s why I don’t lose no matter what I do.” Hm…doubt it. I think it has more to do with the half dozen donuts you just scarfed down when you thought no one was looking.

sparrowfeed's avatar

I want to actually try water pills. I think I retain a lot of water because I exercise a lot. That’s MY excuse! :)

Went from 135 to 150 :(

sparrowfeed's avatar

@Coloma Fat people have fat on their chins, part of the neck.

serenade's avatar

I like to tell my curvy lovers, “That’s not fat, baby. It’s flavor.”

Unbroken's avatar

@sparrowfeed Of you seriously think you are retaining water first try low sodium diet. Very low sodium. Also you can boost your albumin by eating eggs if you aren’t vegan or allergic.. Just make sure you get protein and omega rich foods.

I did all this too. Actually diuretics can be quite harmful to your body. Esp your kidney and only should be perscribed as a last result.

An indicator of fluid build up in would be swelling edema and it would shift with gravity.

Coloma's avatar

Well. coincidentallly I have lost 13 lbs. recently, but my head does remain fat.
BBW…big brained women. lol

Rarebear's avatar

Sorry, I actually find the question mildly offensive. Just saying.

ucme's avatar

“I’m an American, what can you do?”

sparrowfeed's avatar

@Unbroken Thanks for the tip. I eat relatively low sodium already. I’m just trying to wait out a couple of days to see what happens. I actually got food poisoning last night so I haven’t been eating since last night.

Unbroken's avatar

@sparrowfeed I hope you recover soon. Food poisoning is no fun.

Another tip about food poisoning: The hospitals and er room should you go would probably give you liquid charcoal. There are otc charcoal pills that will have the same effect. I wouldn’t endorse using this method but for extreme food reactions. As it can be just if not more damaging for anything more then necessity use. But anything that saves a trip to the er or first care is worth it in my book.

sparrowfeed's avatar

It was OK. It went away fairly quickly (totally gone within about 2 days and most of it was gone by the middle of the next day). I don’t think it was anything major. As a result, my stomach went through a ‘re-formatting’ and my appetite has somewhat decreased from what it was before. So I’m using that and just exercising and as a booster to lose weight. LOL. Ok, short and sweet: best thing that happened to me this summer!

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